“Big brother, show me the rock badge?”

Ash finally gets the first Rock Badge, but Katsu seems even happier than he is, pestering him for the Badge Collection Box.

The result was obvious, he was honest with a punch on the head, and obediently took out the Pokémon Navigator to check it, “Big brother, the closest to the Taoist hall here is the Wudou Daoist Hall on Wudou Island, let’s go to Wudou Island next, right?” ”

Ash nodded, “But until then… ”

He looked at Xiao Gang and Xiao Yao beside him, and saw that they were interested in checking the travel guide about Kanaz City.

“Kanaz City really deserves to be a big city, and almost everything can be completed in one fell swoop!” Of course, what Xiao Gang consulted was information about tourist materials.

Before that, they had experienced a long journey of several forests, and although they also passed through several small towns to replenish some supplies during the period, after all, small towns could not buy everything, and they could only find a replacement or future.

In short, Xiao Gang has always been in charge of these things, and Xiao Zhi is very worry-free.

As for Xiao Yao’s natural food guide, “Seaside restaurant, shop with delicious grapes… There are many, many more! ”

You can see that she is very excited, and perhaps before she came into contact with the gorgeous competition, the source of motivation that supported her travel was the expectation of various cuisines in different places.

Ash smiled slightly, “In that case, let’s move freely next, just because I also have a place I want to go.” ”

“Big brother, where are you going? I’m going with you? “Although he is always beaten, Xiao Sheng just likes to act with Ash.

But this time Ash refused, “You are looking for Pokémon in this big city, the place I am going is not suitable for you to go!” ”


Seeing Ash’s fist that was about to raise again, Xiao Sheng quickly did not dare to have any more objections, he sighed, held the navigator in one hand, and picked up his own drink in the other hand to drink, “Then what am I going to do?” ”

But I didn’t want to pay attention, the drink spilled on the navigator, and I immediately saw that the navigator flashed an electric spark, which should be a short circuit in the water.

Such a high-tech thing is not waterproof?

He quickly wiped it with a handkerchief, then tried to press the key, but found that it was completely out of order, “Oops… ”

All three looked at him, and Xiao Yao asked, “What’s wrong with you, Xiao Sheng?” ”

Xiao Sheng suddenly became clever, and he couldn’t let his sister know that he had broken her navigator.

These two siblings actually have a very good relationship, but the usual mode of getting along is to raise the bar and stir their mouths. Xiao Sheng always said that Xiao Yao was unreliable, but now he broke her navigator, and he couldn’t be laughed at by her for a while?

It can’t be like this!

Xiao Sheng, who was so young, immediately decided to hide it, “It’s nothing!” Freedom of action next, goodbye! ”

Say goodbye and run away with a puff of smoke.

In fact, where can his small actions hide from Ash’s eyes, but since he wants to bear this mistake and seek ways to make amends, Ash is also willing to give him this opportunity.

For this kid’s ingenuity, Ash is still relieved.

“Ash, where are you going?” Xiao Gang asked curiously as he left.

For the traveling companions, Ash will not hide anything, and frankly said, “It’s time for the mini dragon to molt again, I plan to go north to Meteor Falls!” ”

Meteor Waterfall is a large cave formed by meteorite landing, there is a waterfall inside, the terrain is very complicated, the Pokémon level is also very high, and the road from Kanaz City is bumpy, it is really not suitable to go with Xiao Sheng.

But Ash didn’t plan to go deeper, just found a suitable environment for the mini dragon to complete the molt.

The four of them acted separately, and Xiao Sheng met an uncle on the street who was showing strange inventions to children.

A robot that automatically opens a soda can, and when the can is opened, the soda inside is also pinched, an invention that is useless!

After watching the lively children, the birds and beasts immediately scattered.

“Little brother, what’s wrong with you, why are you sighing?” This uncle saw Xiao Sheng’s nerve-wracking appearance, and enthusiastically came over to inquire.

“I’m not called Little Brother, I’m called Xiao Sheng!” After introducing himself, Xiao Sheng explained, “That’s right, my sister’s Pokémon Navigator is broken!” ”

“So that’s the case, you can go to Dewen Company for this kind of problem!”

I didn’t expect that the uncle who would show the children strange inventions on the street turned out to be the president of Dewen Company! Zvoch Hibiscus!

This is a large company that has developed to rival Silver’s company, and most of the items produced are for Pokémon trainers.

Not only have they developed new kinds of Pokéballs, but they are also working on projects to restore fossilized ancient Pokémon!

President Zvoch seemed to like Xiao Sheng very much, and took him back to the Dewen company, and asked the researcher here to repair the navigator specifically for Xiao Sheng.

He also asked his secretary, Mr. Kuroda, to go to the Pokémon Center and invite the three of Ash here.

After that, President Zvoch took Xiaokatsu to visit the instrument that can resurrect Pokémon fossils.

However, just as they turned to stand in front of another machine, a researcher-clad man walked behind them and removed two flasks from the fossil resurrection machine.

The most precious thing in this fossil resurrection machine is the genetic agent in this culture flask, so this culture flask cannot be lost.

When the man walked out of the door of the research room, President Zvoch noticed him with his afterlight, and immediately noticed that something was wrong.

The president remembered the appearance of everyone in this company, but he had never seen this stranger, and he decisively followed with Xiao Sheng.

In order not to startle the snake, they did not alarm the company’s security, but the two of them quietly followed behind him.

At the same time, the three of Ash have also been accepted into the company by Mr. Kuroda.

Xiao Gang has already purchased all the supplies he needs, Xiao Yao has eaten himself to the point of stomach discomfort, Ash accompanies the mini dragon to complete the molt, and the three of them just meet at the Pokémon Center.

“So that’s the case, you guys are Pokémon trainers too!” Mr. Kuroda and Ash and his party had a good conversation. , “Xiaozhi, I remember, you are the champion of the last silver conference, and my young master also said that he wanted to fight against you once to see!” ”

“President Zvochi’s young master, it should be Mr. Daigo, right?” Ash uttered a name he knew.

“It turns out that you have heard the name of Young Master Dawu!” Mr. Kuroda’s impression of Ash was better.

“Ash, how come you heard Mr. Daigo’s name?” Xiao Yao was puzzled, Xiao Zhi obviously came to the Fengyuan area not long ago, how could he know the people in the Fengyuan area?

“Powerful trainer, of course I pay attention!” Ash looked at Xiao Gang, “Mr. Daigo’s strength is completely comparable to Wataru, he is the champion of the Fengyuan region!” ”


All kinds of requests!

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