The opponent in the final round of the qualifiers is the same as Xiaozhi knew, Koppin, which is not much different.

"Xiaozhi, are you sure you can beat Kaoping?" Xiaogang asked."Although I won once in the joint battle, you don't know his other Pokémons, so you can't be careless."

"Don't worry, I certainly won't be careless," said Xiaozhi, looking at the photo of Kaoping on the screen.

Xiaozhi and Kaoping's match was in the afternoon, and there was still a long time. Xiaozhi, who had already checked the status of the Pokémon, had nothing to do so he went to watch Ajin's match.

Unlike the original plot, Ajin did not meet Shinji in the second qualifying match this time, so he successfully advanced to the third round. But unfortunately, Ajin still failed to advance to the top 8 this time.

In this battle, he and his opponent only had one Pokémon left. As a result, the opponent's Pokémon was Dragonite, and his was Imperial Nabo.

Although Imperial Nabo was two levels higher than Dragonite, the attribute advantage plus the fact that the Dragonite's electric skill power was well trained, so Ajin was naturally defeated.

"What the hell, I have to pay a fine, my luck is so bad, his last one happened to be an electric dragon" Ah Xun yelled and buried his head in eating the food on the table. He probably wanted to vent his anger on the food.

Seeing Ah Xun who was only focused on eating, Xiaozhi and the other three looked very helpless. But I can almost understand his mood.

"Xiaozhi, you have to work hard on my part as well!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it."

Compared to Xiaozhi who was enjoying his lunch, Kaoping was in a completely different situation. He stayed up all night to research the data of Xiaozhi's Pokémons and simulated battles to find the key to defeating Xiaozhi. But it seemed to be useless.

"Why is Xiaozhi's data updated so quickly?!"Kaoping held his head and yelled in the room. Seeing that the time of the game was getting longer and longer, Kaoping gritted his teeth and said,"Never mind, just use the original set. Xiaozhi, I bet you can use the fast attack method."

The afternoon game started soon. When the referee confirmed the status of both players, he couldn't help but ask Kaoping,"My player, your status is okay, right?"

"It's okay!" Kaoping said confidently, but looking at his panda-like dark circles and bloodshot eyes, he didn't look okay at all.

"Hey, Kaoping, do you want to take a break first?"Xiaozhi shouted from the other side of the battle field,"You can apply to the organizing committee to postpone the game for one hour!"

"No need." Kaoping shook his head."Hehehe, Xiaozhi, I have already figured out a way to deal with you. I will be the winner this time.""

""Okay then," Xiaozhi sighed. Because he was the first to attack, he sent out his first Pokémon, Land Shark.

This Land Shark was strange, as it was already level 35 but still hadn't evolved. It might be the same as Gardevoir's situation when it wasn't time.

The first Pokémon on Kaoping's side was Pot-Pot. When Xiaozhi saw this level 40 Pot-Pot, he was stunned for a while, thinking that he would come up with a different lineup from before, but now it seems that there is no difference.

"Then your research is in vain," Xiaozhi thought, and shouted,"Round Land Shark, use bite."

The round land shark opened its mouth and rushed towards Huhu, while Kaoping pushed his glasses as he watched the rushing round land shark,"Huhu, use shell retraction."

Huhu immediately drilled into the shell, and at the same time, a burst of red light appeared on its body, which seemed to improve its defense. The round land shark ran to Huhu, opened its mouth and bit Huhu into its mouth. However, because the shell was too hard, it seemed that it could not bite it hard.

"Pot, with gastric juice"

""Round Land Shark, Dragon Star Group"

Just as Hu Hu was about to spit gastric juice into the mouth of the round land shark, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body, and then his whole body flew out.

After an explosion, Hu Hu and the meteors produced by the explosion of the Dragon Star Group fell to the ground together. Hu Hu, who fell to the ground, fainted.

"Huhu lost his ability to fight, and the round land shark won!"The referee looked at the fallen Huhu and announced the result of the fight loudly.

"It can be like this!"Kaoping was shocked and took back the pot, and sent out his second elf, the 42nd level big tongue licker

"It's really the same." Xiaozhi sighed in his heart and commanded"Roundland Shark, Dragon Wave". Roundland Shark immediately opened its mouth and spit out the shock wave of Dragon Star and flew towards the big tongue.

"Big Tongue Licking, dodge and then use strong whipping."Big Tongue Licking immediately dodged the dragon's wave and then stretched out its huge tongue to swing at the round land shark.

"Round Land Shark, jump up! Round Land Shark used both legs to jump into the air, avoiding the powerful whip.

""Catch him and tie him up!" Kaopin shouted.

Lick immediately extended his tongue to attack the Land Shark in mid-air. Seeing this, Xiaozhi shouted"Use splitting".

The Land Shark extended its sharp claws and clawed at the tongue that was stretched out. Lick immediately retracted his tongue in pain, and at this time the Land Shark just fell from mid-air towards Lick.

When Lick just retracted his tongue, he bit Lick's head. Lick screamed with the help of the Land Shark's teeth.

"Calm down, Lick, grab him with your tongue," Kaoping shouted.

Lick endured the pain in his head and stretched out his tongue to hit the round shark on his head. Xiaozhi certainly would not give him this opportunity,"Use Dragon Wave!"

It was the same move as Huhu just now. Before Lick's tongue could touch him, Lick fell down because of the severe pain of Dragon Wave hitting his head.

Xiaozhi thought Lick would stand up and fight for a few more rounds, but he didn't expect Lick to faint directly. It seems that his head was too painful to be bitten by the round shark.

"This, this, this is totally against common sense!!"Kaoping felt that his usual common sense was about to collapse. How could he fight like this?

"Haha, just play to the advantage of this little guy," Xiaozhi said with a smile. At this time, the round land shark also jumped up and bit Xiaozhi's head. It seems that he was very happy to defeat two opponents in a row.

"If you don't let go, my head will explode!" Xiaozhi took the round land shark off his head and said,"You performed very well this time."

At this time, Shirona, who was sitting in the VIP seat of the venue, saw this scene and laughed, whispering,"Xiaozhi and his Pokémon are really interesting"

"It’s okay." Kaoping shook his head."The final winner must be me, because I have this guy!".

The Poké Ball opened, and a level 50 Dark Knight appeared in front of Xiaozhi. When Xiaozhi saw it was Dark Knight, he shook his head, took out the Poké Ball and took back the Shark."You’ve worked hard, take a good rest first."

Kaoping was not panicked at all when he saw Xiaozhi taking back the Shark, because he was sure to win no matter what Pokémon Xiaozhi sent out, as long as he had his Deception Space.

Xiaozhi opened the Poké Ball, and Kaoping laughed when he saw it was Infernape."It’s just as I expected, Dark Knight, Deception Space." A deep blue light appeared on the Dark Knight, and with the Dark Knight’s shouts, a light blue space enveloped the entire battle field.

"Will the slower the speed, the more likely it is to attack first?" Xiaozhi looked at the fraud space and whispered,"But it's useless, use Dark Night Blast!"

"Humph, it's useless, as long as" Kaoping was about to say something when he suddenly realized something was wrong"What did you say, Dark Night Blast?!"

Just as Kaoping was surprised, the dark purple shock wave filled the entire battlefield, and the Dark Night Demon in the battlefield screamed loudly, the dark purple light gradually disappeared, and the Dark Night Demon also fell to the ground

"He's not Infernape!"Kaopin exclaimed, staring blankly at the Pokémon in front of him that had already transformed back to its original form,"It's Zoroark!"

It was Zoroark's illusion that made him appear as Infernape after he came out of the Pokémon, and Xiaozhi deliberately didn't say the Pokémon's name.

This time, Kaopin was tricked by Xiaozhi. If he had known it was Zoroark earlier, he would definitely deal with it seriously and would never do such an idiotic thing.

"Xiaozhi, you are so insidious." Kaoping couldn't help but say after taking back the Night Dark Demon.

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