Chapter 4 I captured a Pokémon (2)

""Beep, beep, beep," the electric monster replied

"Ding, the electric monster said yes, tell me what you want to hear."The system translated

"Can you consider taking in the Arbok and the others to live with you, and then help them turn over the soil in the damaged territory and replant trees to restore the vitality of the territory. Once their territory is restored, you can have a larger area to live in, and everyone can help each other. Isn't that better?" Xiaofeng said his suggestion.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep," the electric monster nodded.

"Ding, host, it said it can accept it, but will Arbok and his gang agree?"System translation.

Xiaofeng said to the Electric Monster,"Well, wait until Arbok wakes up and ask it what it thinks. Electric Monster, do you have orange fruits? Feed some to Arbok, let it wake up, and see what it thinks." The

Electric Monster nodded and asked the elf to bring a few orange fruits over and handed them to Rattata, who fed them to Arbok. After a while, Arbok woke up and looked at Xiaofeng and the others vigilantly.

Seeing this, Rattata hurried over to explain to Arbok. When Arbok heard that the Electric Monsters could accept them, the expression on his face eased, and then he thought about it, looked at his brothers, looked at their expectant expressions, and nodded.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!" Arbok stood up and turned to hiss at Xiaofeng and the others.

"Ding, it said it agreed, and said sorry to the electric monsters. Thank them for their acceptance. I was reckless before."

"Haha, that's right, please forgive it, Electric Monster." Xiao Feng said happily after hearing this.

"Beep beep." The electric monster nodded.

"Okay, Arbok, the misunderstanding has been resolved. Let's go to your territory together." Xiaofeng said to Arbok.

After that, Xiaofeng and his party, led by Arbok, came to their territory. Looking at the dark land, Xiaofeng and others were silent, and then they began to repair it slowly with the elves. The ground Pokémon turned the soil, Xiaofeng and others dug holes, and the electric monster asked his companions to bring various tree fruit seeds from the territory and planted them in the dug holes. Although it was very tiring, everyone was still enthusiastic about repairing the land.

In the evening, everyone rested together in pairs, and the elves had smiles on their faces. Charmander leaned on Xiaofeng, and the two looked at the sky.

"Charmander, thank you for your hard work," Xiao Feng said softly, stroking Charmander's head.

"Lilili!" The little fire dragon responded

"It’s so fun to be with you. We will fight more elves in the future, explore more unknown areas, and become stronger. Countless challenges are waiting for us. Come on!"Xiao Feng

""Ding, there's me too"

"Haha, yes, and you, Tongzi, everyone take a rest, we will continue our new challenge tomorrow." Xiaofeng said with a smile.

The next morning, Xiaofeng and others woke up, and the elves were ready to continue planting fruit trees. At this time, Xiaofeng looked at the awakened electric monster

""Electric Monster, we are going to continue our journey.

I like you very much.

Do you want to travel with me?""Electric Monster is Xiaofeng's favorite Pokémon.

The appearance of the final evolution of Electric Monster is in line with Xiaofeng's aesthetic taste.

Because there is not much emotional cultivation and communication with Electric Monster, the hope of conquering it is not great.

However, Xiaofeng, who is ready to travel, still invites Electric Monster to travel together.

What if the other party agrees?

""Beep, beep, beep," the electric monster replied with some yearning and hesitation.

"Ding, host, it said that although it also wants to travel and see a wider world, if it travels with you, it is a little worried about its friends."

"Is that so? If it bothers you, then I respect your choice." Xiao Feng, who did not get a definite answer, said with some disappointment, and was ready to leave with Charmander.

But at this moment, the elves of the nearby Electric Monster surrounded it and kept saying something to it. The expression of the Electric Monster was also changing, and Arbok also approached the Electric Monster and hissed a few times.

"Ding, host, it seems there is a reversal.

They said that the electric monsters actually wanted to see the outside world and travel a long time ago, but in order to protect them, they have never been able to leave.

They don't want to be a burden to the electric monsters.

They can actually be independent.

They also think that there is such a good opportunity.

And you are not bad as a human.

You are a good person.

I hope the electric monsters can consider going with the host to see the outside world.

Traveling is also a good choice.

Arbok also told the electric monsters that it can also take care of them if necessary.


"Am I being given a nice guy card? But this feeling is not bad!"After listening to the system's explanation, Xiaofeng touched his nose.

Not long after, the electric monster's expression calmed down, and it seemed to have made up its mind. It looked at Xiaofeng with its eyes and made a"beep beep" sound.

"Host, the electric monster said it accepted your invitation, but it must be defeated"

"Really? Haha, then come and fight, Electric Monster. If I win, you can travel with me."Get on Charmander" Xiaofeng happily issued a formal invitation to the battle.

""Beep!" The electric monster responded loudly, and the surrounding elves also made way for them to fight.

【Name: Electric Monster lv18]

Number: 239

Attribute: Electricity

Features: Static Electricity (will cause the Pokémon that touches it to enter a paralyzed state)

Skills: Flash, Electric Shock, Charge, Tire Break (Inherited)

Race Value

HP: 45

Attack: 63

Defense: 37

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 55

Speed: 95

Total: 360

Introduction: This Pokémon inherited the excellent genes of its parents, and inherited skills that should not appear at this level��Needs to be cultivated!

"Charmander, use smokescreen first, then use shout in the smokescreen."Xiaofeng considered that he had no speed advantage in the battle against the electric monster, so he had to use smokescreen first to reduce the opponent's field of view and gain field of view.

""Beep, beep." Without Charmander's presence, the electric monster fell into a panic, and Charmander's cry also lowered its defense. It had no choice but to randomly cast electric shock skills in the direction of the smoke, but unfortunately it did not hit Charmander. After all, Charmander was a fire elf and had a certain resistance to smoke, so it could sense the general direction of the electric monster.

"Charmander, use sparks in the smoke, and then use sparks in different positions. Don't let the electric monster determine your position."Xiao Feng commanded while looking at the situation on the field. Charmander received the order and accurately executed the command of firing one shot and changing one position.

Several sparks hit the electric monster, causing its health to drop rapidly and it began to breathe heavily. It was not until the smoke dissipated that the electric monster could see the figure of Charmander clearly.

The electric monster thought to himself : :"I'm crying, is this a dirty tactic? Are you from the earth?"

In his mind, the moment he saw Charmander appear, the electric monster hurriedly used Lightning Flash, wanting to fight Charmander in close combat, and smashed the tiles with one blow.

"Charmander, the opponent's health is low. Since it wants to fight, help it and rush up to use the grab skill."Because of the ability of super-speed regeneration, Charmander is already invincible. After ensuring victory, Xiaofeng gave the electric monster the most decent way to defeat it.

When the electric monster flashed in front of Charmander, it attacked Charmander with a tile-splitting attack. Charmander also raised the grab skill with a white light to chop at the electric monster.

The skills of both sides hit each other. In the end, the electric monster, which was still attacking, fell in front of Charmander. Circles appeared in his eyes and he lost his ability to fight!

Charmander wins!

"Go, Poké Ball!"Seeing that the electric monster had lost its ability to fight, Xiao Feng took out a blank Poké Ball and threw it at the electric monster. As the Poké Ball continued to shake, Xiao Feng's heart was also uneasy, but fortunately, with a"ding" sound, the Poké Ball stopped shaking.

"I have captured a Pokémon!" The excited Xiao Feng quickly picked up the electric monster's Poké Ball and raised it above his head with one hand and shouted loudly!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and gaining 10 points of racial value."

Charmander also jumped up and down to celebrate with Xiaofeng.

"Charmander, thank you for your hard work. You are really great." Xiaofeng picked up Charmander and praised him continuously. Charmander also responded with a smile. Xiaofeng, who had recovered, threw the Poké Ball high into the air.

"Come out, electric monster. From now on, we are partners. Xiao Feng stretched out his right hand to the released electric monster.

""Beep, beep." The electric monster also put his right hand on Xiaofeng's hand and responded.

"Haha, let’s continue our journey. Goodbye everyone!" Xiaofeng waved goodbye to Charmander, Electric Monster and the elves, and then embarked on a new journey.

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