Chapter 5: The Light of Evolution

Walking on the forest path with Charmander and Electric Monster, Xiao Feng added the newly acquired 10 racial points to Charmander's speed, making its speed value exceed 100. He also added the Super Speed Regeneration skill to the newly added Electric Monster and explained the effect of the skill to the Electric Monster.

【Name: Charmander lv15, speed racial value 65+40, total 309+40】

【Name: Electric Monster lv18, added skill: Super Speed Regeneration]

The electric monster looked at Xiaofeng with a strange look in his eyes. It turned out that he was not only shady and treacherous in the fight with me, but also had a trick up his sleeve. You idiot.

However, the electric monster, who experienced the new ability, became much more reckless.

The electric monster's idea is that melee is the romance of male elves.

The mage should restart it.

Every elf I saw on the road wanted to be beaten with a flash of lightning and a tile-splitting.

I rushed up and did it.

I didn't care whether I could beat it or not.

Once I almost rushed up to fight a level 42 Scyther.

Fortunately, Xiaofeng pulled me back in time.

After all, you can't fight a level 20 monster with your head.

Even if you have super speed regeneration, it's just looking for abuse.

What's the point? Finally, Xiaofeng instilled in it that you should rush with a purpose and be sure.

You can choose between rushing up and being abused by others or rushing up and abusing others.

In the end, the electric monster brainstormed and gave in, and chose the latter.

After Xiao Feng prepared the electric monster mentally, suddenly, a faint light appeared on the body of the little dragon, and the voice of the system sounded in time:"Ding, friendly reminder, host, your little dragon has reached the level of evolution.

It is recommended that the host temporarily suppress the evolution of the little dragon and find a place with rich fire elements to evolve.

In this way, more benefits can be obtained and the understanding of the little dragon can be improved.

There is a great possibility that the jet flame that can only be understood at level 24 will be realized in advance, and there is a high probability that other fire skills will be realized in advance in the future.


"Charmander, are you going to evolve? Can you control yourself from evolving for the time being?" Xiao Feng then told Charmander the system's suggestion.

"Lili." Charmander nodded, and suppressed the light of evolution.

"I said, Tongzi, where can I find a place with a strong fire element? I can't find a place like a volcano on the map in the atlas."Xiao Feng said to the system

"Ding, host, have you read too many novels? A strong fire element doesn't necessarily mean it's a volcano. You can look for areas where fire elves live, generally the fire element is relatively strong."Tongzi rolled his eyes and said

"It seems that I have fallen into a misunderstanding. Electric Monster, you have been living in this area. Do you know where there are more fire elves?" Xiao Feng thought for a while and asked the electric monster

"Beep, beep, beep"

"Ding, the electric monster said it knew, it had a fire friend it knew before who took it to its living area to play, follow it."

Soon, the electric monster brought Xiaofeng and Charmander to a hidden cave entrance that was only one person high. The electric monster gestured to Xiaofeng towards the depths of the cave.

"In there? Uh, how can a fire elf live in a cave? Isn't that the area where ground elves should be active?" Xiao Feng asked in confusion.

"Lilili, lili." At this time, the little fire dragon next to him pulled Xiaofeng's trouser leg and called out

"Ding, Charmander said that he could feel a comfortable breath coming from inside, which must be the breath of fire element."

""Okay, let's go in and take a look." Xiaofeng said as he led Charmander and the Electric Monster into the cave entrance and looked into the depths.

Once they entered the cave entrance, they saw a relatively long rock passage with a little light in front.

Xiaofeng and his group walked towards the light.

Soon, Xiaofeng and his group's vision became wider and the fiery red color came into view.

The fire element was so rich that it was almost visible to the naked eye.

There was a different world in the cave.

There were many fiery red fluorescent lights on the surrounding rock walls.

Looking closely, they were all rare fire stones of different sizes.

The deeper they went, the higher the temperature became.

From time to time, there were fire elves passing by quickly.

When they saw Xiaofeng and his group, they turned around and ran away.

"But I have no culture, so I just say"Fuck" to everyone. Are there so many Fire Stones?"Xiao Feng sighed

"Host, keep going deeper. The deeper you go, the greater the benefit to Charmander's evolution!" The system prompted.

""Well, Charmander, Electrify, let's go!

" Leading Charmander and Electrify, they kept going inside.

Thanks to the super-speed regeneration, the trio's skin kept turning red and recovering as they went deeper and deeper, looking like cooked shrimp shells.

Finally, they didn't know how long they had walked before they saw a huge empty stone chamber.

There were many basketball-sized fire stones interspersed on the walls of the stone chamber.

In the middle of the stone chamber was a semicircular stone platform, on which were placed six round glass beads, two by two.

""Fuck, these are Mega Evolution Stones and Key Stones!" Xiao Feng quickly stepped forward and looked at the three Evolution Stones. He said excitedly

"Tongzi, is there a way to identify which Pokémon's Mega Evolution Stone it is?"

"Ding, the host is very lucky. One of the pairs is Charizard's X-form Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone, which are the two on the lower left. The top one is the Blaziken Mega Evolution Stone, and the bottom right one is the Houndoom's Evolution Stone."

"Host, hurry up and let Charmander take Charizard's Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone to evolve! As long as you evolve with the Evolution Stone and Key Stone, after Charmander evolves into Charizard in the future, it can freely evolve into the mega form without restrictions, and the Mega Stone and Key Stone can be freely stored in the body." The system reminded Xiao Feng. [The author's own setting!]

Hearing that he could freely evolve into Mega Charizard, Xiao Feng's eyes gradually lit up. Then he picked up the two Evolution Stones belonging to Charmander, quickly put them in Charmander's arms and said,"Charmander, evolve, no need to suppress it, take these two things, these two items will be of great benefit to your evolution!"

""Li li!" Out of trust in Xiaofeng, Charmander took two evolution stones and began to evolve. A white light lit up on Charmander, and Charmander's body slowly grew taller and bigger. A horn grew on its head. As the light disappeared. With a roar, the evolved Charmeleon appeared in front of Xiaofeng.

Looking at the Charmeleon that was almost as tall as himself, Xiaofeng patted its shoulder and smiled with satisfaction,"You've grown taller, Charmander. No, I should call you Charmeleon now. Haha!"

""Roar" The Fire Dinosaur raised the corner of his mouth and responded happily

【Name: Charmeleon lv22]

Number: 005

Attribute: Fire

Features: Fierce Fire

Skills: Jet Flame, Flame Fang, Smoke Screen, Split, Shout.

Added Ability: Super Speed Regeneration

Race Value:

HP: 58

Attack: 64

Defense: 58

Special Attack: 80

Special Defense: 65

Speed: 80+40

Total: 405+40

Introduction: This is a Pokémon with a natural advantage in speed. When running, it is like having a flash of lightning.

Looking at Charmeleon's panel, Xiaofeng nodded with great satisfaction. The level has reached level 22. Xiaofeng guessed that it was because of the energy absorbed from the surrounding Fire Stones during evolution, and the surrounding Fire Stones were a little dim. In addition, not only did the Spark skill advance to Jet Flame, the Grab skill advanced to Split, but it also learned the Flame Fang skill. The

Electric Shock Monster ran to Charmeleon and turned in circles, looking at Charmeleon with envy.

Xiao Feng looked at the electric monster with envy and said with a smile,"Do you also want to evolve? Then let's work hard together and keep getting stronger. One day, you will also evolve."

""Beep beep" The electric monster looked at Xiaofeng and nodded firmly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Charmander has evolved successfully," the system's voice sounded in Xiaofeng's mind.

"By the way, host, you have a new task to check.

【1. Mission name (long term): For each gym badge you obtain, you will be rewarded with 40 race points and a new ability will be unlocked!】

【2. Mission Name (Long-term): The player who wins the battle against others will gain the number of elves that appeared in the battle against others × 1 point of race value.】

【3. Mission name: Win the Quartz League Championship and receive 500 race points as a reward】"

"Three long-term tasks came at once.

Tongzi, you finally found your conscience and stopped searching.

"Xiaofeng complained after reading the new tasks.

He calmed down the joy of Charmeleon's evolution.

Xiaofeng walked out of the cave with Charmeleon and Electric Monster.

Of course, he took away two sets of Mega Evolution Stones and several fist-sized Fire Stones of good quality.

Of course, he didn't take the Fire Stone in the stone room.

First, it was too big and difficult to carry.

Second, it was easy for people to covet it.

Xiaofeng planned to sell the Fire Stone in exchange for resources, such as skill discs.

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