"Don't be discouraged, Jianwu, after all, you lost to Xiaozhi's Pikachu." Xiaoguang walked up to Jianwu and said with a smile.

This made Jianwu feel as if a big stone was pressing on him.

"Besides, Xiaozhi is so strong, it's normal for him to lose to him."

This last hit added another rock to Jianwu's body.

Xiaogang couldn't bear to watch it anymore, so he reminded him,"Well, Xiaoguang, I think it's better to leave Jianwu alone."

"Eh? Isn't it normal to lose? Jianwu, you shouldn't be that fragile, right?" Xiaoguang looked at Jianwu curiously.

"Ha, ha, of course." Jianwu showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Xiao Guang, your unintentional finishing blow is quite ruthless." Xiao Zhi thought to himself, and at this moment, a thick black smoke came from nowhere.

"What happened?" Xiao Gang looked around in surprise.

"These three again, no, this time it's only Kojiro and Meowth." Xiaozhi sighed after feeling the wave of the two people,"Pidgeot, blow him away."

Pidgeot, who came out of the Poké Ball, flapped his wings and blew away the black smoke directly. In front of Xiaozhi and the others were Kojiro and Meowth, who were holding a sack and preparing to take away Prince Wave, as well as Fennis and Poison Butterfly.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to my Prince Bo?"Jianwu looked at Miaomiao and Xiaojiro and asked loudly

"Hey, kid, you"


Meow Meow hadn't finished talking when she, along with Kojiro, the rice spoon snake and the poisonous butterfly, were blown into the sky by the tornado.

"We haven't started yet"

"At least let the person finish speaking, meow."

As Kojiro and Meow Meow shouted unwillingly, they, along with the rice spoon snake and the poisonous butterfly, turned into meteors.

"Don't mind them, they are just a few boring people." Xiaozhi waved his hand helplessly

"Oh." Jianwu nodded, his eyes rekindled with fighting spirit."Wait, Xiaozhi, I will definitely defeat you next time we meet."

"This is a bit difficult, isn't it?"

Xiaoguang said very quietly, but Jianwu still heard it. The blazing fire behind him was immediately extinguished, and Jianwu lowered his head in disappointment.

"Haha, no problem, no problem, as long as Jianwu works hard, it is still possible." Seeing him, Xiaoguang immediately comforted him, but it seemed to have no effect.

"Good luck to you all in tomorrow's game." Seeing this, Xiaozhi changed the subject.

"Absolutely no problem." Xiaoguang put his hands on his hips and said,"Xiaozhi, just wait and see my performance.""

"Don't make any mistakes. I remember Aunt Caizi said that when you say it's okay, that's usually when you have the most problems," Xiaozhi said with a smile.

"What, what is that?" Xiaoguang's pretty face turned slightly red."It won't be like this this time, I'm well prepared!"

"Well, I'll wait and see."

Seeing Xiaoguang talking and laughing with Xiaozhi, Jianwu felt even more depressed. Seeing this, Xiaogang put his hand on Jianwu's shoulder.

"What does your hand mean?"

"Be strong"


The next morning came. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang got up early and came to the venue of the Garden Conference to grab seats. Looking at the packed crowd, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh that the Gorgeous Contest was really popular.

Compared with the Pokémon battles, the visual effects of the Gorgeous Contest are richer. It is probably because of this that more people come to watch the Gorgeous Contest.

The first round of review began soon. Xiaozhi released Curly Ears and Longtailed Puppets."Although you are not on stage this time, you still have to watch Xiaoguang's performance carefully."

Longtailed Puppets nodded, and Curly Ears came to Pikachu with a shy face, making Pikachu scratch his head helplessly.

After several reviews, it was finally Xiaoguang's turn to perform. At this time, she was still wearing the pink dress, but her hair was done carefully, and her necklace and headdress were also changed.

"It's your turn, Pogaman."

"Pogaman?"Gon was stunned for a few seconds when he saw it was Pogaman."I thought it was Pachirisu"

"The first round of review is very important. Pachirisu is still a little inexperienced, so I suggest that Hikari use the more experienced Pogaman." Xiaozhi explained.

In the previous plot, Pachirisu almost failed to enter the second round because of the mistake in his first appearance. Considering this, Xiaozhi suggested that Hikari use Pogaman to perform better.

Now it seems that the effect is still good. Pogaman's new skills Tidal Whirl and Bubble Beam work very well together, and there is no problem passing the first round of review.

Soon the first round of review for all contestants was completed. Kengo and Hikari both successfully entered the second round, and of course there was also a contestant named Musashi Lina.

In the contestant lounge, Hikari finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that he passed the first round of review.

"The result is very good." Judging from the results of the first round of review, Xiaoguang's performance is better than Musashi and Kengo. Xiaozhi's voice came from behind, and Xiaoguang immediately turned around and walked in front of Xiaozhi."I also want to thank Xiaozhi for your sparring and guidance last night."

"It's the result of your own hard work, right?" Xiaozhi said with a smile, and saw Jianwu walking towards them."Jianwu, congratulations on passing the first round of review."

"Well, thank you." Jianwu nodded politely.

The second round of review will start soon. Xiaozhi is not in a good position to stay in the contestant room for long."You all need to do your best in the second round of review. Xiaoguang, I will be watching you from the audience."

"Thank you."

Jianwu looked at Xiaoguang who was smiling very happily, and then looked at Xiaozhi who was leaving, and couldn't help but sighed.

"What's wrong? Jianwu, you seem to be in a very low mood."

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