After a few short breaths, the protective shield covering the entire helicopter melted away.

A Poké Ball was thrown out of the helicopter, and a white light flashed. A large house bird finally evolved into a Pidgeot, quietly flapping its wings and hovering in the sky.

In a blink of an eye, a man in a white shirt stepped forward and walked out of the helicopter, standing steadily on Pidgeot, lowering his eyes and looking at Xiaofeng with an arrogant look, and said:

"Little brother has repeatedly sabotaged my Team Rocket's missions, shouldn't you give me, Youming, an explanation?"

"Youming? Who is he? Very famous?! Explain? Wait for me a moment, I'll take a look, there should be something!" Hearing the man's question, Xiaofeng took the backpack in front of him, reached into it, took it out, spread his hands, and made an embarrassed expression to the man:

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I forgot to buy it. If you want it, I'll go to the elf store and buy it for you later."

"You're kidding me!" A barely perceptible coldness flashed across the man's eyes.

"Ah, you, you, how did you know! Oh, so that's it, you can read minds!"Xiao Feng first opened his mouth wide and looked at the man in surprise, then pounded his right hand on the palm of his left hand, making a look of sudden enlightenment.

"Humph, you sharp-tongued brat, go ahead, Giant Mantis, tear his mouth apart for me." Nether Eyes roared sinisterly, threw a Poké Ball down, and instantly a red Pokémon with steel wings on its back appeared in front of Xiaofeng and his group.

【Name: Giant Mantis lv62……】

"The mouth cannon is over, is it time to fight? Go, the electric shock monster!"Seeing the opponent release the elf, Xiaofeng sent the electric shock monster to the field

"The giant claw mantis uses sword dance, and then a flash of lightning and metal claw attack!"

As soon as the voice of the netherworld fell, the giant claw mantis was surrounded by dozens of energy swords, and then the energy swords sank into its body. The giant claw mantis roared, its right claw flashed white light, and its body rushed towards the electric shock monster at a high speed.

"Oh, you want to play hard? Sure, the electric shock monster uses the fire fist!"Xiao Feng saw a flash of red lightning attacking the electric shock monster in his eyes, and immediately gave the electric shock monster the order to attack.


The electric shock monster stared at the giant mantis's attack steps, clenched his right fist, and the temperature in the air suddenly rose to the extreme. In an instant, he swung his fist forward and connected with the giant mantis's metal claws.

At this moment, the giant mantis's right claw quickly burned, and the electric shock monster's fist continued to move forward, knocking away the opponent's claws and hitting its chest, leaving a deep dent.

Immediately afterwards, the giant mantis was blasted away dozens of meters by an incredible force, and fell to the ground with its entire body inserted diagonally.

"What is this power?"Yan Ming frowned because of the extraordinary power of the electric shock monster, and then looked at the giant mantis in the distance.

The chest where it was hit was deeply sunken, dark, and the spirit in his eyes was scattered, and he had lost the energy to fight.

"Useless thing! Go!" With a gloomy look, Youming took back the giant mantis and threw out another Poké Ball.

With a flash of white light, a golden Pokémon with nine tentacles behind it appeared on the scene.

【Name: Nine-Tailed Fox lv64……】

"Nine-tailed Fox, attack with flames." The moment Nine-tailed Fox appeared, Netherworld's eyes flashed with violence and he immediately issued an order.

""Electric shock monster, flash and then split the tiles!" Seeing the opponent's non-stop attack, Xiao Feng did not hesitate and immediately gave the order.

A fierce look flashed in the eyes of the electric shock monster, and its body dodged the attack of the jet of flames and came near the nine-tailed beast.

With his right hand raised high, white light covered it, and fiercely chopped at the nine-tailed beast.

"Nine-tailed Fox, hold on!" When Youming saw the electric shock beast suddenly approach the Nine-tailed Fox, his pupils shrank instantly and he shouted


The tiles hit the protective cover that was put up in time, making a violent collision sound, and then"crackling" sounded as if it was about to break.

""Use the big character explosion quickly!" Seeing that the protective shield was about to fail, Youming shouted in panic.

Jiuwei received the order, pointed his mouth at the electric shock monster, and began to gather flames, which were about to burst out.

"Haha, how can I let you succeed? The electric shock monster uses the mouth plug, and then the million-ton punch!"

The electric shock monster received the command and immediately activated its ability


Nine-Tail's mouth was suddenly interrupted by an iron rod, and the skill casting was interrupted. The pupils shook violently, and the eyes were full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, the electric shock monster in the eyes clenched its fists, emitting a strong light, and kept approaching him and getting bigger.

"The sound of the protective shield breaking and the sound of a fist hitting the Nine-Tailed Fox's head reached everyone's ears.

The fist hit the Nine-Tailed Fox's left cheek, causing it to hit the ground at a 45-degree angle, causing a plowing effect for dozens of meters before it stopped due to resistance.

After stopping, the Nine-Tailed Fox's left cheek was swollen, and its eyes were completely covered by the white of the eye, unable to fight.

"Damn it! You forced me to do this!"Youming took back the Nine-Tailed Fox with a cold look on his face, and then took out a strange black Poké Ball from his arms. An ice-blue Pokémon with a cold body and long tail feathers appeared in front of Xiaofeng and others.

"Go ahead and crush them."

【Name: Articuno lv73 (no priesthood), abnormal state……】

The frozen bird appeared, its eyes were replaced by red, and the negative emotions such as violence, anger, and coldness were almost materialized.

"Ding, the mission is triggered. Defeat and rescue Articuno! 100 racial points are awarded."

"Have you been controlled by him?"Xiao Feng looked at the frozen bird in such a state, his eyes turned cold, and he looked at the Netherworld in the sky.

"Articuno, use Blizzard!"

The sight returned to Articuno, whose wings spread out and fluttered slightly. In an instant, a fierce gust of wind swept countless bullet-like ice and snow towards the electric monster.

"Electric shock monster, keep flashing and approaching it!"

After receiving Xiaofeng's order, the electric shock monster swayed slightly, and then flashed away from the spot.

The blizzard shot from the ground, attacking the ground where the electric shock monster was originally standing, instantly making it like a honeycomb, full of potholes.

""Electric Beast, now, thunder and lightning punch!" Xiao Feng watched the electric beast flash continuously to the top of Articuno, and then issued an attack command.

After receiving the order, the electric beast's right hand rolled like thunder, and suddenly and swiftly swung his fist downward to hammer Articuno.

"Damn, such a difficult skill, Articuno, reflective wall!" Youming cursed inwardly in frustration, and then gave the command:

"With a clear clang sound, the electric shock monster's fist stopped half a meter in front of Articuno, and a transparent wall was vaguely visible.

"Articuno, use absolute zero to freeze it for me!"

The moment Youming's order was issued, the air in front of Articuno began to freeze and expand outward!

""Air travel! Then split the tiles!"

Xiaofeng's order was transmitted to the electric beast in time.

The electric beast instantly escaped into the void, passed through the icy absolute zero, and came behind Articuno. Its arms were shining, raised above its head and swung down, hitting Articuno's right wing. The sound of broken bones. Articuno wailed , and then, driven by the powerful force, it turned into a blue stream of light and smashed towards the ground at a high speed.

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