Chapter 6: The Battle of Viridian City

After leaving the cave, Xiaofeng prepared to set off for Viridian Forest according to the navigation in the atlas, and then go to Nibe City to challenge the gym. He will skip the gym in Viridian City for the time being, because he really can't beat it. Xiaofeng doesn't want to be abused by Banmu, so he will wait until he grows up.

First, he will go to the Viridian City Pokémon Center near Viridian Forest to rest up. Recently, he has been sleeping in the wild with the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed. He misses the soft big bed.

After going around in circles, he leveled up on the road while rushing to Viridian City. Finally, he arrived in Viridian City. The levels of Charmeleon and Electric Monster have increased by three levels, reaching level 25 and level 21. The trio went straight to the Pokémon Center.

""Miss Joy, Miss Joy, open a room for me. I want to sleep!" Xiao Feng brought two elves to Miss Joy's workbench and shouted.

""Ah, you look so energetic, kid. Please show me your Pokémon Book and I'll help you check in." Miss Joy said with a smile.

"Here you go!" He took out the illustrated book and handed it to Miss Joy.

"OK, received. Please wait."Okay, that's enough, kid. Sleep on the second floor. The first floor is the dining area. This is your illustration book. Please keep it!" Miss Joy took Xiaofeng's illustration book and operated it quickly. After a while, she completed the formalities for Xiaofeng and returned the illustration book to him.

"Thank you and goodbye!"

"Goodbye, little friend."

Xiaofeng thanked Miss Joy and took the two little ones to the dining area.

Looking at the dazzling array of delicious food, the two little guys couldn't help but shed tears from their mouths.

They took three plates and put the food on them. The trio found a place to sit down, and the two elves couldn't wait to wolf it down!

"Don't be anxious, eat slowly, add more if it's not enough, no one will snatch it from you!" Xiao Feng said helplessly, looking at the two little ones, but perhaps influenced by the two little ones, Xiao Feng's appetite also opened up, and he ate quickly.

""Burp, I'm so full!""Hurry""Beep"

The three patted their stomachs and made satisfied noises.

After eating and drinking, the trio returned to the room and fell asleep the moment they lay on the bed. The quality of sleep was really amazing.

The next morning

"Mm, it feels good." Xiao Feng stretched and shouted to the two little ones lying next to him:"Get up, the sun is shining on your buttocks!""

""Hoo-ha""Beep-beep" the two little ones opened their eyes confusedly and yawned.

After getting up and washing up, Xiaofeng took Charmander and Electric Monster to take a walk in the streets near the Pokémon Center.

When passing by a small square, they were attracted by a group of people.

"Let's go, Charmander, Electric Monster, let's go and see what they are doing." Xiao Feng said curiously.

"Roar""Beep beep beep""

"Big brother, what are you doing?" Xiao Feng asked softly, patting the shoulder of a big brother in the crowd.

The big brother turned around and saw a polite child, so he explained,"See that young man in the crowd? He has set up a ring here. Anyone who can defeat the two elves next to him can get a precious water stone as a reward. Several people have challenged before, but they all failed."

"Is that so?" Xiao Feng touched his chin and looked at the two elves in the field.

【Name: Nidorino lv23]

Number: 33

Attribute: Poison

Characteristics: Fighting Spirit (commonly known as double standard, the opponent becomes stronger if it is the same sex, and weaker if it is the opposite sex)

Skills: Poison Needle, Chain Kick, Horn Butt, Impact

Race Value

HP: 61

Physical Attack: 72

Physical Defense: 57

Special Attack: 55

Special Defense: 55

Speed: 65

Total: 365

【Name: Arm Strength lv20]

Number: 66

Attribute: Fighting

Features: Perseverance (abnormal state, attack increase)

Skills: Barehanded Chop, Kick Down

Race Value

HP: 70

Physical Attack: 80

Physical Defense: 50

Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 35

Speed: 35

Total: 305

"Both of them are level 20 Pokémon, not bad!" Xiao Feng nodded.

Then he looked at the defeated Pokémons. He said in a low voice,"Brother, are you going to get killed? Level 10 Rattata, level 9 Pidgeot, level 11 Spearow.It's quite helpless, don't you have any self-awareness?"

Suddenly, Xiaofeng had an idea:"Go up and fight, then win the Water Stone, use the Evolution Stone as bait, set up the arena like him, attract people to fight, let Charmeleon and the others hold back, then I can brush up on the racial value points." Thinking of the many racial value points, Xiaofeng's eyes were full of stars.

So Xiaofeng squeezed into the crowd with Charmander and Electric Monster, raised his hand with a smile and said:"Hello, can I challenge you?"

"Of course, what is your bet?"The young champion asked

"I have a fire stone here, that should be enough."Xiao Feng took out a fire stone from his travel bag.

"Well, it's a good Fire Stone. You can challenge it. Let's start. Which elf will you play?" The young man looked at Xiaofeng's two elves.

"My first starter is the Electric Monster. Go, Electric Monster!" Xiao Feng sent the Electric Monster to fight the first game.

"Then I'll go for arm wrestling. Go for arm wrestling. The challenger goes first! The young man chooses arm wrestling.

"Really? Then I won’t be polite. Use charging to shock the monster." Xiao Feng’s first command appeared.

"Do you prioritize improving your attack status? Use your wrist strength to rush forward and use bare-handed slashing."The young man looked at the electric shock monster in the field.

""With a flash of lightning, create distance and use the electric shock skill." Seeing Wrist Power rushing up, Xiao Feng quickly commanded.

The electric monster was successfully hit by the amplified electric shock. Wrist Power howled in pain, and puffs of green smoke appeared all over his body.

Seeing this, the young man hurriedly shouted,"Are you okay, Wrist Power? Come on, rush up and kick him down."

When Wrist Power was about to get close, Xiao Feng made the next command,"Don't let the electric monster kick you, use a flash of lightning, dodge and go behind him, and then use the tile-splitting skill."

The electric monster received the order and came behind Wrist Power, and hit Wrist Power's head with a tile-splitting skill, making Wrist Power dizzy.

"Resist, use your arm strength, and fight him with bare hands."The young man made his last struggle

"Electric shock monster, it is out of status, use the tile splitter to fight it head-on." Xiaofeng gave the final order.

""Beep, beep, beep" the electric monster shouted happily and rushed forward.

After receiving the order, the electric monster and the arm force continued to fight each other until the arm force fell down and lost the ability to fight. Then the opponent took back the arm force and sent Nidorino to the stage

"You are very strong, boy. I am serious. As long as you defeat Nidorino, the Water Stone will be yours."

"Thank you, you are not bad either, Electric Monster, you did a good job, come back, let Charmeleon take over next." Xiao Feng called the Electric Monster back and asked it to come back. Originally, the Electric Monster wanted to continue fighting, but Xiao Feng still called it back and explained to it softly:"Don't worry, there will be more fighting later." Then he calmed the Electric Monster down.

"Charmeleon, go ahead, spray the flames."

Following Xiao Feng's command, a flame quickly condensed in Charmeleon's mouth, and a blazing flame gushed out, shooting straight at Nidorino and hitting him. Nidorino's body was burned over a large area, and unfortunately, the burn effect was triggered, and his health continued to drop.

""Nidorino, are you okay? Don't give it a chance to consume its energy. Keep using poison needles and then rush forward to use horn ram attacks."

Although Nidorino received the order and kept spraying poison needles, how could it hit Charmeleon, whose speed racial value was over 100? Charmeleon just moved slightly and dodged.

"Charmeleon, yelled, then rushed forward and used Split."Charmeleon, who received Xiaofeng's order, opened his mouth and roared loudly, and Nidorino's defense dropped by one level. Then, a strong light flashed in his hand and he quickly slashed at Nidorino.

With a bang, Nidorino was knocked to the ground by Charmeleon's Split skill. The ground was constantly cracked outward by the powerful force,

"Nidorino, stand up, use impact." The young man shouted hurriedly. Nidorino struggled to stand up, but due to the burning effect, he had no strength to struggle.

"Charmeleon, give it the final blow, end this battle, Flame Fang."Looking at the fallen Nidorino, Xiao Feng gave the final order.

The Charmeleon standing in front of Nidorino received the order, and its sharp teeth began to flash with a scorching light, ready to give it the final blow.

"Stop it, I give up." The young man shouted loudly and quickly.

"Stop, Charmeleon, you've already won." Xiao Feng heard the other side admit defeat and stopped Charmeleon in time. Charmeleon's teeth stopped a few centimeters away from Nidorino's neck, then retracted and turned back to Xiao Feng.

"Well done, Charmeleon!"Xiaofeng gave a thumbs up.jpg


""Great, little brother, I lost. This is the Water Stone. Please keep it." The young man took back his spirit and came to Xiaofeng and handed him the Water Stone.

Xiaofeng took the Water Stone and thanked him.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Alai. What's your name, little brother?"The young man introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Alai, nice to meet you. My name is Xiaofeng.

"Xiaofeng, what a great name! Your Charmeleon and Electric Monster are really great. This is my business card. You can contact me if you need anything. I made the right decision today. It was a great battle. Goodbye, and we'll see each other again in the future." After Mr. Alai finished speaking, he handed Xiaofeng a black business card and turned around to wave goodbye to Xiaofeng.

"Goodbye, Mr. Alai! See you again if we are lucky enough." Xiaofeng also waved goodbye. After that, Xiaofeng looked at the business card, which read"Alai - Red Lotus Fossil Research Institute; Tel. XXXXXXX."

After Xiaofeng put away the business card, he walked to the position where Mr.

Alai was before and said loudly,"Don't miss it if you pass by.

The gentleman on the ring just now has entrusted me to temporarily take over as the champion.

The rules are the same as before.

As long as you can defeat my two elves, the Water Stone will be presented to you with both hands.

Is there anyone who wants to challenge me? Unlike the gentleman just now, I am not restricted here.

You can challenge me without making any bets.


There were constant discussions among the crowd, such as"Do you want to go up?" and"His elves should not have much physical strength."

So soon some brave ones were ready to step forward to challenge. Before the challenge officially began, Xiaofeng whispered in the ears of the two little ones,"You will take turns in a while. After each battle, try to show that you are very tired. Take a breath after the moves. Do you understand?"

""Roar" and"Beep" the two little ones also responded softly

"Host, you know how to complete tasks."The system complained

"What? I am using resources reasonably, do you understand?"Xiao Feng countered.

After that, people kept coming forward to challenge, their levels were about 10 to 20, and occasionally there were those above level 20.

Xiao Feng would try his best to let Charmander win by speed advantage.

The battle continued, and Charmander and Electric Monster always had an expression of hard-won victory, which kept repeating.

The crowd looked at Charmander and Electric Monster panting heavily, and people kept coming forward to consume their physical strength.

After all, people have a fluke mentality.

If they succeed in the challenge, wouldn’t they make a profit?

With the continuous victory, the people in the crowd were confused. Why did those two guys keep panting, but they just couldn’t beat them? On the contrary, what’s going on with the cracks at the corners of your mouth extending to your ears?

The challenge lasted from morning to afternoon, with a break in between. Gradually, not many people went up, as they finally realized that they were just pretending to be out of energy.

Seeing that the crowd below was unmoved, Xiaofeng had to raise the price, offering the Water Stone with the Fire Stone, and then some people who were still unwilling to give up went up to challenge, but in the end, they all almost won. A dejected ending. There were some whispers in the crowd, such as"This kid is really good, he’s really a loser" and"Playing dumb to gain advantage".

Xiaofeng was helpless when he saw that no one came up even after the price was raised.

"Forget it, Tongzi, it seems that destiny is not in my hands. My great cause of gaining points has been hindered."Xiao Feng sighed and left the arena with Charmeleon and Electric Monster.

"Host, what a bullshit destiny, you have plucked them out of their wits, it has been so long and everyone has seen it, okay, they were just deceived by you before, and then they woke up."The system rolled its eyes

"Uh, okay, Tongzi, it's time for the final harvest, show me how many points I have earned in total"

"Ding, host, including Alai, you have defeated 41 people in total, two points per person, for a total of 82 racial points. The system showed the value to Xiaofeng.

"It's a sudden wealth, Tongzi. It's almost equivalent to playing two gyms. I can't spend it all, I can't spend it all at all," Xiaofeng said happily

"Come on, host, you can't spend all of it. The two little ones only have 40 points each on average."The system said

"Can't you make me happy, Tongzi? Really, I only got 40 points before, and now I am twice as happy, do you understand?"Xiaofeng also hit back

"Okay, it's the happiest moment. Tongzi, add points! Give Charmeleon 40 points of special attack, and use the rest to increase the physical attack of the electric monster."

"Ding, the addition is successful"

【Name: Charmeleon lv28

Special Attack: 80+40

Speed: 80+40

Total: 405+80】

【Name: Electric Monster lv25

Physical Attack: 63+42

Total: 360+42]

After the points were added successfully, Charmeleon and Electric Monster felt the added strength. Charmeleon was fine, as it was not the first time, but Electric Monster jumped excitedly, as it was the first time to add points. Its strength increased by 60%, and it felt powerful. It raised its hands and showed off its muscles in front of Xiaofeng.

"Haha, I know, I know, Electric Monster, I know you have become stronger." Xiao Feng looked at the happy look of the Electric Monster and laughed.

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