The Lizard King was like a ghost, appearing in a flash of lightning."Z"The word-shaped streamer dodged the attack of the destructive death light and approached Pidgeot in the pit.

In Pidgeot's eyes, the figure of the Lizard King enlarged like a ghost until it stood in front of him. Blocking the light in the sky

""End it, Lizard King, kill them all!" Xiao Feng's command rang in Pidgeot's ears. A few cold rays flashed in Pidgeot's frightened eyes. The Lizard King had already slashed at him several times with his sword.

Pidgeot slowly closed his eyes, his head dropped to the ground, and he lost his ability to fight.

"Come back, Pidgeot, you've performed very well!"Lil Green praised Pidgeot in the same way as he praised Arcanine, and took it back.

"Lizard King, come back. Great!"Xiao Feng called back the Lizard King.

"Chamo!" The Lizard King nodded in response, and colorful light appeared on his body again, returning to his original form.

"Will it change back to its original form?!" Xiaolu looked at the Lizard King and whispered in surprise.

"Next, the next game, you go, Charizard!"After the Lizard King came back, Xiao Feng looked at the Charizard beside him and said

""OK!" Charizard responded, striding forward to stand in front of Xiaofeng.

"Huh...Charizard? Brother Xiaofeng’s initial Pokémon, should also be the strongest!"

"In that case, it's you, Blastoise! "Seeing the appearance of Charizard, Xiaolu took a deep breath, then exhaled and threw a Poké Ball with water droplets into the field.

A white light flashed, and a fat turtle-shaped Pokémon appeared opposite Charizard.

【Name: Blastoise lv50]

Number: 9

Attribute: Water

Features: Rain Plate (restores HP on rainy days)

Skills: High-speed Spin, Pray for Rain, Hold, Water Wave, Water Tail, Water Cannon, Water Gun, Rocket Hammer, Pray for Rain, Shrink Shell

Race Value

HP: 79

Physical Attack: 83

Physical Defense: 100

Special Attack: 85

Special Defense: 105

Speed: 78

Total: 530

"Blastoise, use Pray for Rain!"

Green's voice came from behind Blastoise, and then Blastoise howled at the sky:"Kamei! (Rain is coming!)"

The next moment, the sky began to be covered with dark clouds, and a rumbling sound came from the clouds.

""Tick-tick" a drop of raindrops sounded, and then more and more raindrops began to fall, wetting the entire venue.

Charizard was hit by the falling raindrops"pat, pat" on his body.

But as a fire spirit, Charizard did not feel any discomfort

"Oh, because of the characteristics of the rain disk, you plan to increase the endurance? In that case, Charizard, use Lightning Flash!" Xiao Feng raised his head and let the rain drip on his face, then looked at Charizard and said


After Charizard responded to Xiaofeng, its wings vibrated and it turned into white light and flew towards Blastoise at a high speed.

Seeing that Charizard was getting closer and closer to Blastoise, Xiaolu shouted loudly:"Blassotide, use water cannon on Charizard!"

Blastoise received the order and stretched out the two cannons on its back, aiming at Charizard. Then two thick water cannons sprayed out and gathered together and shot continuously at the flying Charizard.

"Charizard, use Dragon Claw, charge!"

Charizard heard the voice of Xiaofeng behind him while flying, and condensed green energy in his hand into a giant claw, which he aimed at the water cannon and swung out. The water cannon was instantly torn in two by Charizard's claw and scattered to both sides of Charizard!

Charizard did not slow down, and in the blink of an eye it came in front of Blastoise, and swung its claws at Blastoise's body again.

Seeing this, Xiaolu's pupils trembled, and he shouted:"Hold on! Blastoise!"

Just as Charizard's claw was about to hit Blastoise, a protective shield blocked Charizard outside, and the dragon claws hit the protective shield with a crackling sound, and there were faint signs of breaking.

"Charizard, hit it with Iron Tail!"

""Roar! (Break it for me!)" Xiao Feng's command rang in Charizard's ears. Charizard roared, and its flaming dragon tail glowed with metallic luster. It whipped the protective shield from behind. With a click, the protective shield shattered, and the iron tail continued to whip the face of the Blastoise inside the protective shield.


The Blastoise that was hit flew to the side, smashing dozens of large trees near the open space before stopping and falling to the ground. Painful screams came from the direction where the Blastoise fell!

Hearing the Blastoise's voice, Xiaolu shouted worriedly:"Blostoke, are you okay!"

""Kamei!" a voice came from a distance. The Blastoise covered his face with wounds and walked back tremblingly, holding on to the tree. It was obviously seriously injured.

"It's quite durable, worthy of being a turtle Pokémon. And the rain disk feature also helps a lot."Xiao Feng looked at the Blastoise opposite him, touched his chin and spoke in a low voice

"Very good, Blastoise, make one last stand, use the combination of high-speed rotation + rocket hammer!"

Little Green observed the situation of Blastoise and decided to give it a try, giving the final order to Blastoise.

""Cam!" Blastoise responded loudly, and its body began to spin rapidly with water spraying out. It then used the power of the spin to fly into the air, adjusted its body and head towards Charizard, and then its whole body was covered with a metallic luster and it slammed into Charizard at a high speed.

Xiaofeng looked at the Blastoise that was crashing towards it like a spinning rocket, and the corners of his mouth rose:"Charizard, help it, we will also use the combination of Lightning Flash + Flare Charge, let it see who is tougher!"

""Roar (Here I come, brother!)" Charizard grinned and flapped his wings. His whole body was covered with flames, and he charged forward with a white light shining behind him. With the blessing of the flash of lightning, the speed of the flashing charge was horrifyingly increased.

In a flash, Charizard and Blastoise collided with each other.


A huge crash sounded, and the Charizard continued to charge in the same direction, carrying the unconscious Blastoise in the direction of the charge.

After the Charizard stopped charging, the unconscious Blastoise quickly fell from the Charizard.

It hit the ground and sank.

"Ah, 3v3, all defeated, Brother Xiaofeng's elves are too strong!"Xiaolu looked at the unconscious Blastoise and the intact Charizard, scratched his head, and sighed in distress.

"You have done a great job, Blastoise, take a good rest!" Xiaolu praised Blastoise and put it into the Poké Ball to rest, and then prepared to take the Pokémons to the treatment.

At this time, Xiaofeng came over with the flying Charizard.

"Brother Xiaofeng, you win. Next time I will become stronger and challenge you!"Xiaolu looked at Xiaofeng who was coming over and said firmly

"Really? Haha, then you should do your best. Next, I will continue my journey. It is time to say goodbye." Xiao Feng smiled and encouraged, and then proposed to separate.

"Of course, I will also treat the elves. Goodbye!"Little Green nodded in response.

"Goodbye!" Xiaofeng turned and left with the elves. After waving to Xiaolu, he walked farther and farther away in Xiaolu's eyes.

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