After defeating Jianyi, Xiaozhi wanted to shake hands with him, but who would have thought that he would just walk away. Xiaozhi didn't want to make trouble, so he waved and bowed to the audience and left the stadium.

Tomorrow is the last game of the preliminaries, and the winner can directly advance to the top 8 to fight in the main venue.

In the morning of the players' village, Xiaozhi and Pikachu were dragged out by Xiaoguang and Lila to have breakfast. Waiting for him here was Xiaogang holding a newspaper and drinking coffee.

"ah~~","Pikachu~" Xiaozhi and Pikachu yawned at the same time and sat next to Xiaogang.

"Xiaogang, have you entered the life of an old man?"Xiaozhi said as he took the breakfast handed over by Lila and Xiaoguang, and started eating after saying thank you. Pikachu was also eating the breakfast prepared by Pokkis.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xiaogang tapped Xiaozhi's head with a rolled-up newspaper."By the way, Xiaozhi, the Quartz Conference has started recently. There is news about Xiaomao in the newspaper. You'd better take a look. Maybe there will be other discoveries."

"You've read it all, why don't you just tell me?" Xiaozhi muttered, then unfolded the newspaper and read the contents carefully. In addition to the Quartz Conference in Kanto, the Silver Conference in Chengdu also started.

Xiaozhi saw Qinyin's photo among the contestants in the Silver Conference.

"She's here to participate in the Silver Conference. I wonder how far Kotone can go." Xiaozhi thought, looking at the column introducing the Quartz Conference.

The progress of the Quartz Conference is faster than that of the Silver Conference. The first round of the group stage has ended. Xiaozhi was not surprised to see that Xiaomao defeated his opponent 3-0.

Because Xiaomao is the grandson of Professor Oak, he was interviewed by the newspaper after the first round of the group stage. Compared with the frivolousness when he first participated in the Quartz Conference, Xiaomao's words in this interview were much more mature.

When asked about his own When asked what the goal of the Quartz Conference was, Xiaomao said that he would try his best to win every game until he won the championship.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded and said,"It seems that I have to work hard too."

When Xiaozhi looked down at the players' records, he found a familiar name. It was Shinji. Xiaozhi didn't expect that he also participated in the Quartz Conference.

And he also crushed his opponent 3-0, but compared to Xiaomao's 3-0, Shinji was more ruthless and directly defeated three opponents. Because of this strong strength, it certainly attracted the attention of reporters, but Shinji refused the interview.

"That sounds like something that guy would do," Xiaozhi said helplessly, putting the newspaper aside.

"Xiaozhi, did you see it too? Shinji actually ran to Kanto." Xiaoguang came close to Xiaozhi and said with a smile,"Is it because he met you at the Lily of the Valley Conference and was crushed by you again?"

"Don't underestimate Shinji, I'm still confident of winning even if we meet again," Xiaozhi said confidently.

Lila listened to their conversation and was a little curious,"Who is Shinji?"

""Well, Lila, let me tell you slowly about this." Xiaoguang pulled Lila aside and slowly told the story between Xiaozhi and Shinji.

Xiaozhi shook his head and looked at the photo of Shinji and Xiaomao in the newspaper. He thought it would be fun if these two guys met at the Quartz Conference.

As for who was stronger between Shinji and Xiaomao, Xiaozhi was not sure. This time, there was a chance.

"These two have no problem making it to the top 8, and the chances of meeting each other after that will be much higher," Xiaozhi thought,"It would be even more dramatic if we could meet in the finals."

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's mouth curled up slightly, causing Xiaogang beside him to look at him curiously,"What did you think of? You look so happy."

"Nothing." Xiaozhi shook his head, stretched and stood up."Let's go. The draw result will be released at 8:30. It's almost time now. I wonder who my opponent will be today."

At this time, in Chengdu Manjin City, as the most prosperous city in Chengdu, the venue of Chengdu Gorgeous Festival is located here. In the center of the stage in the venue, the elves of the green-haired boy and the light brown-haired girl are fighting fiercely.

"Absol, Psychic Blade. Rainwing Moth, Water Cannon.

The blade-like horns on Absol's head glowed with colorful light, and it jumped on Rainwing Moth's water cannon and rushed towards the Ice Spirit and Flame Chicken together.

"Ice Spirit, Blizzard"

A blizzard suddenly appeared on the field, instantly freezing the water cannon into icicles. Not only that, it also trapped Absol who rushed over in the blizzard.

"Flame Chicken, Charge Flame Attack!"The

Flame Chicken, with its whole body ablaze, rushed into the blizzard. After a long roar, the blizzard melted immediately, replaced by a blazing sea of fire.

Absol and Rainwing Moth in the sea of fire cried out in pain and finally fell down.

"Rainwing Moth and Absol both lost their ability to fight. The coordinator who won in the end was Xiaoyao. Thank you for bringing us this visual feast of ice and fire."

The venue immediately rang with warm cheers, and Xiaoyao rushed to the Ice Spirit and the Flame Chicken, hugging them tightly.

"I finally succeeded, thank you, Ice Elf, Flame Chicken!"

"A new top coordinator has been born, she is Miss Xiaoyao from Hoenn Orange City. Let us give her a warm round of applause, and also give applause to her opponent Xiaoshun, thank you for bringing us a wonderful performance."

After the award ceremony, Xiaoyao put the trophy into her backpack outside the venue and looked up at the sky,"Xiaoguang actually got there first, but fortunately I caught up. Hehe, to celebrate becoming a top coordinator, let's go to the high-end restaurant in Manjin City to eat delicious food."

Just as Xiaoyao was talking to herself, Xiaoshun's voice came from behind. Xiaoyao turned around and saw Xiaoshun walking towards her

"Xiaoyao, congratulations on becoming a top coordinator." Xiao Shun asked

"Thank you." Xiaoyao raised her head proudly."How about it, Xiaoshun, I really beat you this time!"

"Hehe" Xiao Shun laughed"What are your plans after this?"

Xiao Yao looked at the backpack behind him and said"I'm going back to Chenghua City first to show off to my parents."

"That's great, I also want to go back to Hoenn. How about we go together?" Xiao Shun invited with a smile

""No need, Xiao Shun," Xiao Yao immediately shook her head,"I still prefer to be alone, so I’m sorry. By the way, I’m hungry, I’m going to have lunch first. Bye."

After saying that, Xiao Yao immediately ran away, so fast that Xiao Shun couldn’t catch up with her

""Aren't you giving up yet?"

Xiao Shun frowned and looked at Harry who was dressed as Meng Genia."It has nothing to do with you, Fourth Army!"

""You have a bad temper." Harry didn't care."Then continue your infatuated persona, runner-up."

After saying that, Harry smiled and left, and Xiao Shun's face looked a little ugly. In fact, after knowing that Xiao Yao came to Chengdu, Xiao Shun hinted that Xiao Yao should travel with him. But Xiao Yao always pretended not to understand.

Finally, Xiao Shun couldn't help it, and asked Xiao Yao if he could travel with him. But the answer he got was no different from now.

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