Just before 12 midnight, Ash wiped the sweat from his face and returned to the room where the silver cup was kept.

Xiao Gang still sat motionless.

“Hey, Xiao Gang, are you hungry?” Xiaoxia greeted.

“I’m a rock Pokémon!” This is Xiao Gang’s response!

Brother, you won’t just sit like this for 7 hours, will you?

At this moment, the clock struck 12 midnight, and everyone immediately became nervous.

However, nothing happened.

Could it be that the second-generation strange thief Cat Eight knew that there were so many people guarding here, so he didn’t dare to come?

At this moment, the rich man relaxed and brought everyone some more food.

“Just because I’m hungry again!” Ash was unceremonious, sat down and ate.

Everyone was also eating happily, but Xiao Gang sat in one position for too long, his feet were numb, and he stood up.

I could only lie on the ground and watch Ash and the others enjoy the food.

In this way, Jun Sha spoke, “So it is said that this little brother looks the most professional!” ”

After drinking and eating, Ash wiped his mouth, looked in the direction of the ceiling, and spoke, “Team Rocket, it’s time to wake up, right?” ”

“Ash, what are you talking about Team Rocket?” Xiao Xia was confused by Ash.

Junsha and Linear Ball immediately became alert.

Sure enough, in the next second, the lights in the room dimmed down, and the Rocket trio appeared from the ceiling, landing right in front of the Silver Cup.

“Damn it, you guys were eating a big meal just now, but we haven’t eaten all day!”

Musashi just wanted to reach for the silver cup, but was blocked by a blue light.

“Little ghost head, is it your ghost again?”

The trio of Team Rocket is also very confused, and Ash’s group, who has been chasing behind him, somehow mastered a magical ability.

“Since you’re here, don’t leave!” Ash certainly wouldn’t answer her question.

Just now, Jun Sha had already ordered the ball to weave a cobweb around them, which should be said to be Miss Junsha’s partner, and her movements were crisp and neat.

When he was in the yard just now, Ash had already seen the ability of this little ball of thread.

As soon as Ash’s words fell, the Heaven and Earth Net descended, wrapping the three-person team of Team Rocket in a group.

“History repeats itself, and anyone who claims to be a cat eight in this place will be entangled in the silk of the ball of thread!” Junsha can already declare victory.

Now the Rocket trio has been tied up as caterpillars and formally arrested.

Regardless of whether they will escape from prison again in the future, I believe that Ash and his party should be able to calm down for a while.

The treasures stolen by Team Rocket were all taken by them, and they hid on the ceiling where they were hiding just now.

“It’s amazing, little brother, it’s really worthy of being an expert in fighting thieves!” Miss Junsha does not skimp on praising Ash.

“Little brother, thank you so much, let’s stay tonight!” The rich man behaved politely.

Ash also had a good impression of him and did not underestimate them because they were children.

The bed of the rich family is indeed comfortable, and the fatigue accumulated by the long journey is also relaxed.

But Ash and his party did not slack off because of this, and left early the next morning to embark on the journey again.

After crossing the town of Tenmu, known for its high-class residential area, and the town of Antlers, where a huge park has been built in the middle of the city, Ash and his party arrive at the foot of a mountain near their first destination, Kikyo City.

“It’s starting to feel a little chilly!”

“You see, there’s already snow on the top of the mountain!”

The geography and climate of Pokémon World is strange, and on the way to Kikyo City, you have to climb such a mountain.

“It’s also a good place for special training! Pikachu, master the iron tail as soon as possible! “Ash will now seize the opportunity to start special training, and the progress of Pikachu and Charizard is obvious to all.

“Well, I want to go snowskiing too!” Of course, Xiaoxia is happy to stop here.

“It’s a good idea, maybe there are a lot of beautiful ladies on vacation in the ski resort!”

Looking at Xiao Gang’s appearance, he knew that this brother had fallen into fantasy again.

But soon, Ash’s eyes lit up, and he clearly saw that not far ahead, there was a Pokémon that he loved!

That’s a chrysanthemum leaf!

He was lying lazily on the grass, stretching out the big leaves above his head, probably basking in the sun. Because of its special ability, the air exudes a sweet smell.

Grass Pokémon love to bask in the sun.

Chrysanthemum leaves are the three families of the grass system in the Johto area, which is actually difficult to encounter in the wild, but Ash’s luck is so good, he actually met a wild one!

As soon as Ash approached, the chrysanthemum leaf woke up, and his eyes were very focused on Ash.

“It seems that the character of this chrysanthemum leaf is much stronger than Nana!” From that look, Xiao Gang could feel its character.

“Then it means that it fits very well with me!” Ash smiled slightly, “It’s up to you, Pikachu!” ”

“Ash, a grass-based Pokémon, has a good resistance to electric attributes!” Xiao Gang reminded.

“Of course I know, that’s why I let Pikachu learn that skill!” Ash smiled confidently, “Pikachu, use an electric flash!” ”

Pikachu rushed up at once and knocked the chrysanthemum leaf out.

As a result, the chrysanthemum blade rolled on the ground, and then it stood firm again, and then two flying blade knives flew towards Pikachu.

“One hundred thousand volts!”

The galloping electric light burned the flying leaf fast knife, but the chrysanthemum grass leaf actually rushed over without fear of death, and stretched out two rattan weaves, and suddenly pumped Pikachu upside down and flew out.

“What a strong sense of battle!” Ash really liked this chrysanthemum leaf more and more.

“Pikachu, another flash of light!”

Pikachu rushed over again, but this chrysanthemum leaf seemed to have learned a lesson from the battle just now, and kept the vine in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Pikachu’s impact was resisted, and Pikachu was tied up and raised to more than two meters above his head.

“That’s nice! Pikachu, use 100,000 volts! ”

The electric current hit the body of the chrysanthemum leaf along the vine weaving, and even if the effect was not good, it still caused damage.

Chrysanthemum Leaf couldn’t help but let go of Pikachu, and an electric light flashed on his body, obviously paralyzed.

The electrostatic characteristics, coupled with 100,000 volts, increase the probability of it being paralyzed.

“It’s now, Pikachu, Iron Tail!”

Pikachu came to a 180 turn in the air, and the lightning-shaped tail had already brought a metallic glow.

The power of the iron tail was very strong, and it suddenly smashed on the grass in front of the chrysanthemum leaf, and the splashed sand pasted the chrysanthemum leaf’s face.

“Haha, how about it, little one, be my partner!”

Kikusa watched Pikachu with his tail slashing into the grass, and it knew that it was Ash and Pikachu who took it in.

Pikachu: 205/255

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