The Lizard King, who had completed his mission, landed lightly and steadily, holding the double blades at his waist.

"How is it possible? He actually split Gyarados's storm directly! Damn it, Gyarados, use the Destruction Death Ray for me!"Old K's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and then he gave orders to Gyarados. Gyarados received the order and began to condense the Destruction Death Ray in his mouth!

"Right now, Lizard King, use the plug in the mouth!"Just as Gyarados was about to fire the destructive death ray, Xiao Feng's voice reached Lizard King's ears.

""Chamo (stick comes)" the Lizard King shouted, and suddenly a thick and long iron stick appeared out of thin air in the mouth of Gyarados, filling its throat.


The pain deep in the throat was transmitted to Gyarados' brain!

"With a"boom", the destructive death light exploded in the mouth of Gyarados.

"Good opportunity, Lizard King, use Absolute Leaf Blade Slash!"Based on the principle of hitting it hard once it is caught, Xiao Feng immediately ordered Lizard King to attack.

Lizard King disappeared and reappeared around Gyarados out of thin air, and each time it appeared, a green cold light flashed across, leaving a deep scar on Gyarados' body.

After a few breaths, Lizard King returned to his original position and quietly looked at Gyarados in front of him!


Gyarados' eyes were already dull at this moment. The next second, his head quickly fell to the ground, his eyes were rimmed, and he could no longer fight.

""Tsk, useless thing, I'll teach you a lesson next time we meet!" Looking at the Gyarados that had lost its ability to fight, Lao K gave Xiao Feng a sinister look and turned to walk into the deep forest.

Xiao Feng saw Lao K was about to leave, so he flashed behind him and hit him on the back of the head with a wrench. Lao K fell straight down, and then Xiao Feng raised his foot and kicked him.

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Xiao Feng kicked the elf hunter Lao K who was lying on the ground, cursing,"Damn it, you're called Lao K, right? You want to make me look bad, right? You destroy the ecological environment of the lake and you're still so arrogant, fuck! I gave you face, right? You still want to have it again! Bah!"

""Chamo"……Seeing this, the elves hurriedly pulled Xiaofeng back and tried to calm him down, fearing that the guy named Lao K would be taken by Xiaofeng to see his grandmother. So they decided to leave it to Miss Junsha.

"Ah, what should I do?"After Xiao Feng calmed down, he looked at the polluted lake in front of him and scratched his head to think.

""Whoosh, whoosh!"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the leaves in the deep forest rustled, the branches swayed, and the leaves fluttered in the wind.


A long voice came into Xiaofeng's ears from behind.

Xiaofeng turned his head and saw a little girl with purple hair and red eyes.………No, it was a four-legged elf with big purple waves and red eyes that appeared behind Xiaofeng and his group.

The elf was the incarnation of the north wind - Suicune.

【Name: Suicune lv65]

Number: 245

Attribute: Water

Features: Pressure

Skills: White Mist, Speed, Water Wave, Water Cannon, Aurora Beam, Wind, Bubble Beam, Mirror Reflection, Freezing Beam, Absolute Zero, Reflection Wall

Race Value

HP: 100

Attack: 75

Defense: 115

Special Attack: 90

Special Defense: 115

Speed: 85

Total: 580

Suicune leaped into the polluted lake and with a few jumps, the lake became crystal clear.

"Is this the power of purification? It is indeed extraordinary!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the temporary mission: Get ten strands of Suicune's hair! Reward: 100 racial points"

"Oh, has the mission been triggered?" Xiao Feng touched his nose when he saw that the mission was to use Suicune's hair, and then he said to Suicune who had returned to the shore after purifying the water,"Hello, Suicune, my name is Xiao Feng, let's make a deal, can you give me ten of your hairs?"

"Ugh...! (Human, what do you want to do with my hair!)" Suicune asked

"Well, how can I put it? I can't explain it clearly for a while! I don't know what it's for either."Xiao Feng shrugged helplessly. I can't say that it was Tongzi who wanted it.

""Hmm...! (I can, but you have to show me what you can do!)" Shui Jun thought for a moment. When he came here before, he felt a kind of familiarity from Xiao Feng, so he nodded and agreed.

"It's okay if you don't agree………Uh, you agree?!" Xiao Feng originally thought that Shui Jun would not agree, and after coming to his senses, he looked at Shui Jun in surprise.

""Yes!" Shuijun nodded again.

"Haha, well, please give me your advice! Go ahead, Charizard, show it what you can do. Mega Evolution!"Xiao Feng was overjoyed and let Charizard go into battle.

""Roar!" Charizard roared and flew in front of Xiaofeng. With the colorful light shining, Mega Charizard appeared.

Suicune looked at the Charizard in front of him, blinking curiously.

Then the water energy in his mouth kept surging and rotating irregularly, and finally formed a huge water wave ball and shot towards Charizard.

"Charizard, use Big Bang!" Xiao Feng stared at the water wave and quickly spoke to Charizard.

Charizard received the order and a dark blue flame spurted out of its mouth, forming a huge"Big" shaped flame and smashed towards the wave ball shot by Suicune. The water wave was hit by Charizard's Big Bang, and evaporated into gas after resisting for a moment. The Big Bang broke through the obstruction and continued to move towards Suicune.

Seeing this, Suicune's body made a sound of breaking through the air.

With the blessing of the Speed skill, he jumped a few times and avoided the attack of Big Bang. Then a colorful halo emanated from his mouth, and a colorful beam of light shot towards Charizard.

""Did you dodge it, Charizard? Flash and then, Shadow Claw!" Xiao Feng saw Suicune dodge and launch another Aurora Beam attack, and quickly shouted at Charizard.


Charizard roared, and flashed to Suicune's front. Black and purple energy surrounded his hands, condensing into a pair of shadow energy claws, and swung at Suicune.

"There was a sound of metal clashing, and Charizard's Shadow Claw was blocked by a transparent wall in front of Suicune.

"Charizard, Air Walker followed by Iron Tail!" Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Xiao Feng issued further instructions.

Charizard disappeared in an instant, and reappeared after passing through the transparent wall, with its tail shining silver, and it pulled out Suicune who had no time to react.


Suicune was hit by the iron tail and smashed into the ground. In an instant, the ground under Suicune began to break and shatter and vibrate on a large scale with Suicune as the center!

Suicune was already covered with scars at this time, but he still condensed the terrifying ice element energy in his mouth and wanted to make a final counterattack.

"Charizard, don't let it succeed, use the"Insert in the Mouth" to interrupt it, and then use the"Dragon Breath" to end it."

Charizard received Xiaofeng's order and activated the newly acquired skill. An iron rod had been inserted into Suicune's mouth at some point, interrupting Suicune's energy gathering.

Suicune's eyes widened at this time, and his expression was dazed.

While Suicune was distracted, Charizard gathered blue dragon breath in his mouth and went towards his face.


Suicune was attacked by the dragon's breath again. He felt like he saw the alpaca waving at him. He felt a huge pain in his head. After a moment, his eyes were dark and circles appeared. He lost his ability to fight.

Xiaofeng silently took out the illustration and walked in front of Suicune. He aimed at Suicune and slapped him hard.

Then he asked the Lizard King to condense the leaf blade and take off ten strands of Suicune's hair.

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