After meeting Little Green and fighting him in 3v3, Xiao Feng and his party continued to train towards the Crimson City. During this time, the elves all had different levels of upgrades: Charizard lv55, Electric Beast lv52, Lizard King lv47, Gengar lv43. Dratini reached the evolution level and then evolved into Dragonite through the Dragon Pattern Orb:

【Name: Hackron lv36]

Number: 147

Attribute: Dragon

Features: Shedding

Skills: Dragon God Dive, Rain, Water Tail, Tightening, Tornado, Dragon Tail, High Speed Movement, Dragon Wave (Inherited)

Race Value

HP: 61

Attack: 84+65

Defense: 65

Special Attack: 70

Special Defense: 70

Speed: 70

Total: 420+65

After the mini dragon evolved, it no longer entangled Xiaofeng's neck. There was no way. It became bigger and could fly. It couldn't be like before. Now Hackron would occasionally carry Xiaofeng on its back and float. That's so cool.


""We finally arrived at Qianhong City. It was not easy!" Xiaofeng, sitting on the back of the mini dragon, was overjoyed at the prosperous city in front of him.

Then he and the elves headed straight to the elf center.

"Ah, a comfortable big bed, long time no see."Lying on the big bed in the elf center, Xiaofeng stretched himself. After a comfortable sleep all night, Xiaofeng went to the elf shop the next morning, exchanged all the attribute evolution stones for elf coins, and spent a huge amount of money to expand the skill pool of his elves.

Charizard added: Big Word Explosion, Flame Fist, Earth Throw, Shadow Claw. Electric

Beast added: Million Tons of Boxing, Sky Punch, Flying Knee Kick, Bodybuilding, See Through, Thunder.

Lizard King added: Shadow Clone, Dragon Wave, Sword Dance, Crazy Plant, See Through.

Gengar added: Poison, Poison Gas, Poison Attack, Psychic Power, Will-O-

Wisp. Hackron added: Iron Tail, Lightning Flash, 100,000 Volts, Shadow Clone..


After expanding the skill pool of the elves, Xiaofeng took them to find the Light Red Gym.

"Ah, is it really okay to build a gym in such a remote place?" Xiao Feng complained while standing in front of an ancient building in the deep forest with a map in his hand, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Xiaofeng saw that no one in the gym opened the door, so he shouted loudly.

Just as Xiaofeng was about to continue shouting, the door suddenly opened slowly and automatically.

Seeing this, Xiaofeng led the elves into the gym.

"With a"bang", there was a door closing sound behind me!

"Well………"Xiao Feng turned around and looked helplessly at the confined door behind him, where he saw a curvy figure looming:"I saw you, your feet are exposed!"

"How, how is it possible that you can see through my perfect concealment ninjutsu!"The disguised figure with exposed feet shouted in panic, and then a black bead fell out. In an instant, black fog filled the air, covering a large area, blocking the sight of Xiaofeng and his group. When the black fog dissipated, the figure had already escaped. A voice was heard in the distance:"Humph, if you have the guts to find me in the gym, I will let you challenge the gym"

"Ah, trouble! Let's go, everyone!"With a sigh, Xiaofeng led the elves into the wooden house of the gym, walked through the long corridor, and took the stairs to the second floor. Xiaofeng was greeted by a spherical elf with crackling sounds all over his body. Xiaofeng flashed and kicked the lightning ball that was about to explode away, hitting the wall in the distance.

"With a"bang", the lightning ball exploded, blowing through the entire wall.

"Really, you sneak attacked an old comrade like me, I advise you to learn this lesson!" Xiaofeng lifted his foot and patted the dust off it.

Continuing to move forward, with a"click", Xiaofeng and his group crashed into a transparent wall. The wall was directly smashed into pieces by Xiaofeng and the elves who were indestructible, and scattered all over the ground.

Xiaofeng continued to move forward regardless, until he reached the end, seeing that there was no way to go, Xiaofeng touched his chin and grinned:"Is there no way out? In that case, then open a way out, and let the electric beasts tear down all the walls around me!"

"" Ah (Watch me!)" The electric monster next to him laughed strangely, rubbed his arms, and strode forward. He stretched out his evil big hand towards the wall.

Just when the electric monster's arm was about to touch the wall, a loud shout came from the side:"Wait, wait, stop! The door is here! Don't tear it down! It will be very expensive to repair!"

"Hehe, is it finally out? Stop it, electric shock monster."Looking at the royal sister who hurried out from the hidden door next to her, Xiaofeng smiled and stopped the electric shock monster.

"Humph, come in with me." Yujie rolled her eyes and led Xiaofeng into the competition room of the gym challenge.

"My name is Ayako, and only by defeating me can you challenge the real gym leader."The lady said to Xiaofeng

"All right! Let's start as soon as possible."Xiao Feng sighed and signaled to start the battle as soon as possible.

"Go, fluffy ball!" Ayako threw a Poké Ball, and a round, fluffy Pokémon appeared.

"Go, Haxoron, use Iron Tail!"Looking at the elves released by Ayako, Xiaofeng nodded to Haxoron.

""Ni!" Haxlon responded softly and flew in front of Xiaofeng. Then its slender tail shone with a metallic luster and quickly whipped towards the fur ball on the opposite side.

"With a"snap" sound, the fur ball didn't have time to react before it was whipped away by the tail and fell outside the field. Its eyes were circled and it lost its ability to fight!

"………"The arena suddenly fell silent.

Xiao Feng touched his nose and said to Ayako,"It seems that I won. Can I see the gym leader now?"

"you you……"Just as Ayako was about to speak, a lightning ball rolled over and exploded, emitting thick white smoke, and then a figure slowly appeared behind Ayako.

"That's enough, Ayako, you are no match for him"

"Brother, he's attacking by surprise!" Ayako pouted in dissatisfaction.

"Hello, little brother, I am Aju, the leader of the Crimson Gym!���A-Jie, who appeared, ignored her sister's complaints and introduced herself to Xiaofeng.

"Hello, Aju Gym Leader, my name is Xiaofeng, and I am here to participate in the gym challenge."Xiaofeng nodded in response

"In that case, I won't waste any more time. The game adopts 2v2 mode. Go, Morue!" After briefly introducing the game method, Aju threw a Poké Ball from his pocket.

【Name: Moth lv36]

Number: 49

Attributes: Poison, Insect

Features: Scale Powder

Skills: Hypnotic Powder, Poison Powder, Paralysis Powder, Telekinesis, Ultrasonic Waves

Race Value

HP: 70

Physical Attack: 65

Physical Defense: 60

Special Attack: 90

Special Defense: 75

Speed: 90

Total: 450

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