“Proud Bone Yan, flash of light!”

Facing Du Juan’s little fist stone, Xiao Zhi took the lead in attacking, and the speed of Proud Bone Yan was cultivated faster and faster by Xiao Zhi, and it was already in front of Xiao Fist Stone in just a blink of an eye.

However, Xiao Fist Shi was only knocked back a bit, obviously not suffering any damage!

“Ordinary moves really don’t work!” Xiao Sheng felt sorry for Aojiuyan.

Du Juan also thought that she had the upper hand, and spoke, “Xiaozhi, the move you chose is not very good!” ”

However, Ash looked at the arrogant swallow hovering in the air and smiled slightly, “That’s not necessarily!” ”

“Proud Bone Yan, use Yan Return!”

However, the flying skill still has no effect on the small fist stone.

“Block it!” Yan Hui was difficult to dodge, so Du Juan didn’t have the idea of dodging at all, and saw Xiao Fist Shi cross his arms in front of him, and forcefully endured Yan Hui.

“It’s now, use steel wings!”

At the moment when Yan returned to the moment of accomplishing the skill, Xiao Zhi took advantage of the fact that the little fist stone was still maintaining a defensive action, allowing Proud Bone Yan to use the secret technique that he had been exercising since the beginning of his submission!

Exactly the steel wing!

Ash has long analyzed this skill, because the rock system restrains the flight system, and the steel wing skill can just give the flight department the means to deal with the rock system.

This is the same as Ash’s training of Pikachu to use the iron tail.

Hearing this order, Du Juan suddenly changed color, but now it is already very difficult to make the little fist stone change its moves, she can only watch the little fist stone being hit by the steel wing and being hit hard!

I’m afraid that its characteristics should be strong, so it was not killed by Ash’s move, otherwise it would lose its combat ability before it had time to use a skill, which is also too wrong.

“How so?” Du Juan looked at the little fist stone in front of her in disbelief, “Xiao Zhi, was the attack just now just a feint that forced the little fist stone to make a defensive move?” ”

“That’s right, Du Juan, your fighting style is as solid as a rock, I investigated your Pokémon, whether it is the Little Fist Stone clan or your ace Chaobei Nose, they are all types that are good at defending and counterattacking, and what I am best at is precisely using speed to do strong attacks!” Ash said slowly.

“Ash, you are really powerful!” Du Juan lost, even if she now knows Xiaozhi’s tactics, she can’t deal with it.

“The final blow, Proud Swallow, Steel Wings!”

The speed of the Proud Bone Yan became faster and faster, and his wings shone with the brilliance of metal, and he came to the small fist stone.

“Can’t lose, little fist stone, use rolling!” Du Juan gritted her teeth, but she still refused to give up this battle, at least to defeat this Proud Bone Yan!

This little fist stone practiced the rolling skill to the bone, and this rolling also hit the rockery on the field, and actually rose up into the sky and smashed towards the Proud Bone Yan.

Proud Bone Yan will not be afraid of half a point, and rushed over with a flap of steel wings!

The small fist stone was smashed and fell on the rock field, and Ao Bone Yan was also injured, but his eyes were very bright!

“Yay, big brother is really powerful, and he still hides such a powerful skill!” Xiao Sheng cheered for Ash to be able to defeat Xiao Fist Stone with Proud Bone Yan, “Sister, have you seen it, that steel wing is so powerful!” ”

“Yes, and the trajectory of that steel wing in the air is really beautiful!” Xiao Yao saw another angle.

“Little Fist Stone loses the ability to fight, Proud Bone Yan wins!” The referee announced the result.

“It seems that you still want to fight, then continue to hand it over to you!” Xiao Zhi understood Ao’s thoughts very well, naturally he would not take it back now, he looked at Du Juan, “Miss Du Juan, the rolling of the last little fist stone is very powerful, and I have benefited a lot!” ”

Rolling also has this technique, which Ash learned, and he also has many Pokémon that can use scrolling skills, such as baby elephants and the fire wheel of the fire beast.

Du Juan took back the little fist stone, “Xiaozhi, you are really powerful, the next thing is the trump card you know, up, the north nose!” ”

The biggest feature of this Pokémon facing north is its red nose, the magnet on this red nose will never fail, always facing north, is a good companion when trainers travel!

This north-facing nose has a very high fit with Du Juan, and I don’t know if Du Juan’s battle style is influenced by it. Since it came out, Du Juan’s whole momentum has become completely different.

“Nose towards the north, seal the action of the Proud Bone Yan!” There was no clear skill order, but the action towards the north nose was very fast, and it stomped its foot fiercely, and countless gravel fell from the top of the head of the Proud Bone Yan.

These rubble fell to the ground and quickly formed a cage, and as the Proud Bone Yan descended to avoid the rock, the rock cage also happened to trap it inside!

However, Ash did not panic in the slightest, and he would never allow himself to have any panic, “Steel wing! ”

Proud Bone Yan cast steel wings to make a circle in the cage of that rock, and saw that the upper part of the rock suddenly collapsed, and Proud Bone Yan successfully escaped!

However, at this moment, Du Juan’s order was given, “Electromagnetic cannon!” ”

Seizing the moment when it is inevitable to relax after getting out of trouble, Du Juan did a very accurate job in controlling the timing of the battle, but she was facing Xiaozhi!

“Stay away!”

Xiao Zhi has long let Du Juan’s move go, and Ao Bone Yan will definitely not let Xiao Zhi down, and abruptly adjusted his flying posture, so that the electromagnetic cannon fell into the air.

“Right now, nose north, use sandstorms!”

For a while, the entire battlefield set off flying sand and stones, and even Xiao Gang and the three couldn’t see what was happening on the field.

“If you do this, won’t the other party be able to see the Proud Bone Yan?” Xiao Yao knows how to think backwards!

“Rocky Pokémon are not affected in sandstorm weather! And in the sandstorm, the arrogant swallow can’t move at all! Xiao Gang, a former trainer of the Rock Department Taoist Hall, explained.

And the north nose also has a more effective detection method than the eyes, Du Juan showed a victorious smile, “North nose, use the rock seal again!” ”

The sand and dust dispersed, and the proud swallow fell into the rubble!

“Proud Bone Yan loses the ability to fight, and wins towards the North Nose!” The referee announced the result, and now Ash has one Pokémon left, and Du Juan’s north-facing nose is almost unharmed!

Ash took back the Proud Bone Yan, “Proud Bone Yan, nice job!” ”

“It’s up to you, Mu Shougong!”

The sandstorm stopped, and Mu Shougong held a branch in his mouth, looking fearless, and his big eyes stared at the north nose.

“Flash of electricity!” Xiao Zhi still flashed to start the game, Du Juan looked at this little guy who rushed over, and said in his heart, this should not have any steel skills, right?

It is true that there are no steel skills, but the grass skills themselves restrain the rock system!

The electric light flashed to avoid the rock seal of the North Nose and hit it fiercely, and then saw a green light flash on the North Nose, and it came out and fell on the wooden palace!

“Absorb skills?” Du Juan recognized it, and immediately realized that he must fight quickly, otherwise he will be consumed by the other side if he can fight!

But Ash just planned to consume it like this!

“Nose facing north, use sandstorms!”

The sandstorm blew up again, obscuring everyone’s sight, but green light still appeared on the body of the north nose and fell on the body of the wooden palace!

“North nose, electromagnetic cannon!” However, the electromagnetic cannon failed, and the skill power of the north nose is very good, but the actions of the wooden guard palace are as difficult to figure out as a ghost in this rockery field!

For a while, Du Juan really can’t take this wooden palace, people can continue to plunder the physical strength of the north nose, but the north nose can’t recover ah.

Then another green light jumped out.

Du Juan was stunned, “Xiaozhi, you are the champion of the conference, fight a protracted battle with me?” War of attrition? ”

Hearing this, Ash smiled, “There are not enough skills, Pokémon are not strong enough, more inclusion and more inclusion!” ”

Now Mu Shougong is such a grass skill, and other general skills have no effect, so they can only use such tactics.

Du Juan smiled bitterly, “Count you winning!” This is the Rock Badge! ”


The first badge arrived! All kinds of requests!

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