After successfully helping Emrido and Uxie out of trouble, Pikachu, Kirlia, and Pidgeot came to Xiaozhi's shoulders, and Pidgeot flew over Xiaozhi's head.

""Damn brat!" The furious Jupiter threw out the Poké Ball and wanted to continue fighting, but was controlled by Kirlia's telekinesis. Not only him, but also Zhenxing and Haoxing's Poké Balls all floated to Xiaozhi and dropped down.

Looking at Xiaozhi and others who were approaching him step by step, Zhenxing hugged the petrified Akonome tightly in his hand and said,"Stop, if you go any further, I can't guarantee Akonome's life."

""Naive." Xiaozhi sneered, and Kirlia's body shone with blue light. In an instant, the petrified Akonom came into Xiaozhi's hands.

At this time, the sirens of police cars were heard not far away, and three police cars immediately stopped at the shore of Lizhi Lake. In addition to the three Junshas and a group of police officers, there was also Shirona who had not been seen for a long time.

At the headquarters of the Galaxy Group Base, Chi Ri saw this scene through the big screen and shook his head in disappointment,"The strength of the three cadres is still too weak."

"Lord Chiri, Xiduolann is under complete control." Pluto half-knelt on the ground beside Chiri and said,"Let me take Xiduolann with me to ensure that Zhenxing and the others are rescued. And bring back Akonom, Yuxi and Emrido together."

"It's useless."Red Sun sighed." I underestimated Sirona before. She alone is enough to deal with Xi Duolan. Can you guarantee that you can defeat the boy named Xiaozhi by yourself?"

"But, Lord Chiri, without the power of Akonom and his men, your great cause…"

""Activate another plan," Chi Ri said lightly.

Pluto's eyes widened suddenly, and his glasses were almost scared off."Lord Chi Ri, that summoning will cost you your life. Although it can guarantee that you will not die, you will definitely become older than me by then."

Chi Ri snorted coldly,"As long as we can control Dialga and Palkia and create a new world, a mere life span is nothing. Let's set off now and go to the Spear Pillar of Tianguan Mountain."

On Xiaozhi's side, when Xiaozhi took back Akonome, Hunter J's men took the opportunity to carry the injured Hunter J and the violent salamander onto the plane to prepare to escape.

However, they forgot the prediction of the future left by Emrido and Uxie before, and just a few seconds after taking off. Two dazzling pure white beams hit the fuselage, and the uncontrolled fighter plane fell into Lizhi Lake and continued to sink.

""It's what he deserved," Xiaozhi thought. It was a pity for the newt, but Junsha and the others would salvage it. After all, we couldn't let such a big plane stay in Lizhi Lake.

"This matter is considered to be successfully resolved." Xiaozhi looked at the three sacred mushrooms still floating above him,"Aknom, Emrido, Uxie. Is there anything else?"

Aknom came to Xiaozhi, gesturing with his hands and speaking a language that no one else could understand.

"Huh?! The crisis has not been resolved yet?"After hearing what Akonome said, Xiaozhi was a little confused. Could it be that besides the Galaxy Group, there are other people who want to take over the Three Sacred Mushrooms?

"Xiaozhi" At this time, Sirona, with a serious face, walked to Xiaozhi

"According to the latest news from Mr. Handsome who is hiding in Tianguan Mountain, the leader of the Galaxy Group, Red Sun, and his subordinate Pluto have arrived at the Spear Pillar of Tianguan Mountain. Handsome and his partner learned from the Galaxy Group member they subdued that Red Sun was going to summon Dialga and Palkia to create a new world."

"What?"Xiaozhi looked at the three sacred mushrooms floating behind him and turned his head back,"Impossible, without Akonom and the others, Red Sun can't summon Dialga and Palkia at all."

In the game, Red Sun did summon the Gods of Time and Space without the help of the three sacred mushrooms, but that was in the game. It's different here, otherwise why would Red Sun spend so much effort to catch the three sacred mushrooms?

"No, Xiaozhi, there is another way." Xiaomao came to Xiaozhi and opened his laptop

"According to Dr. Yamanashi's latest research, if you can pay a certain amount of life as a price, you can still use the White Jade Orb and the Diamond Orb to summon Dialga and Palkia."

""Is Chi Ri trying to use the life of someone in the Galaxy Group as a price, or even his own life?" Xiao Gang guessed.

Xiao Guang looked at Xiao Zhi beside him with some concern,"Xiao Zhi, is it too late to go to Tianguan Mountain now?"

"It may be too late." Shirona shook her head."It will take half an hour to go to Tianguan Mountain now, even by plane. By then, Chiri may have successfully summoned and controlled Dialga and Palkia."

"Miss Sirona, have you forgotten them?" Xiaozhi smiled and pointed at the three sacred mushrooms floating above.

"Oh, right, teleportation!"Shirona clapped her hands," We can use Akonom and the others' teleportation to go to Tianguan Mountain."

""That's right." Xiaozhi looked up at the sky."Emrito, Akonome, Uxie. Please teleport us to the Spear Pillar of Tianguan Mountain."

The three holy mushrooms nodded. Emrito, Uxie and Akonome flew to the side one by one, forming a triangle to surround Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang, Shirona, Xiaomao and Xiaogang in the center.

The eyes of the three elves glowed with golden light, and a golden triangle appeared under the feet of the five people.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaozhi and the other five disappeared on the spot.

The three holy mushrooms fell from the sky because they spent too much energy to teleport Xiaozhi and the others to Tianguan Mountain.

Fortunately, the three Junsha caught the three holy mushrooms.

The three Junsha holding the three holy mushrooms bowed at the same time to the place where the five people disappeared.

"The future of Sinnoh is in your hands.

When they opened their eyes again, Xiaozhi and his companions had arrived in an unfamiliar environment. In front of them was a short old man in a white coat.

Beside him were the six Pokémon of Hades. The level 68 Sido���Well, level 60 Bronze Bell, level 58 Toushi, level 59 Forsaken, level 55 Masala, and level 65 Houndoom.

In fact, only Toushi and Masala are Hades' own, Houndoom, Forsaken, and Bronze Bell are all Chiri's spirits. However, Chiri gave all his spirits to Hades and asked him to guard the door of the Spear Pillar.

"Pluto, the leader of the four cadres, are you going to stop us alone?"Shirona took out the Poké Ball, and her beautiful face was full of coldness.

"Of course I'm not the only one here, Miss Sirona." Pluto waved his hand, and more than 10 members of the Galaxy Group came out from behind Pluto with their six elves, showing an overwhelming advantage in terms of number of people and elves.

"Hold on here until the leader succeeds!"

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