Xiao Feng turned around and saw a beautiful girl who was about fifteen or sixteen years old, with blonde hair that reached below her waist and two black teardrop-shaped hair accessories on each side of her head.

At this time, she was standing in front of an ice cream stand on the street of Honglian Island, with one hand on her chin, looking undecided.

"Is this her? How did she appear here?"Xiao Feng murmured, stepped forward to her side and spoke softly:"Since it is so difficult to choose, why don't you consider having one of all, Miss Zhulan?" Zhulan asked and turned her head to look, only to see a boy who was as handsome as the reader, standing beside her with several elves, smiling at her.

After a moment of stunned silence, she asked curiously:"You... know me?"

"Ah, yes, I covet... uh, I saw you on TV a long time ago, the youngest Sinnoh champion in recent years!" Xiao Feng almost said the wrong thing, but luckily he managed to smooth it over. Of course, he didn't lie, it was indeed on TV, but the TV was from his previous life.

"Haha, is that so? That’s just an empty title." Zhulan spoke calmly, but she was wondering in her heart:"When have I ever been on TV?"

"You are too modest. By the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Xiaofeng. I wonder why Miss Zhulan came to the Kanto region?" Xiaofeng praised her and asked the question he was concerned about.

"Just call me Zhulan, I'm here……"

""Hey, sir, would you like some more ice cream?" Just as the two were about to continue the conversation, the boss beside them asked weakly.

"Uh, sorry, boss, please pack up all the flavors of ice cream. I'll pay for this lady!" Xiaofeng looked at the helpless look in the ice cream boss' eyes, scratched his head guiltily, and answered.

The boss' eyes lit up and he quickly started to pack:"Okay, 2,000 Elf Coins!"

Xiaofeng took out the money and handed it to the boss. He and Charizard took an ice cream of one flavor each, then Xiaofeng turned around and handed the ice cream in his left hand to Zhulan

"Oh, there are too many, how can I finish them all!"Zhu Lan looked at the ice cream that Xiao Feng handed to her and took it subconsciously. She looked at Xiao Feng in distress because he bought so many ice creams. After sighing, she thanked him:"But I still want to thank you, Xiao Feng."

"Hehe!" Xiaofeng touched his nose and smiled happily.


The two people who bought ice cream were walking on the street, eating and talking:

"So, Xiaofeng came to Honglian City to participate in the gym competition."

"Yeah, I only need two more Pokémon badges to participate in the Kanto Regional League Tournament."

Xiaofeng mumbled as he quickly finished the ice cream in his hand, then took the backpack from behind and opened the zipper in front of him, showing the badges he had obtained to Zhulan.

Zhulan looked at the badges in the backpack, a strange color flashed in her eyes, and thought to herself:"Main tournament badges? It seems that Xiaofeng is not simple." Then she smiled calmly and nodded:"That's great."

Xiaofeng grinned and asked curiously:"By the way, Zhulan, I wanted to ask you just now, why are you here?"

"As for me, after the match in Sinnoh was over, I planned to travel to Kanto to relax, and then I heard that there were legendary Pokémon here, so I came here to try my luck and see if I could see the true appearance of the Kanto legend."Zhulan licked the ice cream in her hand slowly.

"So, I hope you can get what you want." Xiao Feng wished

"Thank you, thank you again for your ice cream, Xiaofeng. It's time to say goodbye. I still need to find out more about the legendary elves. See you again if we are lucky enough!" After eating the ice cream, Zhulan took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped the corners of her mouth. She waved to Xiaofeng and said goodbye.

"Uh, really? Then goodbye and have a safe journey!" Xiao Feng also waved, a hint of reluctance flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the receding figure, Xiao Feng whispered softly:"I don't know if there will be a chance to meet again!"

Then, in the resentful eyes of Charizard, he snatched the ice cream from his hand and ate it in big mouthfuls.


Xiao Feng who met Zhu Lan came to the location of Honglian Gym on the map listlessly, scratched his hair while looking at the ruins in front of him:"Ah, I met Zhu Lan, and forgot about the relocation of Honglian Gym. By the way, what was the plot in the original book? I forgot it because it was too long ago. It seems to be related to time?"

"Well, forget it, let's go to the Pokémon Center to rest for a night and think of a solution tomorrow."With nothing else to do, Xiao Feng walked towards the Pokémon Center on Honglian Island.

"Sorry, little brother, there is no room in the Elf Center!"

Xiao Feng and his group walked bleakly on the street, and the sky was gradually shrouded in darkness.

""Little brother over there, here, here!" Xiaofeng, who didn't know where this place was, heard a strong voice in his ears.

Turning around, he saw an old man with a silver afro and a mustache waving at Xiaofeng.

Then Xiaofeng crossed his arms, stepped back a few steps in panic, and looked at the old man in front of him warily.

"Uncle, you are not the silver devil who is said to attack handsome young men like me late at night, don’t come over here!"

The uncle had a black question mark on his face when he heard it, and then he opened his mouth and showed two rows of sharp teeth:"Handsome boy, where are you? You are not talking about yourself, are you? I don’t like you that much!"

"Oh, that's not the case. I was looking for a place to rest. Oh, I see. Are you a pimp?" Xiao Feng was relieved to hear what his uncle said, and then pointed at his uncle with sudden realization.

"Don't guess, bastard, I just want to ask if you are looking for a place to rest!" The uncle yelled at Xiaofeng speechlessly.

"It's not what it is, why are you shouting so loudly?"

Xiao Feng covered his ears and pouted.

"Uncle, is there a place where I can rest? Is that a decent place? A decent place... Uh, I won't go if it's not a decent place."

"Of course we are serious, we are a formal B&B with a business license!"The uncle responded to Xiaofeng and whispered bitterly:

"If people couldn't guess my riddle, there would be no customers. How could I come here to solicit customers in the middle of the night?"

"Haha, so that's it, uncle, come on, take me there quickly!" Seeing that the uncle looked bitter and resentful, Xiao Feng quickly stopped asking, reached out and pulled the uncle, asking him to take him to rest.

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