The moment the Crossbat appeared on the field, Lance issued an attack order:

"Crossbat, use Lightning Flash, then Cross Poison Blade skill!"After receiving the order, the Crossbat's body flashed with white light, and it quickly approached the electric shock monster. Then, its four wings emitted a purple cold light and slashed at the electric shock monster's head.

""Electric shock monster, flash and attack with lightning fist!" Looking at the attacking X-bat, Xiaofeng's command was quickly transmitted to the ears of the electric shock monster.

Then the electric shock monster roared and instantly activated the flash skill, came behind the X-bat, and rolled the thunder in his hand, hammering towards the X-bat, and was about to hit the opponent. At this time, Lance's voice came:

""Forked Bat, hold on!" Then a flash of lightning pulled the distance away, and then the air blade attacked!"

Then a yellow energy shield appeared in front of the forked bat, blocking the lightning fist of the electric shock monster, and a flash of white light behind it pulled the distance between them.

Then the four wings flashed white light, and dozens of air blades quickly cut towards the electric shock monster.

"The electric shock monster used the replacement skill at the right time to let it taste the dullness of its blade."Looking at the air blade used by the cross bat, Xiao Feng shouted at the electric shock monster.

""Ah (Hehe!)" The electric monster grinned, and when the air blade was about to get close, it quickly used the replacement skill. There were several sounds of"puff, puff, puff" of swords entering the body. The air blade chopped the back of the replaced cross-bat, splashing blood! The cross-bat wailed, staggering in the air and almost falling from the air.

""Crossbat, hold on! Use ultrasound!"

Lance looked at the crossbat that was about to fall and shouted loudly!

Perhaps influenced by Lance's emotions, the crossbat flapped its four wings vigorously, gradually stabilizing its body, then turned around, and invisible waves were emitted from the crossbat's mouth.

""Gaga, ga!" As if a crow flew by, the field fell into silence. The electric shock monster stood there and scratched its head, looking at the cross-bat with its mouth open.

"How is it possible? Physical strength is fine, but even ultrasound has no effect!"Lance's brows were furrowed into a"川" shape, and he shouted gloomily.

"In that case, Crossbat, use Swallow Return and then attack its eyes with Poison Fang!"

Lance gave a vicious command to the Crossbat.

The Crossbat fell, flew at high speed close to the ground, and then slowly rose up, biting the electric beast in the face.

"You are so brave, how dare you get so close to me! The electric shock monster uses forced turn, and then uses the tile splitting skill with maximum strength!" Xiao Feng looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his face, and said loudly to the electric shock monster

""Aoao! (Brother, turn around and meet love!)" The electric shock monster received Xiaofeng's command, laughed strangely, and used the forced turn skill. Then the cross-shaped bat that was biting towards the electric shock monster's face turned its back to the electric shock monster instantly.

The electric shock monster took the responsibility and the white energy in his hand flashed, and chopped down on the cross-shaped bat's head.

"With a"bang", the bat's head was hit, veins in its eyes bulged, and then it was smashed to the ground by the electric shock monster's arm, and it sank into the ground with another loud"bang".

The ground was centered on the bat, and cracks spread out in all directions for about ten meters.

The electric shock monster retracted its arm, and the bat under its arm seemed to be unconscious and had lost its ability to fight.

"Damn it!" Lance roared

"Don't be so mean, man, you've been arrested and got a pair of silver bracelets. Miss Junsha, catch him and don't let him run away!"Xiaofeng looked at Lance and gestured to Miss Junsha.

""Okay, Mr. Xiaofeng!" Junsha nodded seriously to Xiaofeng. He took Lance to the ground and handcuffed him.

"Little devil, don't be complacent, our boss won't let you go!" Lance looked at Xiao Feng viciously.

"Oh, really? It's a pity that you can't see it, tut tut tut!" Xiao Feng didn't care about Lance's words.

"You..." Lance was about to say something, but Miss Junsha next to him spoke first:

"Take him away and keep him under guard. You dared to threaten Mr. Xiaofeng in front of the police, which is aggravated!"

In the end, Lance was pushed into the police car by the police and detained. The other members of Team Rocket saw that their boss had been caught, and they all lost their will to fight. They resisted less and less and were constantly arrested by the police! When the dust settled, Miss Junsha saluted Xiaofeng solemnly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Xiaofeng, and your help!"

"You're welcome. It's my duty. Miss Junsha, I'll leave the rest to you. Goodbye. I'm going to get ready to continue my journey." Xiaofeng shook his head, turned around and waved goodbye.

"Okay, we will take care of the follow-up matters, don't worry, goodbye!" Miss Junsha also waved goodbye to Xiaofeng, and then led the police officers to deal with the aftermath.

After Xiaofeng left, he went back to the Pokémon Center. He had to deal with the prizes he won in the game hall, especially the two Pokémons.

Xiaofeng planned to give the 3D Dragon to Professor Oak, who would probably like it. As for the Mini Dragon, Xiaofeng hoped that he could subdue it. Xiaofeng still liked it very much. After all, it would eventually evolve into a Fat Dragon... No, it was a Dragonite, which was still very good. It was cute and a little domineering, but Xiaofeng still needed to ask for its willingness. If the Mini Dragon was unwilling, Xiaofeng would not force it.

In front of an open space in the Pokémon Center, Xiaofeng threw a Poké Ball:

"Come out, Dragonite!"

A flash of white light passed by, and Dragonite appeared in the open space.

Dragonite looked at Xiaofeng warily, his body trembling a little.

"Hello, Mini Dragon, my name is Xiao Feng, don't be afraid, I'm not a bad guy! The bad guys who arrested you have been taken away by the police, you are safe now."Xiao Feng looked at the trembling Mini Dragon, squatted down, looked into Mini Dragon's eyes, and explained gently

""Ni! (Really?)" Mini Dragon cautiously asked

"Really!" Xiao Feng responded with a smile

""Ni! Ni! (You can understand what I'm saying!)" When Mini Dragon saw Xiao Feng answering his question, he called out curiously.

"Yes, I can understand it!"Xiao Feng nodded and replied

"��, Ni, Ni! (It seems that you are a good person. My mother once told me that people who can understand what we say are not bad people, but I will never see my mother again.)"Dratini is a little less alert now, and looks a little sad.

"……"Seeing the sad look on Mini Dragon's face, Xiao Feng didn't know what to say for a moment, but he could probably guess something. Taking a deep breath, Xiao Feng smiled and explained to Mini Dragon what was going to happen next:

"So, Mini Dragon, you are safe now. I can send you to a very safe place where there are many elves to play with you. There are no worries about food and clothing. It is a very good place. Or you can consider joining my team, becoming my elf, traveling with me, and seeing the outside world together. It's up to you to choose!"

Mini Dragon pondered for a long time, looked at the smiling Xiaofeng in front of him, and made his choice:

"Ni, Ni! (I want to go out into the world with you!)"

"Really? Haha, welcome to join us, Mini Dragon. Please give me more advice in the future!" Seeing Mini Dragon's choice, Xiao Feng happily stretched out his right hand and placed it in front of it.

"Ni, Ni! (Please give me more advice, Xiaofeng!)" The mini dragon stretched out its tail and put it in Xiaofeng’s hand.


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