On the night when the handsome guy, Musashi and Kojiro were rescued, Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang in the Pokémon Center had a strange dream at the same time. In the dream, Xiaozhi's waveguide sensed the cry for help from the three sacred mushrooms.

The next morning in the lobby of the Pokémon Center, Xiaozhi hung up the call with Professor Oak.

"The Galaxy Group was not worth taking too seriously, but now with the presence of Sidoran, it is different." Xiaozhi whispered, touching Pikachu on his shoulder."This battle may be more difficult than expected."

"Pikachu (no problem)"

"Xiaozhi, we are ready."

Xiaozhi turned around and looked at Xiaoguang and Xiaogang with serious expressions."Remember to be careful. Although Xiduolan is not as strong as Regigigas, he is not easy to deal with either."

""Hmm." Xiaoguang nodded seriously. She had seen the power of Xiduolan yesterday. It was a person who could be killed if he was not careful.

However, no matter how strong Xiduolan was, Xiaoguang believed that Xiaozhi would be able to defeat him.

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them came to the outside of the Pokémon Center, and Xiaozhi released Pidgeot and Charizard. Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang sat on Pidgeot, and Xiaogang sat on Charizard. The two Pokémons took Xiaozhi and the other two to Lizhi Lake.

According to the original plot, the Galaxy Group teamed up with Hunter J to capture Akonome in Lizhi Lake first. Then they led Emrido from the Heart Lake and Yuxie from the Wisdom Lake together.

Xiaozhi suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head on Pidgeot. It was Akonome's cry for help. If I guessed correctly, he should have been caught.

"Xiaozhi, are you really okay?"Xiaoguang behind him felt a little distressed. Xiaozhi would have a headache from time to time since the morning.

"It's okay." Xiaozhi wiped the sweat from his forehead due to the headache."Akonome's cry for help is getting louder and louder. Pidgeot, Charizard, speed up a little bit."

The two Pokémon nodded, flapped their wings and flew towards Lizhi Lake.

At this time, Xiaomao was fighting with Zhenxing to protect Akonome by the Lizhi Lake. And Huoxing and Suixing had recovered Akonome, which was turned into a stone statue by Hunter J.

""Electric shock monster, lightning fist"

The fist waving the golden electric light was easily dodged by Zhenxing's poisonous skull frog. At the same time, the spikes on the poisonous skull frog's hands emitted purple light, and a poisonous blow sent the electric shock monster flying to Xiaomao's side.

"" Electric shock monster!" Xiao Mao ran to the electric shock monster and helped him up. At this moment, the electric shock monster looked very bad, probably because of the poisoning effect of the poison attack.

Zhen Xing looked at the moon elf who was knocked to the ground by Dong Shi Miao and shook his head."You are too weak."

""Damn it!" Xiao Mao clenched his fists and took out the Blastoise's Poké Ball from his waist. When he was about to release Blastoise, a dazzling light suddenly lit up behind him.

Xiao Mao turned his head and saw two Pokémons appearing above Lizhi Lake. They were Emrito from Xinqi Lake and Yuxi from Ruizhi Lake. When

Emrito and Yuxi saw the petrified Akonome in Zhenxing's hand, their eyes glowed blue at the same time. When they were about to rescue Akonome, flame jets and shadow balls suddenly flew over from both sides.

Emrito and Yuxi immediately flew into the sky and avoided the attack. Seeing this, the rest of the Galaxy Corps released a large number of Zubats. Together with Hunter J on the Storm Salamander, they surrounded Emrito and Yuxi.

"Just as Lord Chiri said, if one of them is missing, the other two will appear. Hoxing said as he looked at Emrido and Yukshi who were trying to avoid the group of big mouth bats above.

"This is a lot easier. We can capture Uxie and Emrido together." There was a flash of enthusiasm in Suixing's eyes."It seems that the leader's mission will be completed soon. The New World is Coming"

"You guys!" Xiao Mao immediately opened the Poké Ball and said,"Bluse, Water Cannon!""

"Don't get in the way, Bronze Bell."

Zhenxing's bronze bell blocked the three people and used his mental power to control the water cannon of the water turtle.

"You think you can stop us?" Huo Xing looked at Xiao Mao with disdain.

"Then what about us?"

After the dragon roared, Charizard, Pidgeot and Xiaozhi instantly appeared in front of Xiaomao.

"Xiaozhi?!"Xiao Mao was shocked,"Where did you land from?"

"I couldn't wait to fly over, so I asked Kirlia to teleport." Xiaozhi explained, and Kirlia on his shoulder raised her hand to show that it was his credit.

"It's you again!" Zhenxing, Huoxing, and Suixing gnashed their teeth at Xiaozhi, because they had all suffered a great loss at Xiaozhi's hands.

Xiaozhi turned his head to look at Emrido and Uxie who were using the prediction of the future in the sky above Lizhi Lake, and said,"Pikachu, Kirlia, you two go with Pidgeot to help Emrido and Uxie, and be careful of J's gun that can petrify."

Pikachu and Kirlia nodded, and immediately jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulders and ran to Pidgeot.

""Don't get in the way!" Zhenxing certainly couldn't just watch Xiaozhi get in the way of Hunter J."Toxic Skull Frog, Waqat. Dongshi Cat, Shadow Ball"

"You are the one in the way, Charizard, explode and burn."

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Charizard slammed the ground with one hand. The blazing flames broke out of the ground, and instantly turned the area in front of Xiaozhi into a sea of fire.

The attacks of Toxic Skull Frog and Catkin were fainted by the flames before they even touched Charizard. Not only the Pokémon of Zhenxing, but also Catkin of Huoxing and Tank Skunk of Suixing also fell to the ground together.

Seeing the Pokémon around them being killed in one move, Zhenxing, Huoxing, and Suixing couldn't help but take a step back. This is an instinctive fear of powerful strength.

Above Lizhi Lake, Hunter J's hands were controlled by Kirlia's strong mental power, causing her to be unable to use the petrification device in her hands.


Thunder roared, and a huge golden lightning bolt fell from the sky. This was the thunderbolt with the electric ball.

The Zubats surrounding Emrido and Uxie, as well as the Storm Salamander and J on the Storm Salamander were all hit by the golden lightning.

Zubats fell from the sky one by one, and the Storm Salamander was seriously injured after being hit by the thunderbolt. And J on the body fainted on the back of the Storm Salamander.

Pidgeot turned around and whispered to Pikachu and Kirlia on his body. Kirlia nodded and used telekinesis to make himself and Pikachu float in the air.

When Pikachu and Chirrul The moment Lian broke away, Pidgeot flew high into the sky. After a crisp bird song, he was covered in blue flames and rushed towards the Salamander.

The Salamander was shocked, but he was not ready to retreat. He opened his mouth and spit out a dragon-shaped beam to face Pidgeot. However, the power of the injured Salamander's Dragon Wave was very ordinary, and it was directly broken by Pidgeot in Brave Bird state.

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