"Tongzi, add the 40 racial points you received to Charizard's physical attack."

"Ding, the addition was successful, please check!"

【Name: Charizard (X) lv55]

Attack: 84 (130) + 270

Special Attack: 109 (130) + 170

Speed: 100 (100) + 40

Total: 534 (634) + 480


Xiaofeng and his group were on the journey to Honglian City.

In a deep mountain, Xiaofeng and his group were enjoying a delicious lunch.

Just when Xiaofeng was about to put the food into his mouth, there was a sudden loud noise, and Xiaofeng's hand shuddered, and the food fell to the ground.

A huge"well" character appeared above Xiaofeng's head, and his eyes gradually emitted a creepy red light as he looked towards the explosion.

Then he stood up and ran towards the place of the explosion with the elves.

Passing through the path in the deep forest, a huge lake came into view.

Fifteen or sixteen humans wearing strange masks stood on the edge of the lake, and four or five of them were constantly discharging an unknown green liquid into the lake.

The elves in the lake were constantly releasing skills to fight against the elves of the humans on the shore.

"Bulbasaur, Sunshine Flame!" The leading human wearing a clown mask commanded the Bulbasaur beside him to continuously launch Sunshine Flame into the lake, making a series of loud noises.

Xiaofeng's eyes instantly focused on the clown man:"Fuck, it's you, you bastard, right? I can tell at a glance that you are not a good person!"

Xiaofeng cursed, then took out the steel rod he had bought before from his backpack, and said to himself:"Xiaofeng, use the flash skill!" Xiaofeng flashed behind the clown man, and pushed the steel rod in his right hand from bottom to top. With a"pop", it was sent into the daisy of the clown man.


Then a heart-wrenching cry of pain reached the ears of all humans and elves. They stopped what they were doing and looked towards the place where the cry came from. There was a man lying there, with his buttocks raised high, with a steel rod as thick as his arm inserted into it. Behind him stood a young man with red eyes, with his right hand raised in the air.

A"gulp" sound came, causing the red light in Xiaofeng's eyes to dissipate. Under the gaze of everyone, Xiaofeng secretly hid his right hand behind his back and laughed dryly:

"Ahahaha, sorry, I was just passing by. You guys continue, you guys continue!"

Xiao Feng was about to step back.

"Bastard, who are you to attack me?"

The clown's questioning voice reached Xiaofeng's ears as he was about to leave.

"Ah, sorry, sir, are you okay? It hurts, I'll help you pull it out!"Xiao Feng's eyes returned to the clown lying in front of him again, and he scratched his head embarrassedly. Before he could react, he quickly grasped the top of the steel rod with his right hand and pulled it out.

"Ah! Fuck!"The clown screamed again

"Ah, does it hurt, sir? Then I will put it back for you."Xiao Feng looked at the clown man who was shouting again, and asked in confusion, then he inserted the blood-stained steel rod that he had just pulled out with his right hand back in!

"Ah!!! Wuuwuwu!" The clown's body had turned gray and white, and crying sounds came from his mouth.

""Go, catch him!" Finally someone in the crowd reacted and shouted.

Xiao Feng, who saw the bad situation, disappeared in front of everyone.

"No, it's gone, could it be a ghost?"There were panicked shouts from the crowd.

Xiao Feng used Skywalking to return to the Charizards, took out a wrench from his backpack with his right hand, raised it into the air and waved it forward, and instructed the elves:

"Come on, everybody, beat them up!"


The elves shouted and rushed towards the elves on the opposite side. Xiaofeng followed closely behind and hit the lone masked minions one by one, knocking them unconscious.

In a short while, only Bulbasaur was left on the other side, defending against the attacks of the elves in the lake.

"Alas, slender elf, what a thief! Charizard, use Dragon Claw!" Seeing that he was still resisting Venusaur, Xiao Feng signaled to Charizard.

"Roar (Lie down!)" Charizard roared, and a dragon claw emerged in his hand. He flew to the protective shield supported by Bulbasaur and waved his hand.


The dragon claw instantly destroyed the protective shield, breaking it into pieces, and quickly hit Bulbasaur.

""Puchi" sound of the sharp blade entering the body was heard, and Venusaur was directly knocked to the ground by the dragon claw and fainted.

Xiaofeng and the elves dragged all the masked people together, stripped them of their clothes, made ropes, and tied them together.

Xiaofeng looked at the sad elves who had already come ashore in the lake because of the spread of the green liquid and couldn't bear it, so he kicked the steel rod inserted by the clown man again.

The clown man kept shaking and groaning again.

"Tap tap tap"

"Is there anyone else?" Xiao Feng heard footsteps and turned to look into the woods in the distance.

A man wearing a faceless mask was standing under a big tree.

The faceless masked man looked at the other masked men who were tied up, and said contemptuously:"Useless trash, I was away for just a while and you were caught in one fell swoop. You can't even handle such a small matter, what's the point of keeping you!"

"Oh, so you are very powerful!" Xiao Feng sneered.

"Hehe, at least I'm more than enough to deal with you! By the way, my name is Lao K, and I'm a great Pokémon hunter, remember that. I was planning to pollute the water source to attract Suicune to capture it, but you messed it up. Then I can't let you go. Go, Gyarados!"The faceless masked man smiled proudly, then took out a Poké Ball and threw it out

【Name: Gyarados lv54]

Number: 130

Attributes: Flying, Water

Features: Intimidation

Skills: Destruction Beam, Water Cannon, Water Tail, Storm

Race Value

HP: 95

Physical Attack: 125

Physical Defense: 79

Special Attack: 60

Special Defense: 100

Speed: 81

Total: 540

"Gyarados, use Storm!"After releasing Gyarados, Old K immediately launched an attack.

Several tornadoes gradually gathered and spun around Gyarados, sweeping towards Xiaofeng and his group. Seeing the storm coming, Xiaofeng calmly said to the Lizard King beside him:

"The Lizard King is in your hands. Use the Leaf Blade to chop it down for me!"

""Chamo! (Draw your sword and cut the wind!)" The Lizard King nodded slightly, raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest. In an instant, two grass-type energy blades condensed, and then he stepped forward and ran towards the tornado. In a blink of an eye, he was only a few meters away from the tornado. Mu's legs exerted force and jumped high, waving the two blades in his hands.

Swish, swish, swish!

There were only a few sounds of sharp blades breaking through the air, and the tornado that was sweeping across the opposite side suddenly split in half and dissipated into the air.

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