"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining 100 racial points."

Xiao Feng, who had taken a perfect photo of Suicune, took out a few orange fruits and fed them into Suicune's mouth.

After a while, Suicune woke up slowly.

He opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Feng with a complicated look, glaring at him with resentment.

"Ah, haha, you're awake, Shuijun." Xiaofeng saw Shuijun's eyes and laughed dryly with a guilty conscience.

"Well, human, your purpose must have been achieved when I passed out, so it's time to say goodbye, um………I hope we are not enemies next time we meet. After all, that thing is not easy to feel."Sui Jun finally sighed and said goodbye to Xiao Feng.

"Don't worry, I'm a very kind person!"Xiao Feng patted his chest and promised Shui Jun solemnly.

Shui Jun rolled his eyes at Xiao Feng's promise, with an expression that said,"I don't believe you at all," and then left in a few jumps.

After watching Shui Jun go away, Xiao Feng called Miss Jun Sha, who glanced at Xiao Feng with a strange look on her face, and took Lao K and others away in the police car.

"Ah, everyone, it's time for us to move on!"Since Suicune left, the matter came to an end. Xiaofeng stretched his body and prepared to leave. Just as Xiaofeng was about to leave, the elves in the lake surrounded him. The leader was a fast swimming frog, holding a water blue elf egg with red spots in his arms, and handed it to Xiaofeng.

"Is this for me?" Xiao Feng looked at the elf egg in confusion.

The fast swimming frog nodded.

"Is that so? Thank you, I will take good care of it!"Xiao Feng took the elf egg with both hands and held it in his arms, thanking it and promising


Traveling... by the river

"Ah, baby! It's been three days, when can you hatch?"Xiao Feng sat on the ground and gently stroked the elf egg in his arms, muttering to himself.

It was the first time for Xiao Feng to hatch an elf egg independently, and he was still very nervous, fearing that he would use too much force and end up with scrambled eggs with tomatoes, which would be bad.

Perhaps it heard Xiao Feng's call, the elf egg in his arms began to shake constantly, flashing a faint light.

"This, this is about to hatch!" Xiaofeng looked at it in surprise. The Charizards also gathered around, staring with wide eyes, curiously looking at it.

After a while, the light became stronger and stronger, covering the entire Poké Ball.


The sound of the eggshell cracking came, and the light gradually dissipated, and a newborn Pokémon appeared in Xiaofeng's arms.

Xiaofeng looked at it.

The wisdom revealed in its eyes was deeply imprinted in Xiaofeng's eyes.

The body kept fluttering and shaking, strong and powerful. The red body, with a crown-like pointed horn on the head.

It was the famous old carp head with only bones in the Pokémon world!

"Well, it's good. I don't know what life I was blessed to meet you."Xiao Feng muttered with a confused look in his eyes, but his body was still honest and carefully hugged the Magikarp to prevent it from falling to the ground. After all, it was the cub he hatched, so who would love it if he didn't love it?

Then Xiao Feng carefully held the Magikarp and walked to the river, squatted down and gently put it down.

""Knock knock, bulu bulu."

The carp king entered the stream and began to swim happily, blowing bubbles, but his wise eyes never left the little breeze on the shore.

""Puff! Haha, what's wrong with being so silly and cute." Xiao Feng couldn't help laughing as he watched the Magikarp blowing bubbles and playing.

As if sensing Xiao Feng's joy, the Magikarp swam even more happily.

After swimming for a while, the Magikarp gradually ran out of energy, after all, it was just born.

After Xiao Feng saw that it had played enough, he used the Poké Ball to formally subdue it.

Then he let it out again, found a large rock and asked Charizard to hollow it out, made a simple fish tank to house the Magikarp, and held the fish tank in his arms. The Charizards chirped and welcomed the new Magikarp.

"Tongzi, add all the skills obtained from the lottery to Magikarp, and then increase the physical attack of Hackon and Magikarp by 50 points each"

"Ding, the addition was successful, please check!"

【Name: Haxorus lv36]

Physical Attack: 84+115

Total: 420+115

【Name: Magikarp lv5]

Number: 129

Attribute: Water

Features: Swimming freely

Added skills: Super-speed regeneration, indestructible, flash, empty walk, replacement, forced turn, plug in the mouth

Skills: Leap

Race value

HP: 20

Physical attack: 10+50

Total: 200+50


Xiao Feng, who hatched and subdued Magikarp, continued to move forward with the Pokémons.

During the journey, since Magikarp had no attacking skills, Xiao Feng fed the experience directly into its mouth.

First, he let Charizard and the others harm the wild Pokémon into a disabled state and control it. Then Xiao Feng held Magikarp high into the sky, and then let it fall freely.

Finally, with a"pop", Magikarp fell on the disabled wild Pokémon and knocked it out to harvest the experience. If it didn't stun it, he would continue.

Now Magikarp has reached LV15! He has learned the collision skill by himself and finally has an attack skill.

"Oh, the wild area is ahead, we are finally there."Xiaofeng held Magikarp and looked at the building in front.

Xiaofeng's purpose of this trip was actually just to come here and see, so that Haxorus could meet his fellow tribesmen here.

"Hello, is anyone there?"Xiaofeng brought the elves to the door of the Wilderness District Comprehensive Management Office building, stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a long time, no one answered, Xiaofeng knocked on the door again, but still no one responded.

At this moment, there were bursts of"buzzing" sounds and"bang" gunshots from the distant interior of the Wilderness District.

Xiaofeng realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly led the elves to use air travel to pass through the building and come to the interior of the Wilderness District.

In the distant sky, a helicopter was turning its propeller and rising slowly. A huge net was connected to the bottom of the plane. Two blue figures, one large and one small, were struggling desperately in the net.

""It's Dratini and Haxorus!" Xiaofeng and his team flashed closer and saw the elves in the net clearly.

Under the plane, an old man was trembling with his hands and shooting at the rising helicopter with a gun, but it was useless. The helicopter seemed to have been reinforced. It didn't suffer any damage at all.

"Lizard King, use the leaf blade to rescue the mini dragons!"Without much hesitation, Xiao Feng ordered the Lizard King beside him.

""Chamo (leave it to me)!" The Lizard King nodded in response, and then his figure flashed, and he suddenly came into the air, his arms instantly condensed with green light and waved forward continuously.

Swish, swish, swish...!

The giant net was directly cut into dozens of pieces and separated and fell.

Seeing this, the mini dragons took the opportunity to escape and flew to the uncle's side.

"Well done, Lizard King!"Looking at the Lizard King who had completed the task effortlessly and flashed back, Xiao Feng gave him a thumbs up.

""Chamo! (Hehe!)" The Lizard King raised his arms to show off the double blades in his hands and grinned.

Xiaofeng walked towards the uncle and pointed at the helicopter in the sky to ask the reason.

"Are you okay, what happened!?"

"Thank you, little brother. My name is Caesar, and I am the manager of this wilderness area. For some reason, the group of people on the helicopter wanted to take the mini dragons away by force. If it weren't for your help, the consequences would be disastrous."The uncle first introduced himself and then explained the cause of the incident.

Xiaofeng understood, and just as he was about to speak, a voice came from the plane:

"It's you, you little brat! You're here to ruin our plan again!"

Xiao Feng looked up at the helicopter and saw a speed reduction rope lowered from the helicopter. A figure quickly slid down the rope and came to Xiao Feng and his group and said:

"Oh, do you know me?"Xiao Feng looked at the man in front of him curiously. He had short purple hair, a tuft of goatee, a black suit jacket, beach pants, and flip-flops. He looked like a nobody. The man said to Xiao Feng,

"Luxury cruise ship, rainbow game room!"

"You are the turkey... no, you are from Team Rocket." Xiao Feng understood immediately after hearing this.

"That's right, my name is Radam, and I'm not like those idiots like Apollo who let you catch me so easily."

Radam raised his head at a 45-degree angle to the sky, raised his hand and pointed his thumb at himself, with an"I'm awesome" look.

Suddenly, a voice behind him came into his ears:"Do you know that villains die because of talking too much? And you dare to take your eyes off the enemy when facing him, which is a taboo. It only shows that you are very brave!"


Then Radam felt something inserted into his mouth and throat, stretching it. His pupils dilated rapidly, and then there was a huge pain in the back of his head, as if he was hit by an unknown hard object.

His eyes flickered, and he fell to the ground limply.

Xiaofeng stood behind him with a crooked mouth, holding a wrench in his right hand and shaking it in the palm of his left hand. He leaned down, fumbled around the unconscious Radam for a while, and took out a few Poké Balls.

He released the Pokémon in the balls one by one, and was knocked down by Charizard and the others as if they were picking up experience points.

"Next up is the helicopter. Haxoron uses Dragon Wave to aim at the propeller and shoots the plane down!"

""Ni! (Okay, Boss!)" Haxlon responded, and the colorful dragon breath energy in his mouth accumulated and gushed out, forming a dragon-shaped beam that shot towards the plane.

Just as the dragon wave was about to hit the helicopter, a yellow energy shield suddenly propped up and blocked Haxlon's dragon wave.

Xiaofeng stared at the protective shield covering the entire helicopter and whispered:

"Oh, there are other experts?"

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