Chapter 29 Mega Gengar Appears

"Ah, it feels good!"……

After a long rest, Xiaofeng led the elves to the video phone area while picking their teeth with toothpicks and dialed Professor Oak's number.

"Beep, beep, beep! Hello, who is this?"Soon after, Professor Oak answered the phone!

"Grandpa, it’s me, Xiaofeng!"

"Xiaofeng, it's you, brat. Where are you now?" Dr. Oak asked Xiaofeng on the other end of the phone!

"I'm at the Pokémon Center in Rainbow City now!"

"Oh, you've arrived in Rainbow City, great!"


After talking on the phone for a while, Xiao Feng asked Dr. Oak for help:"By the way, Grandpa, I need your help with something. It will cost you money!"

"You kid, do you need anything for me to help you?" Dr. Oak rolled his eyes and said unhappily

"Hey, just tell me whether you want it or not!" Xiao Feng smiled and handed the photo of the lightning bird to Da Mu!

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Dr. Oak put his face close to the phone and tilted his head and muttered,"What a familiar scene!"

"By the way, boy, are you so lucky? First it was Entei, then it was Zapdos! I am so impressed! But why is Zapdos in this photo covered with wounds?"

"Maybe, he fell down. Okay, don't dwell on it!" Xiao Feng explained with his eyes slanted.

"Well, forget it, tell me, what do you want me to do for you, and send me all the photos as soon as possible."Dr. Oak obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't ask further, so he looked at Xiaofeng and asked for help.

"Hey, come here, Haunter! Grandpa, this is the Haunter I captured, I want you to help me communicate it and evolve it into Gengar!" Xiao Feng called the Haunter next to him and explained to Professor Oak.

"Oh, Shining Elf, I have to say something to you, kid. I am now a little suspicious whether you are favored by the author! Okay, you send me Haunter and I will help you to communicate evolve. By the way, I will observe you for a day after the evolution. Do you have any objection? Looking at Haunter, Professor Oak sighed and then made another small request.

"Sure, Grandpa, I'll wait at the Pokémon Center for a day or two. Haunter, after you evolve, cooperate with Grandpa to observe, we'll meet again soon, I hope to see a brand new you!" Xiao Feng nodded to Professor Oak, and then told Haunter to cooperate with Professor Oak.

"Tongga! Tongga! (No problem, boss!)" Haunter gave Xiaofeng a thumbs up!

After Haunter understood, he put it into the Poké Ball and sent it to Professor Oak through the Pokémon Center's teleporter.


Xiao Feng, who had been waiting at the Pokémon Center for two days, finally heard the announcement from the Pokémon Center:"Mr. Xiao Feng from Pallet Town, there's a call for you!"

Upon hearing the announcement, Xiao Feng rushed to the video phone and yelled to Professor Oak:"Grandpa, Grandpa, is this ok?"

"Okay, okay, keep your voice down, that's enough, you take it, and next time you have something good, don't forget your grandpa, yours, understand, understand?" Dr. Oak looked at the excited Xiaofeng and said helplessly, then signaled Xiaofeng not to forget him when he had something good in the future.

"Got it! Got it! Got it! Well, let’s talk next time. Goodbye, Grandpa!" Xiao Feng nodded repeatedly, received the Poké Ball, and quickly hung up the phone.

"What an impatient brat!" Professor Oak on the other end of the phone looked at the black screen and was speechless.

After Xiaofeng received the Poké Ball, he brought the Pokémons to an empty field and threw the Poké Ball excitedly:

"Come out, Gengar!"

With a bang, the Poké Ball opened, white light shone, and a figure slowly emerged, with a round body, a pair of big red eyes, white teeth, a big grin, two pointy ears, and short legs and feet. In Xiaofeng's eyes, it looked very cute.

"Geng Ga! Geng Ga! (Boss, I missed you guys so much!)" As soon as Geng Gui came out, he floated in front of Xiao Feng, hugged Xiao Feng excitedly, and rubbed Xiao Feng's cheek

"Haha, welcome back, Gengar!" Xiaofeng smiled and touched Gengar's round head. Then he looked around, and after making sure there was no one around, he said to Gengar hopefully:"Come on, Gengar, show me your mega evolution!"

""Geng Ga! (Look at me, Boss!)" Geng Gui responded, and then his whole body was wrapped in colorful light. After a while, the light dissipated, and a white elf with both hands inserted into the ground and a golden eyeball like a copper coin appeared in front of Xiaofeng and his group.

"Cool, it's indeed Mega Gengar YYDs!"Xiao Feng looked at the super evolved Gengar with satisfaction.

【Name: Gengar lv38 (Flash)]

Number: 94

Attributes: Ghost, Poison

Speciality: Cursed Body (Stepping on Shadow)

Skills: Shadow Sneak, Dream Eater, Evil Wave, Song of the End, Misfortunes Never Come Alone, Shadow Fist, Shadow Ball, Shadow Claw, Rush, Night Shadow, Strange Light, Hypnotism, Licking (Paralyzes the Opponent), Black Eyes, Tooth for Tooth, Grudge

Race Value

HP: 60 (60)

Attack: 65 (65)

Defense: 60 (80)

Special Attack: 130 (170) +90

Special Defense: 75 (95)

Speed: 110 (130)

Total: 500 (600) +90

【ps: The race values in brackets are mega values. 】

The elves jumped up and congratulated Gengar.

"It's ok, change back, Gengar, everyone, let's go back to the Pokémon Center to celebrate, have a good meal, and then set off to challenge the Rainbow Gym Tournament."

"Gengga! Gengga! (Delicious! So good, I'm about to vomit from eating instant noodles over there every day, Boss!)" Gengar heard that he was going to eat something delicious and quickly transformed back, holding Xiaofeng and quickly floating towards the Pokémon Center with the Charizards.

"Uh, Grandpa, are you really not a noodle spirit?" Xiao Feng thought speechlessly when he came to the Pokémon Center and watched Gengar wolfing down his food.

After the Gengars had eaten and drunk their fill, Xiao Feng led them out of the Pokémon Center and headed towards the Rainbow Gym in Rainbow City.

……The evil ellipsis………

"We're here. This is the Rainbow Gym!" Looking at the unique architectural shape of the gym in front of him, the entire top of the building was designed to imitate the head of Skank. Xiao Feng exclaimed:"This is a very explosive design even in modern times!"

Walking into the gym, what caught his eye was the lush indoor ecological simulation environment. Xiao Feng looked around and said:"It's worthy of being a Grass-type Gym. It's very suitable for Grass-type Pokémon to live!"

"Hello, is anyone there? I'm here to participate in the gym challenge!"Xiao Feng saw that he had already entered the gym, but he didn't see anyone. Then he shouted loudly!

…………A crow flew over the little wind…………

Xiao Feng was stunned for a long time, and finally heard a group of noisy chattering from behind, and saw a group of girls crowded into the gym:

"Wow, today's perfume is particularly pleasant"

"Yeah yeah!"

"The perfumes designed by the owner are becoming more and more fascinating!"


"Hey, who are you? What are you doing in the gym?"At this time, a blue-haired girl who was leading the group found Xiaofeng standing in a daze in the gym and asked

"Uh, what else can I do in the gym? Of course I'm here to participate in the gym challenge!"Xiao Feng looked at the girls and said speechlessly

"Oh, sorry, there is a new perfume out today, everyone is rushing to order it. Please wait a moment, gym owner, he should be back soon." After the girl explained, she walked around Xiaofeng and walked into the gym, ignoring Xiaofeng.

The word"well" slowly appeared above Xiaofeng's head, and then he sighed helplessly:"Alas, nowadays gyms can't survive without doing some side business."

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