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Xiaoguang, who got 5 ribbons and was allowed to participate in the grand celebration, was in a very good mood. Even though she was in the forest with a blizzard, she didn't feel cold at all.

A gust of cold wind happened to blow by, and Xiaoguang couldn't help but sneeze softly.

"Is it okay?" Xiaozhi asked Xiaoguang, who was still dressed in summer clothes. Xiaozhi felt cold all over when he saw Xiaoguang dressed in summer clothes.

"No problem, no problem." Xiaoguang put his hands on his waist, and the Pogaman beside him did the same thing. But from the trembling body, it seemed that he was just holding on.

Xiaozhi shook his head and took out a black cotton coat from his backpack and handed it to Xiaoguang."Didn't you say that it would be very cold on the way to Qifeng City? Why didn't you buy some cotton clothes in Tongcao Town in advance?"

"I forgot." Xiaoguang took the cotton coat and whispered, then put it on and held Pogaman in his arms.

Xiaogang looked at the map in his hand and said,"It will take at least 2 hours to cross this forest. You must be mentally prepared first."

"No way!","Pikachu!" Xiaozhi and Pikachu were shocked. They didn't expect it would take so long.

"There is nothing we can do about it."

The next gym that Xiaozhi is going to challenge is the Cutting Edge Gym in Cutting Edge City, the northernmost part of Sinnoh. To do this, he has to wear the forest that is always blizzard-proof.

The reason why he has to run so far, in addition to challenging the gym, is more importantly that Xiaozhi wants to subdue the Holy Pillar King Regichiska who is sleeping in the Cutting Edge Temple.

Regichiska has a racial value of 670, which is higher than the racial values of Darkrai and Deoxys in Xiaozhi's hands.

These two Pokémon only have 600.

And judging from his performance in the anime, his level should not be too low.

But this time, in addition to dealing with Regichiska, he also has to take into account the three pillars of the Age of Gods.

It's not because Xiaozhi will fight against the Age of Gods, but because the Holy Pillar King has the ability to control the three pillars.

"Deoxys and Darkrai should be able to hold back the three pillars. As for the Holy Pillar King, let Giratina deal with it." Xiaozhi covered the dragon tattoo on the back of his right hand.

"Even if the Holy Pillar King wants to defeat Giratina, it is impossible."

But it is too early to think about this now. Now the three of them must go through this forest first. To be honest, this blizzard is really big.

"Hmm? Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, look at that"

"What happened?"The two looked in the direction Xiaoguang pointed, and just at that moment the snowstorm abated a little, and in front of the three was a floating white figure.

Xiaogang's face changed, and the figure began to tremble."Momo, could it be a ghost! ?"

"Wow, I saw a ghost again!" Xiaoguang's eyes lit up immediately. In this respect, she was different from ordinary girls.

"It's not a ghost, take a closer look," Xiaozhi said, turning his head and looking carefully for a while.

In front of the three people was an elf wearing a white mask. At this time, she was waving at the three people, as if to let Xiaozhi and the others go over.

Snow Fairy Girl, the female Snow Boy will evolve into Snow Fairy Girl after awakening the stone. Otherwise, it will only evolve into Ice Demon Guardian according to the normal level, just like Xiaozhi's one.

"Xiaozhi, what is she saying? Xiaoguang looked at Xiaozhi beside him and asked him to help translate.

""I want to go to her house and treat us well." Xiaozhi walked in front of the Snow Fairy."But the real idea should not be this."

The Snow Fairy was surprised, but then immediately shook her head, put on a smile, and told Xiaozhi that she just wanted to treat them.

"Tell the truth." Xiaozhi looked at Kirlia on his shoulder."Kirlia can sense emotions. If you lie, she will find out."

The Snow Fairy looked at Kirlia on Xiaozhi's shoulder and found that she was looking at her with a smile. After hesitating for a few seconds, the Snow Fairy sighed and decided to tell Xiaozhi and the others the truth.

"Hey! Your child, Snow Boy, has been kidnapped!" Xiaoguang was very surprised after hearing Xiaozhi's translation."Then we have to find him back as soon as possible."

"Do you know what the Pokémon hunter looks like?" Xiaogang asked seriously.

The Snow Fairy was very surprised by the reactions of the two. Because the Snow Boy was deceived before, the Snow Fairy became distrustful of humans. However, from the expression of the human in front of her, it seemed that he was not lying.

Xiaozhi thought about the plot carefully. He remembered that the Pokémon hunter who caught the Snow Boy seemed to have a car."Okay, let's go find that guy and rescue the Snow Boy." The

Snow Fairy was very moved after hearing this. In fact, Xiaozhi just wanted to leave the forest with that car.

In order to find the location of the Pokémon hunter, Xiaozhi also released Lucario, and together they used waveguides to explore the entire forest.

On a road in the forest, a middle-aged man wearing a hat looked at the two Pokémon trapped in iron cages on his passenger seat and laughed.

"Haha, I'm really lucky this time. Not only did I catch a snow boy, but I also found a white Vulpix. The money from selling these two elves will be enough for me to spend for a long time, huh?"

Three people suddenly appeared on the road in front of him, scaring the middle-aged man, and he subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

"You are looking for death!" The middle-aged man got out of the car and yelled angrily

"You are the one who took the Snow Boy away, right?"

The middle-aged man's heart tightened when he heard this, knowing that the three people in front of him were up to no good, and without saying a word, he released his level 50 Ice Demon Guard,"Ice Demon Guard, Destruction Death Light."

The Ice Demon Guard opened its mouth and spit out a purple-black destructive beam, but it was blocked by Kirlia's guard.

""Pikachu, thunder!" The golden lightning fell from the sky, and the middle-aged man immediately used the Ice Ghost Guard to block it. But the next second, the Ice Ghost Guard was knocked unconscious by Pikachu's high voltage shock.

"What!"The middle-aged man was just surprised that his Ice Guardian fell down like this, and he turned his head and was hypnotized by Kirlia's hypnosis, and fell asleep on the cold snow.

Afterwards, Xiaozhi and the other two returned the Snow Boy to the Snow Fairy. As for the white Vulpix, Xiaozhi originally wanted to let her go. But this little guy seemed to want to follow Xiaozhi.

After chatting with her through the wave guide, I found out that her home was not in Sinnoh, but was smuggled from Alola by poachers. She was also lucky to escape, but who knew that she was caught by another Pokémon hunter just after arriving in this forest.

Compared with worrying that she would be caught by a Pokémon hunter and sold for money one day, it is better to follow a kind-hearted trainer. So, Xiaozhi became the best candidate in her mind.

Since this white Vulpix is willing to follow him, Xiaozhi will naturally capture it, but Xiaozhi doesn't need an ice Pokémon now, so he will teleport her to Professor Oak first.

"Xiaozhi, can you really drive?" Xiaoguang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Xiaozhi who was fiddling with the car with a frightened look on his face.

"Besides, this is an off-road vehicle, it is different from ordinary cars, right?" Xiaogang, who was sitting in the back, also said.

"Don't worry." Although the position of the driver's seat is a little different, it doesn't affect"Remember to sit tight."

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