Chapter 32 Rainbow Arcade vs Team Rocket (1)

Xiao Feng returned to the Pokémon Center and lay on the bed. Then the system voice sounded in his mind:

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, and obtaining 40 racial points and a chance to draw a skill! Would the host like to draw a skill?"

"Oh, mission accomplished, Tongzi, let’s draw the lottery!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: Forced Turn (forces the opponent to turn his back to himself)."

Looking at the newly acquired skill, Xiao Feng's mouth slightly raised:"Oh, this skill is interesting! Hehe"

"Tongzi, add 40 racial points to Gengar's special attack."

"Ding, the addition was successful, please check"

【Name: Gengar lv39]

Special Attack: 130 (170) + 130

Total: 500 (600) + 130]

After drawing the prize, Xiaofeng closed his eyes with satisfaction and went to catch butterflies with Zhou Gong.

The next morning, Xiaofeng got up early and planned to go to the famous game hall in Rainbow City to play.

After washing up with the elves, he put on his backpack and headed towards the game hall.

Not long after, Xiaofeng and his party arrived in Rainbow City.���Theater, looking at the huge building in front of him, he exclaimed:"Wow, it is worthy of being the famous game hall in Rainbow City. It's a bit big. I think it's more appropriate to call it Game City."

"In the pocket game of my previous life, it seemed like there was a base of Team Rocket inside, but I don’t know if it’s true!"Xiao Feng looked at the game room, his eyes rolling, and then he walked in quickly.

"Hello, welcome, guest, what can I do for you?"As soon as I entered, an employee came to greet me.

"How do you calculate the exchange rate here?" Xiao Feng looked at the employee in front of him and asked

""Guest, we exchange 10 Elf Coins for 1 Game Coin." The employee explained to Xiaofeng

"Well, give me a hundred game coins, thank you!"Xiao Feng took out 1,000 Elf Coins from his backpack and handed them to the employee.

"OK, please wait!...Here are your game coins. Have fun." The employee took Xiaofeng's elf coins and came to the front desk to help Xiaofeng exchange them for game coins. Soon, they were neatly packed in an exquisite box and sent to Xiaofeng.

After taking the game coins, Xiaofeng came to the prize exchange area and looked at the prizes on the display cabinet.

1. 3D Dragon 6500

2. Mini Dragon 4600

3. Dajia 2500

4. Pipi 750

5. Casey 120

6. Special stones produced in Dasha Valley 200/piece

After seeing the prize exchange price, Xiaofeng went to the slot machine game area and planned to try his luck. It turned out that Xiaofeng was a game black hole. In the blink of an eye, only ten of the hundred game coins were left.

"I...DNMA, what the hell!" Xiaofeng looked at the slot machine in front of him and scratched his hair. Then he looked around:"Brother Tongzi, help me!"

"Host, cheating is wrong!" The system voice came in my mind.

"elder brother!"

"Cheating is against the will of nature!"

"elder brother!"

"Oh, no problem, brother! Look at me!" After calling him brother twice in a row, the system stopped educating him.

"Host, put your hands on the machine!"

""Oh, OK." Xiao Feng followed the system's instructions and placed his hand on the slot machine's handle.

"Host, I have good news for you. You are not a game black hole. This slot machine has been tampered with. There is a program inside that will reduce the probability of winning. Only a few have not been modified. It all depends on luck to encounter that small probability."Then the system voice sounded in Xiaofeng's mind again.

"Hiss, is it so dark?"Xiao Feng looked at the slot machine in front of him in confusion.

"Okay, I won't say any more. I have hacked into the arcade's system, and there is an interesting thing. The program in each game console has a big R logo. It should be the logo of the Rocket Team you mentioned!"Before Xiaofeng could react, the system said another discovery of its own.

"Oh, is that so? Hehe, since this is really the base of Team Rocket, I won’t be polite! Brother Tongzi, I want to get rich!"Xiao Feng smiled and said to the system in his mind

"Ouke, host, pull the handle."After receiving Xiaofeng's request, the system responded.

With a click, Xiaofeng pulled the handle of the slot machine, and saw continuous movement on the screen, and then stopped on three leopards. Only to hear the sound of"clattering" continuously, and the game coins fell out as if they were free. Xiaofeng collected the fallen game coins with his backpack and followed the same method to pull the handles of other slot machines, obtaining a huge amount of game coins. Then he brought the game coins to the prize redemption area of the game hall.

"Hello, I want to redeem my prize!"Xiao Feng came to the prize redemption staff and said

"OK, what do you want to exchange, sir?

"Did you guys pick the special stones for Dashagu yourself, or were they randomly chosen?"Xiaofeng asked, looking at the stones in the prize area.

"Sir, you can choose these by yourself."

Xiaofeng confirmed it and asked the system to scan it. Then, according to the system's instructions, he basically selected the stones that had goods, a total of 10 pieces. After handing over the game coins to the staff, he put the stones into his backpack and poured out all the game coins inside. Then he said to the staff:"By the way, I also want to exchange for Dratini and 3D Dragon."

A cold light flashed in the staff's eyes, and then he smiled and congratulated Xiaofeng, and handed the Dratini and 3D Dragon's Poké Balls to Xiaofeng:"Ah, sir, you are so lucky. It seems that you have won a lot. Here is your prize, please keep it!"

"Hehe, I only won a few hundred million. By the way, the remaining game coins will be regarded as a tip for you."Xiaofeng scratched his head and grinned ignorantly.

After exchanging the selected prizes, Xiaofeng said goodbye to the staff and walked slowly out of the game hall.

After Xiaofeng left the exchange area, the staff came to an empty wall next to it, knocked twice and said:"Keep an eye on the kid who just left the exchange area. He took the Mini Dragon and the 3D Dragon away. Wait for him to go to a place with fewer people and bring back all the prizes!"

"OK." A reply came from the other end.

"Oh, they are following me. As expected, none of those lucky people who came to the game hall before can safely take away the prizes!"Xiao Feng felt the movement behind him.

Then he led the people following him to a corner and used the air travel to escape into the void. In the void, he saw two men in baseball caps following him quickly:

"How could someone disappear? How could this happen? Let's go back to the base and report to the boss!"

When the two of them turned the corner, they found that Xiao Feng had disappeared. They hurriedly ran back. Xiao Feng and his gang followed them in the void and followed them back to a red hut next to the game hall.

The two of them pulled up the floor of the hut's living room and found a staircase going down.

"Wow, a tunnel. This is the first time I’ve seen one. The electric shock monster knocked them out!"Xiao Feng looked at the stairs that appeared with a curious look. Then a group of people appeared from the void. The electric shock monster came behind the two of them."Bang Bang" two punches knocked the two out and they collapsed to the ground.

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