Chrysanthemum Leaf is the second Pokémon that Ash took in the Johto area.

The character is brave, so strong, obviously the fit with Ash is obviously very high, but the chrysanthemum leaf has not yet evolved to its final form, so the fit is absolutely impossible to reach 255.

Now, Ash has also let go, he can’t force his Pokémon to evolve to their final form.

Just like the current Magic Frog Seed and the Jeni Turtle, they decided not to evolve, and Ash was willing to respect them.

After all, Pokémon are independent beings, not some props. They have their own life pursuits and their own strengths.

After collecting the chrysanthemum leaves, Ash had more than 6 Pokémon with him.

So he teleported back the same grass attribute of the Magic Frog Seed, just as Dr. Ohki’s backyard had begun to have a problem with the foster Pokémon making trouble, let him go back and solve the matter as soon as possible.

Ash and his party trained on this mountain for two days before they crossed over and finally came to Kikyo City.

It was also these two days that allowed Ash and Chrysanthemum Leaf to get along time.

To arrive in Kikyo City, of course, the first thing to visit is the Tower of Horn Buds.

This is a three-story tower that looks like it is going to fall at any time, but in fact it is more effective to avoid the impact of disasters such as earthquakes on the tower.

According to legend, this was built with a column more than 30 meters high to build the central macaroni column in the center of the tower. It should be said that this is indeed the wisdom of the ancestors.

And this tower of horn buds has a special meaning for the trainers on the journey.

It is said that the Pokémon trainers who participate in the Johto Alliance will definitely come to this tower and think about the events when they first left their hometown to embark on a journey.

And for Ash, his journey began with Bobo.

After embarking on the journey, because Pikachu was awkward with himself, Ash also had a temper and even had to rely on his own strength to subdue a bobo.

The result, of course, is an obvious tragedy.

Later, Ash took in a bibi bird, but after completing a trip to the Kanto region, he released the evolved bibi eagle in the Tokiwa Forest.

I don’t know if Hikari is still in the Tokiwa Forest.

Speaking of Bidiao, Ash stood on the tower and looked out, and saw a trainer flying in the air with a paraglider.

Coming down from the Tower of Horn Buds, Ash and his group met the paraglider trainer and the eagle at the door of the Kikyo Dojo Hall.

“Hello! Are you a trainer who came to Kikyo Dokan to challenge? “This trainer still has a grunt on his shoulder.

“That’s right, I’m Ash from Shinshin Town, and this is my first Dojo Challenge in the Johto area!” Ash introduced himself.

“Hello, my name is Azou!” Azor introduced himself.

“This one is bigger than the eagle!” Seeing this eagle, Xiaoxia couldn’t help but marvel.

“Indeed, it’s bigger than my previous Bijing!” Seeing this eagle, Ash said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Azor suddenly became interested in Ash, “Do you also have a bidiao?” ”

“yes!” Ash nodded, “It was following me not so long ago!” ”

“Because something happened, I parted from the Tokiwa Forest near my hometown, where I took it. Now the guy doesn’t know what’s going on. ”

Ash’s words made Ah Suo very moved, “I think you must also like your bidiao!” ”

“Of course!”

“That’s right, the eagle is the best bird Pokémon!” As Azor said, this eagle of his is his trump card!

Asor patted Ash’s shoulder and smiled, “I think I fit in with you!” ”

“Don’t tell you anything, my dream is to become the best bird Pokémon trainer!”

“I have a yearning for the sky, and over time, I unconsciously became obsessed with the bird Pokémon flying in the sky!”

“Ash, since you are here to challenge the Kikyo Dojo, please come with me!”

This remark made Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia scratch their heads, but Xiao Zhi quickly smiled and said, “Then give more advice, Taoist trainer, Mr. Azou!” ”

Kikyo Dokan is a very tall building, and the battlefield opposite the dojo is on the top floor of the large platform!

“Ash, welcome to Kikyo Dokan!”

On the opposite battlefield on this top floor, there were already many people waiting here, and everyone was holding their breath, which made the atmosphere tense all of a sudden.

“Ash, no problem, right?” Xiao Gang said with concern.

Ash smiled slightly, “Wrap it around me, I will only get excited when I encounter such a tense situation!” ”

“So, starting now, Kikyo Dojo’s dojo trainer Azou, the challenger Ash from True Shin Town, starts an official match with badges as a bet, and the number of Pokémon that can be used is three, are the players on both sides ready?”

“Ready! Azot, I will definitely get your badge! ”

Seeing Ash’s confident appearance slowly, Ah Su’s blood was also boiling, “I won’t let you get it easily, it’s about the reputation of the dojo trainer, I want you to know the real power of the bird Pokémon!” ”

According to the rules of the Dojo Challenge, the Dojo owner sends Pokémon first.

And the first one of Azov is the one that just fell on his shoulder!

“Then it’s up to you, Pikachu!” Since it is a dojo of the flight department, it is certainly understandable to send Pikachu with electric attributes to take the lead.

But in fact, Ash thought more.

The Jeni Turtle is obviously not suitable for facing this bird Pokémon.

The chrysanthemum leaves that had just been harvested were even more restrained.

As for Heracros, whether it is a bug attribute or a fighting attribute, it has been controlled to death by the bird Pokémon Baker, so forget it.

So Ash’s players in this battle are only Pikachu, Kabi Beast and Charizard.

Fortunately, the Kabi Beast happened to be awake.

“The right choice, but Ash, if you think that you can easily defeat my bird Pokémon with electricity, you are very wrong!” Azo also became serious, “Preemptive, coo, shock attack!” ”

“Pikachu, let’s flash with electricity!”

The electric flash was obviously faster, and just as Goo was about to move, Pikachu had already come to it and knocked it out!

“Not good, goo, go up!”

“Want to run? One hundred thousand volts! ”

Goo struggled to flap her little wings to take off, but 100,000 volts had already fallen, electrifying it.

“Goo Goo loses the ability to fight, Pikachu wins!”

“There is no way to lose to the electric system!” Azo put the goo back and looked up at Ash, “Ash, you’re really strong!” ”

Pikachu 208/255

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