"Well, this is a coincidence." Xiaofeng came to the B&B building under the guidance of the uncle. He was stunned when he looked at the clock on it. The memory of the dead suddenly attacked him. After going around in circles, he achieved his goal again. Turning his head to look at the uncle with the afro again, a sense of familiarity finally hit him - Xia Bo.

This bastard turned out to have other vests!

Finally, Xiaofeng sighed,"Forget it, let's enjoy the hot spring first." He walked into the B&B.

At Xia Bo's hospitality, Xiaofeng, who had a meal, took the elves to soak in the hot spring. Just when Xiaofeng was leaning on the edge of the pool and soaking comfortably, and was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden click. A huge rock behind him quickly moved from the women's bathhouse, destroying the barrier separating the men's and women's bathhouses, revealing a downward passage.

Xiaofeng was startled and turned his head to look.

The four eyes met!

"Uh, it's so big, it's not right, it's not right either... Why is Zhulan here?" Xiao Feng's eyes widened in shock, and then he could hear the sound of swallowing saliva.

"Ah!" Zhulan in the women's bathhouse was also stunned, then she quickly squatted down and screamed.

"Turn around quickly!"

""Oh, OK!" Xiaofeng came back to his senses after hearing Zhulan's voice, and quickly turned around with his back to Zhulan. After a while of rustling,

Zhulan's voice came again:"Okay, turn around."

Xiaofeng turned around and saw Zhulan, who was dressed neatly, looking at him with a ruddy face. He didn't know what to say for a moment, and Xiaofeng was a little stunned when he saw Zhulan like this.

"Uh, um, Zhulan, why are you here?"Xiaofeng, who reacted after a moment, was the first to speak and break the silence.

"Put on your clothes first." Zhulan did not answer Xiaofeng's question, but looked at Xiaofeng and said

"Ah, oh, okay... But can you also turn around for a moment? After all, boys also have privacy, right?" Xiao Feng sat in the water and scratched his head.

""Tsk, what's so good about that... a little brat." Zhulan pretended to be uninterested and rolled her eyes at Xiaofeng, but eventually turned away.

In a moment, Xiaofeng, who had put on his clothes, came to

Zhulan's side.

"You, what are you doing here!" Zhulan looked at Xiaofeng who was walking towards her and took a step back in panic.

"Uh, I just came to take a look at this passage." Xiaofeng looked at Zhulan and touched his nose.

"Oh!"Zhu Lan replied with one word after hearing this.

"Well, how about going down and taking a look?" Xiao Feng asked

""Hmm!" Zhulan answered the question.

The two went down the passage. On the way, Xiaofeng learned the reason why Zhulan was here. Like Xiaofeng, she had no place to live and happened to meet Xia Bo. The difference was that Zhulan relied on her clever brain to guess the riddle and moved in.

The two stopped in front of a big door. Xiaofeng walked forward, put his hands on the door handle, and pushed it open. A battle field standing on the magma appeared in front of Xiaofeng and Zhulan, surrounded by rock walls.

"It's not easy, you actually found this place."

Xia Bo appeared on the other side a moment later, looked at Xiao Feng and the others, nodded with satisfaction, and then took off his beard and wig.

""Pfft... uh, uncle, no, I should call you Uncle Xia, the leader of the Red Lotus Gym!" Seeing Uncle Xia taking off his wig and revealing his baldness, Xiao Feng almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Of course!" Xia Bo nodded in confirmation with his shiny bald head.

"In that case, Master Xia Bo, since you are here, let's start the gym challenge now." Xiao Feng, trying to hold back his smile, invited them to compete.

"No problem, the game will be in 3v3 mode until all the elves on one side lose their ability to fight. Go, Nine-Tailed Fox!"After accepting the invitation and announcing the rules of the game, Xia Bo took out an elf from his pocket and threw it into the battlefield. A white light flashed, and a fox waving nine tails appeared in front of everyone.

【Name: Nine-Tailed Fox lv42……】

Xiaofeng stood in the command area, and Zhulan walked aside to watch the battle.

"Go ahead, Gyarados! Xiao Feng sent out Gyarados.

"Roar!" The Gyarados behind Xiaofeng roared and flew to the battlefield.

"Gyarados, start with Dragon Dance."Xiao Feng gave the first instruction for the buff skill.

Gyarados spun in the air and flew back, and then the red energy entered his body, and his momentum became even stronger.

"Nine-Tailed Fox, let's use the flame jet!"Xia Bo saw that Xiao Feng prioritized attack and speed, and quickly issued an attack order to Nine-Tailed Fox.

In an instant, the flames in Nine-Tailed Fox's mouth gathered into a flame column and sprayed out at Gyarados.

"Gyarados, charge forward, Water Tail!"After Gyarados's Dragon Dance ended, Xiao Feng looked at the jet of fire shot from the opponent and reacted immediately.

In an instant, the water flow surrounded Gyarados' tail.

Gyarados flew up and rushed towards the jet of fire, and then swung his tail with the water flow diagonally downward.

The jet of fire was instantly split into two, and was split in the middle by Gyarados's Water Tail.

Gyarados continued to attack and swung Water Tail from bottom to top, hitting the chin of the Nine-Tails.

""Swoosh" the Nine-Tailed Fox was pulled off the ground by Gyarados and flew towards the top of the rock wall. It was stunned and"boom" and smashed into the rock wall several meters deep. Its eyes were circling and it could not fight.

"this……"Xia Bo's eyes were filled with astonishment, and he looked at the Nine-Tailed Fox in disbelief.

Zhu Lan, who was standing by, also had a flash of surprise in her eyes:"Xiao Feng's Gyarados's damage is a little beyond expectations. It's really interesting!""

"Come back, Ninetales! It's your turn now." After coming back to his senses, Xia Bo raised the Poké Ball to retrieve Ninetales, then took out another Poké Ball and threw it into the field.

A bipedal Pokémon covered in armor and with horns on its head appeared in front of Xiaofeng and his party.

【Name: Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex lv46】

"The battle continues, Gyarados, pray for rain!"

Xiaofeng gave the order, and Gyarados roared at the sky. When he looked up, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and it began to drizzle. Then it kept getting bigger and covered the entire field.

""Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, use the ramming method!" Seeing that the situation was not good, Xia Bo quickly launched an attack on the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus.

The Ironclad Tyrannosaurus opened its mouth and roared, then started running on its feet, its body glowing white, and slammed into the Gyarados, causing gusts of wind and waves. The rain was blocked out by the wind and could not get in.

Xiaofeng looked up at the Gyarados running over, and gave the next instruction:"We will also use the ramming method!"


Gyarados roared, and his body glowed like an arrow, driving the rain to follow. In the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Gyarados's ferocious figure quickly grew larger.

The two sides met at one point in the blink of an eye.


The armored Tyrannosaurus flew back in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, a loud"bang" was heard, and the flying Tyrannosaurus crashed into the rock wall outside the field behind it. Rocks flew everywhere, and huge pain attacked its whole body, as if its whole body was paralyzed and could not move.

""End it, water cannon!" Seeing the opponent like this, Xiao Feng immediately spoke up to finish off the opponent.

Gyarados opened his bloody mouth, and a huge stream of water gathered to form a huge spiral water column that quickly bombarded the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the rock wall.

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