Chapter 7: Encountering Celebi in the Evergreen Forest

Early the next morning, Xiaofeng led Charmeleon and Electabuzz to the Evergreen Forest.

As the saying goes, enemies are jealous of each other.

As soon as they arrived at the Evergreen Forest, Xiaofeng and his party encountered a group of Beedrills.

Thinking of the revenge of the day, he immediately sounded the horn of attack on the Beedrills.

"Charmeleon, use jet fire on the Beedrills.

We are so strong now.

How can we be twisted by the Beedrills like we just set out on the journey? Give them a lesson.

Electabuzz is a flash of lightning and then a tile-breaking monster.

Kill it.

" The Beedrills in the Evergreen Forest were all confused.

Why did this human cub attack them as soon as he saw them? It seemed that they had just met him for the first time.

Affected by Xiaofeng's anger, the Beedrills were cruelly pressed under the feet of Charmeleon and Electabuzz.

After Xiaofeng and his party left, only the Beedrills lying dead in humiliation were left, and tears kept flowing from the corners of their eyes.

Xiaofeng was wandering in the forest with Charmeleon and Zap. It must be said that the Evergreen Forest was really vast. Not counting the other Pokémon that were alone, Xiaofeng and his group had encountered several waves of Beedrills alone, which made the two Pokémon level up by two levels each. Charmeleon reached level 30 and Zap reached level 27.

Just as Xiaofeng was leveling up with the two Pokémon, there was suddenly a roar of explosion in the distance, and dust was everywhere. Pokémon kept running away from the explosion.

"What happened? Let's go, Charmeleon and Electric Monster, let's go check it out." With the two little ones, Xiao Feng carefully kept looking for cover and slowly approached the place where the explosion came from.

The three of them squatted in a bush, looking at the scene in front of them. In the distance, there were four unknown instruments located in the four directions of east, south, west and north, emitting a laser beam. The beams intersected to form a red translucent cube barrier, which sealed a small figure inside. The figure suffered serious damage from the explosion.

【Ding, trigger the adventure mission: Save Celebi, reward: 100 racial value points】

"It's Celebi!

It's trapped in that instrument, who are those people?" Xiaofeng hiding in the bushes whispered softly.

There were about ten people standing in front of Celebi, led by a middle-aged man with a beard:"Haha, hahaha!

I caught you, Celebi!

No matter how strong you are, it's useless, you can't escape.

These four devices will continuously absorb energy, store it and release it to the outside until the energy in your body is drained, unless you can release energy that exceeds the highest critical point of the instrument in an instant, but it is impossible for you who are already seriously injured to do it.

At most, you will be mine after tonight!


"Humans, why are you arresting me? I believe I have never harmed you humans."The voice of Celebi reached everyone's ears.

"Oh, is it telepathy? Not bad, not bad. As for why they arrested you, someone spent a lot of money to offer a reward for you on the black market. You know, as long as we hand you over to him, we will be able to live a carefree life from now on. It is an honor for you to contribute to our future."The bearded man said excitedly.

"Despicable human, let me out!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"The bearded man thanked Celebi for his anger.

"You, send people to patrol nearby, don't let anyone get close, and immediately drive away anyone who gets close. Wait until tomorrow morning, when Celebi's energy is exhausted, and then take it to hand it over. Don't make any mistakes, otherwise no one will get the reward."The bearded man ordered and accepted it.

"Yes, Boss!"The younger brother replied

""Hmm." After saying that, the bearded man took his two brothers to build a few temporary tents nearby and went in.

Seeing someone coming to patrol, Xiaofeng took the Charmeleon and the Electric Monster and quietly retreated.

"Charmeleon, Electric Monster, let's retreat first. It looks like they're going to stay here overnight. We'll act accordingly at night."

Night is coming soon!

"Boss, you are too careful. There is no one in the wilderness. What is there to patrol?"

"Well, after all, this is a big order, so it's better to be careful!" Two patrolling minions were talking.

"I know, I'm just complaining. Wait, wait for me, I need to pee urgently, so I'll go over there to take care of it!" said Minion A.

"Really, hurry up!"Little Minion B replied

"Very quickly, very quickly." After saying this, Little Minion A went into the bushes nearby.

"Hey, are you still not well? Are you constipated?"When Minion B saw that his companion had been gone for so long and still hadn't recovered, he asked, but still no one responded. Minion B finally realized that something was wrong and was ready to take out the Poké Ball to release the Pokémon, but before he could throw the Poké Ball, he felt a pain in the back of his head, his eyes went black, and he fell down.

Looking at the big wooden stick in his hand, he slapped his palm with the stick, making a"tsk tsk" sound, and Xiaofeng's figure appeared behind the minion.

"Here comes the flying stick! The flying stick is indeed worthy of its reputation."He dragged the fainted minion B away and put him side by side with minion A, took off the coat of one of them and put it on himself, and tore two strips of cloth from the clothes of the other minion, then found two higher wooden blocks to pad under his feet, and tied the wooden boards under his feet with cloth strips.

"Charmeleon and Electric Monster tied them up with vines and stuffed their mouths with the clothes on their bodies."

""Roar""Beep" The two little ones who received the order immediately tied the two people to a big tree

"Next, we need to find a way to get close to the four instruments and release Celebi. Charmeleon, Electric, you guys go back to the Poké Ball first. We'll go together. We're too big to be a target. I'll get closer to the instruments in a while. I'll release you guys to fight when we encounter an enemy on the way." Xiao Feng said to the two little ones.

""Roar""Beep" the two little ones nodded.

After the two little ones took back the Poké Balls, Xiaofeng carefully moved towards the direction of the instrument.

On the way to the instrument, he met two minions, but because it was dark and he couldn't see their faces clearly, and because Xiaofeng was wearing the same clothes as their group, the minions thought Xiaofeng had to go back for something, and one of them didn't pay attention, so Xiaofeng took the opportunity to release Charmeleon and Zapdos, knocking the two out.

After that, the three of them tied up the two minions nearby with their clothes and hid them, and then took back the two Pokémon and continued to move forward.

Finally, without being discovered, Xiaofeng approached the instrument a few meters away and released Charmeleon and Zapdos

"Charmeleon uses jet fire on distant instruments, while the electric shock monster uses lightning and tile splitting to destroy nearby instruments."

"Boom, boom, boom!"The attacked equipment exploded and broke into pieces.

"Who is it?"The bearded man who heard the explosion ran over first, but it was too late. After the instrument was destroyed, Celebi fell out and landed in Xiaofeng's arms.

"You asked me who I am, and I answered you with great compassion, in order to prevent the world from being destroyed and to protect world peace."After hearing the voice, Xiao Feng blurted out subconsciously

"You are from Team Rocket." Before Xiao Feng could finish, the bearded man said

"I haven't even finished my lines yet, it's really rude to interrupt others. Yeah, right, I'm from Team Rocket."Xiao Feng said helplessly

"Boy, even if you are from Team Rocket, I will not let you go. Hand over Celebi and I will kill you."The bearded man threatened

"Come out, Goli, Arbok"

【Name: Hao Li lv30]

Number: 67

Attribute: Fighting

Features: No defense (both skills must hit)

Skills: Empty-handed slash, kick, glare, energy concentration

Race value

HP: 80

Physical attack: 100

Physical defense: 70

Special attack: 50

Special defense: 60

Speed: 45

Total: 405

【Name: Arbok lv35]

Number: 24

Attribute: Poison

Features: Shedding

Skills: Bind, Poison Needle, Bite, Snake Stare

Race Value

HP: 60

Physical Attack: 95

Physical Defense: 69

Special Attack: 65

Special Defense: 79

Speed: 80

Total: 448

"Ah, let’s fight. I like Charmeleon and Electric Monster. Let’s fight." Xiao Feng said with a smile.


"Charmeleon used Flame Spray on Arbok continuously.

Charmeleon had 40 points of special attack added to it, so a thick flame shot out of Charmeleon's mouth and hit Arbok. Arbok was greatly hurt and his whole body was on fire. Arbok struggled in pain.

"How is it possible? Why is your Charmeleon's damage so high?" The bearded man said in disbelief.

"This is the result of our training." Xiao Feng touched his chin.

"The electric shock monster used electric shock on Hao Li. The electric shock hit Hao Li and caused damage.

"Damn, they attacked me when I wasn't paying attention, Arbok, poison needle, Gou Li rushed up and used bare-handed slash"

"The Charmeleon dodged and rushed forward���Use Cleave, then Flame Fang to attack Arbok's seven inches. The Electric Monster uses Cleave to fight head-on. Charmeleon dodged Arbok's poison needles by moving sideways, then rushed up to Arbok's head and cleaved it to the ground. Then, it bit Arbok's seven inches with Flame Fang. It was already hurt by the jet of flames, and then suffered continuous attacks. Arbok fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight. Charmeleon won.

Let's look at the melee battle between Electric Monster and Gou Li. The Electric Monster, which had points for physical attack and super-speed regeneration, suppressed Gou Li in terms of strength. Moreover, with its desperate fighting style, the Electric Monster kept exchanging injuries for injuries. In the end, Gou Li lost his ability to fight and fainted. The Electric Monster also won

"Damn it, how can your elves be so strong!"The bearded man looked at his two elves who had lost their ability to fight in shock.

"Hehe, is there a possibility that you are too weak? Xiao Feng certainly couldn't say that he could add points to the elves, so he joked.

At this time, the minions who were out on patrol gathered one after another, and the bearded man was confident again:"Little ghost, even if you win, you can't run away. I won't let you go. No matter how strong you are, can you fight against many alone? Just surrender, leave Celebi to me."

"Hehe, they won't let me go. That will have to wait until you get out of jail. Look what that is." Xiaofeng motioned to the bearded man to look behind.

The sound of a car engine was heard, and Miss Junsha and a team of police officers quickly arrived in a police car.

Miss Junsha released Arcanine and shouted,"Put your hands on your head and squat down." The police officers behind also quickly released Growlithe to control those minions.

Xiaofeng touched his chin and smiled at the bearded man,"Sorry, man, I'm calling for help."

The bearded man stared at Xiaofeng in disbelief and shouted,"How is this possible? How dare you from Team Rocket call the police?!"

""Oh, I'm so sorry, I lied to you. I'm not from Team Rocket." Xiao Feng touched his nose and responded.

Before the bearded man could continue to say anything, Miss Junsha came forward and detained him on the ground, and then sent him to the police car.

"Thank you, little brother, for holding them back for so long. They are all bounty hunters on the black market. You have done a good job, but don't be so impulsive next time. It's better to wait for us."Miss Junsha thanked Xiaofeng.

"Hehe, okay, Miss Junsha, I will definitely do it next time." Xiaofeng touched his head and said.

In fact, Xiaofeng was still confident. After all, he had super-speed regeneration. Even if he couldn't beat him, he could still run away.

"The one in your arms is Celebi, right? How is it?"

Now Xiao Feng finally had a chance to take a good look at Celebi:

【Name: Celebi lv50]

Number: 251

Attributes: Psychic, Grass

Features: Natural Recovery (Return to the team, abnormal status will be cured)

Skills: Telekinesis, Self-regeneration, Healing Bell, Magic Leaf, Mystical Guardian………

Race Value

HP: 100

Physical Attack: 100

Physical Defense: 100

Special Attack: 100

Special Defense: 100

Speed: 100

Total: 600

Perhaps sensing Xiaofeng's gaze, Celebi in his arms opened his big blue eyes and looked at Xiaofeng.

"Thank you for helping me, may I know your name?" Celebi thanked through telepathy.

"You're welcome. This is what I should do. My name is Xiaofeng."Xiaofeng responded

"This is telepathy, what a magical feeling!"Miss Junsha said with interest

"Celebi, how are you? Do you need me to take you to the hospital for treatment? Xiao Feng looked at the injured Celebi.

"No need, Xiaofeng, I can heal myself. It was because those instruments sucked my energy that I couldn't recover myself." After saying that, Rabbi began to use self-regeneration to recover his strength.

"Thank you again, Xiaofeng. I am fine now. It is time to go. I have an unfinished mission waiting for me. I cannot stay too long. It is nice to meet you. See you again in the future. Xiaofeng. After recovering, Celebi waved goodbye to Xiaofeng.

"I am also very happy to meet you, Celebi. We will see each other again in the future."Xiao Feng also waved goodbye.

He watched Celebi fly away. He also turned around and prepared to leave.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the mission to save Celebi, and gaining 100 racial points."

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