Chapter 30 Rainbow Gym Challenge (1)

He waited like this for a long, long time until the sky outside was gradually covered in golden yellow.

It seemed that the sun was about to set.

Xiao Feng, who was waiting alone, also had a cold expression on his face.

To be honest, when I watched the anime in my previous life, I didn’t have any feelings.

Just because he didn’t like perfume, he refused Xiaozhi’s gym challenge.

Xiaozhi had to change into a woman to get in.

After going through a lot of twists and turns, he was able to continue to challenge the gym.

But now, Xiao Feng just felt that the gym leader did not fulfill his duties. You have a side job, ok, no problem, but the main responsibility of the gym should be above all else. Otherwise, why do you become a gym leader? To let you have a side job?

Just after Xiao Feng waited for a long time, the gym leader Erica finally arrived.

"You want to challenge the gym, little brother? The new perfume on the market today delayed me a bit, so I came late, hehe."Ailijia explained to Xiaofeng with a smile.

"Ah, I want to challenge the gym. Can we start the competition now?"Xiaofeng looked at Erica calmly.

Seeing Xiaofeng's calm face, Erica put away her smile and felt that the atmosphere was a little depressing.

Her voice was trembling:"Yes, yes, follow me!" Then she took Xiaofeng to the special competition venue. At this time, the blue-haired girl who had entered the gym before was called by Erica to act as a referee.

"Now we are going to have the Rainbow City Gym Challenge, the game is in 3v3 mode, the game starts, please ask the gym leader to release the Pokémon first."

Erica threw a Poké Ball from her pocket:"Go! Kou Dai Hana!"

"Go ahead, Geng Gui!" Xiao Feng nodded to his own shadow.

"Geng Ga (Yes, Boss!)" Perhaps sensing Xiao Feng's bad mood, Geng Gui slowly emerged from the shadows, also without his usual laughter, floating silently in the battlefield in front of Xiao Feng.

"Koudai, use paralysis powder!"Ailijia gave the order first.

"Gengar, Shadow Ball."Facing the paralysis powder floating over, Xiao Feng spoke softly.

Hearing Xiao Feng's voice, Gengar quickly condensed a huge Shadow Ball in his hand and shot it towards Kou Dai Hua. In the blink of an eye, the Shadow Ball annihilated the paralysis powder and bombarded Kou Dai Hua's body, making a huge explosion. Kou Dai Hua fell straight to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

"Continue!"Looking at the stunner being killed instantly by Gengar, Xiao Feng looked at the gym owner, Erica, with a calm look, and said

"Come back, Koudai, go, Vine Monster."Looking at Xiaofeng's eyes, Erica felt the pressure rising suddenly, and then quickly threw another Poké Ball. Then a white light flashed, and a Pokémon covered with vine tentacles appeared on the scene.

"Gengar, Wave of Evil!"Just after the vine monster came out, Xiaofeng's voice reached Erica's ears, and then the vine monster, as soon as it came out, was attacked by Gengar's Wave of Evil skill. With a bang, it flew backwards and hit the outside of the field, losing its ability to fight.

""Keep going!" Seeing that the elf on the opposite side had lost its ability to fight again, Xiao Feng continued to speak calmly.


Come back, come back, vine monster!"Alijia looked at the vine monster that was killed again, and took the Poké Ball back with trembling hands.

"I, I give up!" Ai Lijia collapsed to the ground in fear.

Looking at Ai Lijia who collapsed to the ground, Xiaofeng took out the main competition badge and said calmly:"Since the preliminary round is over, I now request to proceed to the gym challenge main round. Can we start!"

Ai Lijia stared blankly at the main competition badge in Xiaofeng's hand, a little at a loss.

Just when Ai Lijia didn't know what to do, an old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face appeared at the door at some point, walked forward and said to Xiaofeng apologetically:"Little brother, please forgive others when you can. I don't know how Ai Lijia offended you. I apologize to you for Ai Lijia and hope you can forgive me!"

""Master!" Erica looked at the person who came and called out, lowering her head.

"Old man, you apologized to me without asking why. This is unreasonable. Besides, her problems should not be borne by others, right?"Xiao Feng looked at the old man and said calmly.

"Really? Then can I ask her if she has any questions? The old man met Xiaofeng's eyes.

"Old man, I just think that if you don’t have time to manage the gym, you shouldn’t take up a position, isn’t that right!"

""I see. I think I know. This is my mistake, but I still want to apologize to you. I didn't teach her what her responsibilities are, and I handed the position of the headmaster to her. I'm sorry, I will let her correct it in the future." The old man guessed the meaning of Xiaofeng's words at once. He still had some understanding of the new headmaster he had trained.

"Since you are here to challenge the gym competition, how about letting me compete with you next?"

""Okay! I just hope it won't be as boring as before." Xiao Feng looked at the old man.

"Of course, although I'm retired, my spirit is still very energetic. By the way, you can call me Uncle Ming. What's your name, little brother?"The old man stroked his gray hair and said confidently.

"Hello, Uncle Ming, my name is Xiaofeng."Looking at the old man's confident look, Xiaofeng nodded slightly.

"Well, okay, brother Xiaofeng, now the gym competition is officially under my control. We will use the same 3v3 format as the preliminary round, and the battle will continue until one side's Pokémon loses its ability to fight. Go, Beautiful Flower!" Mingbo walked to the other side of the battle field and explained the rules, then released his first Pokémon.

【Name: Beautiful Flower lv47]

Number: 182

Attribute: Grass

Features: Chlorophyll (faster on sunny days)

Skills: Flower Dance, Toxic, Sunny Day, Magic Leaf, Paralysis Powder, Photosynthesis

Race Value

HP: 75

Physical Attack: 80

Physical Defense: 95

Special Attack: 90

Special Defense: 100

Speed: 50

Total: 490

"I leave it to you, Geng Gui. You probably didn't have enough fun just now!" Xiao Feng still sent Geng Gui

"Geng Ga! Geng Ga! (Don't worry, leave it to me, Boss)" Geng Gui patted his chest and floated to the center of the field.

"Beautiful Flower, use Sunny Day!"Ming Bo took the lead in issuing the order to change the weather.

"Oh, you want to control the situation, Gengar, use Shadow Ball!"Seeing that the opponent was planning to create a favorable environment, Xiao Feng would not just sit there and watch, and directly ordered Gengar to launch an attack damage skill.

"Genga! (Sister, come on!)" Geng Gui gathered a shadow ball in his hand and threw it out quickly with a shout.

"With a"bang", Beautiful Flower, who was casting Sunny Day, was hit and hurt, and flew backwards, but the Sunny Day skill had already been cast by Beautiful Flower.

""Meilihua, stabilize your body and use photosynthesis!

Then use Flower Dance!

" Seeing this, Ming Bo quickly let Meilihua use photosynthesis to recover her strength.

Hearing Ming Bo's command, Meilihua spun gracefully and stabilized her body.

Due to the effect of the sunny day, Meilihua's skill recovery speed was greatly increased.

Soon, her injuries were well recovered.

Then many pink petals floated all over her body.

The petals were shining and extremely sharp.

The petals spun towards Gengar.

"Ah, a bit annoying, is the endurance full? Gengar uses Flash, then Hypnosis."Xiao Feng looked at the sharp petals flying towards him and directed Gengar

"Gengga (I dodge!)" Geng Gui received the order, dodged the petal dance with a flash, came in front of the beautiful flower, and then looked at it, his eyes emitting strange ripples, spreading outward in circles.

"Meilihua, close your eyes quickly!"Mingbo originally wanted Meilihua to close her eyes to avoid hypnosis, but Gengar appeared too fast. Meilihua only heard the voice and had no time to react before she looked at Gengar. Her eyes were blurred and she fell down.

"Gengar, use Dream Eater, then use Evil Wave to end it."Seeing that the other party had been hypnotized by Gengar, Xiaofeng quickly gave the next step.

""Gengga! (Enjoy your time!)" After receiving the order, Gengar came to the front of the beautiful flower, opened his mouth wide and bit into the body of the beautiful flower, and penetrated through the body of the beautiful flower. The beautiful flower closed her eyes and showed a painful expression. After the dream-eating of Gengar, he licked his lips, then showed a regretful look on his face, gathered the evil wave in his hand, and fired it at the beautiful flower on the ground.

"With a"bang", Beautiful Flower, lying on the ground, was attacked by the wave of evil and sank deeper into the ground, splashing smoke all over the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, Beautiful Flower's eyes were circled, and she had already lost her ability to fight.

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