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: 0.071s Scan: 0.034sAfter coming out of the forest with constant storms, Xiaozhi first took the elf hunter to the police station and handed him over to Junsha. Of course, the off-road vehicle was also handed over to Junsha.

Xiaozhi got off the car with some regrets:"It's been a long time since I drove a car so happily. I must buy one when I have money in the future."

At this time, Xiaogang, who was pale, came to Xiaozhi's side and said,"Thank you, Xiaozhi, for letting me experience your driving skills twice."


"That's right, the first time and the last time. I swear that if you drive in the future, Xiaozhi, I would rather walk for a day."


"It’s not that exaggerated. Look, Dawn and Pikachu are fine, right?"

"Are you sure?"

Xiaozhi looked in the direction Xiaogang pointed. Xiaoguang, Pikachu and Kirlia were all vomiting next to the trash can.

"Um, are you guys okay?" Xiaozhi scratched his head and walked over to Xiaoguang and asked

"very bad!","Pikachu!"

Now���It would be difficult for them to continue their journey in the car state, so they would rest for half a day at the Pokémon Center in this town, at least to recover from the motion sickness. Xiaozhi came to the back mountain of this town alone.

It is said that there is a powerful Metagross here, and all those who want to conquer him have been injured by him, and his attacks are very heavy. Basically, the injured Pokémon will not recover for 10 days or half a month. Because of this, no one dared to trouble him.

But it is obvious that Xiaozhi is not among these people. Xiaozhi who came to the back mountain released Lucario and used waveguide to detect the location of Metagross. The back mountain is not big. On the edge of a cliff, Xiaozhi found the Metagross. Metagross seemed to have discovered that Xiaozhi and Lucario had entered its territory, and immediately rose from the bottom of the cliff.

In front of Xiaozhi was a silver-white monster with a discus-shaped body and strong legs shaped like iron dumbbells, extending from the four directions of the body. Its eyes are red and there is a"X"The elf has a big mouth on its belly and a golden metal cross.

It is the Metagross of the other colors. It is silver-white, unlike the other Metagross which are all blue-green. It is very unusual. Metagross



Level: 55

Attributes: Steel, Psychic

Features: Pure Body

Qualification: Silver

Skills: Hammer, Telekinesis, Alloy Claw, Electromagnetic Levitation, Ramming, Chasing, Bullet Fist, Miracle Eye, Telekinetic Hammer,

Ghost Face, Psychic Power, High-Speed Movement, Comet Fist, Iron Wall

Carrying Items: None

"Level 55, silver aptitude, really strong enough." Xiaozhi nodded with great satisfaction. Metagross put its four claws together, turned into a silver light and rushed towards Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi immediately released Infernape,"Infernape, Lucario, try to take it."

Infernape and Lucario jumped in front of Metagross, stretched out their hands to meet Metagross's Comet Fist. Metagross pushed the two Pokémon away for several steps, and finally stopped less than 1 meter away from Xiaozhi.

"What a strong power!" Xiaozhi exclaimed,"Infernape, flaming fist!"

Infernape was about to swing his flaming fist at Metagross, but found that his hand just stopped in the air. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't swing it out.

"Your telekinesis is also very strong. Lucario, wave missiles."

The azure wave missiles flew towards Metagross. Metagross' eyes turned blue again, and the wave missiles stopped in the air and exploded.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, Lucario holding a bone stick suddenly rushed out. Metagross wanted to use the same trick again to suppress Lucario directly with mental power. But in the blink of an eye, Lucario arrived in front of Metagross at great speed and hit Metagross on the head with a stick.

Metagross was dizzy by the bone spikes and let go of Infernape's control. Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately asked Lucario and Infernape to use close combat at the same time.

The relationship between the attributes and the double close combat. The damage to Metagross is not small. The angry Metagross was about to fight back with the mental hammer, and the fiery red word explosion and the azure huge wave missile flew over immediately. Metagross, who was hit by these two moves, fell down with an unwilling scream.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately threw out the advanced ball, and the Metagross was hit and turned into a red light and sucked into the ball. It kept shaking, as if it was considering whether to be subdued by the human in front of it.

Xiaozhi didn't care. If it refused to be subdued, he would just beat it again until it was subdued. It seemed that the Metagross also guessed this and gradually stopped shaking.

"Well, it's a very wise choice." Xiaozhi picked up the advanced ball from the ground and teleported Mook-Hawk back. Because Metagross can also fly, it can replace Mook-Hawk.

""I'll let you come to the Cutting Edge Gym," Xiaozhi thought.

After returning to the Pokémon Center and resting for a while, Xiaogang, Xiaoguang, Pikachu and Kirlia have all recovered. In the afternoon, the three arrived at the next town and met Ajin and his emperor Nabo. It was said that there would be a Pokémon table tennis competition here. Although Ajin invited them, Xiaozhi and the other two were not very interested.

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