After successfully defeating Musashi's Poligree, Hikaru successfully advanced to the finals. Speaking of which, Musashi's luck was really bad, as he lost to Pachirisu twice with Poligree.

The other person who successfully advanced to the finals was Kengo. This was the same plot that Xiaozhi knew, but the slight difference was that Hikaru used Pachirisu instead of Pogamon this time. Hikaru, who advanced to the finals for the first time, seemed a little nervous."Calm down, just use your strength as usual,"

Hikaru secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

As the host's voice fell, Kengo prepared to attack first,"Prince Bo, White Mist."

Prince Bo opened his mouth and spit out a thick white mist, blocking the sight of Hikaru and Pachirisu.

"The blue water cannon"Bubble Ray" attacked from the side and hit Pachirisu, and Hikaru's performance score also dropped. Because he couldn't determine the position of Prince Bo, it was difficult for Pachirisu to dodge.

""Pachirisu, don't panic, run!"

Xiaoguang commanded calmly, and Pachirisu nodded and immediately ran on the field. Because Pachirisu was too fast, Prince Bo couldn't catch him at all.

At this time, the white mist on the field gradually dissipated, and it was a good time for Xiaoguang to attack.

"Pachirisu, Sparks!

Pachirisu's body was surrounded by blue electric light, and she quickly rushed towards Prince Bo. However, Kengo's Prince Bo stood there indifferently.

When Pachirisu jumped up, Kengo suddenly shouted,"Use the alloy claws to hit her back!""

"Hehehe, Xiaoguang suddenly smiled mischievously,"Fell into a trap, Angel's Kiss"

A heart flew straight to Prince Bo, and after hitting accurately, Prince Bo immediately became confused. And Pachirisu took advantage of this opportunity to use electric sparks to knock Prince Bo far away.

Due to the attribute restraint, this electric spark did a lot of damage to Prince Bo, but it also made him sober up because of this electric spark

"Prince Bo, use water cannon.

Because Prince Bo is injured and not suitable for a long battle, and his performance score is lower than Xiaoguang's, Jianwu plans to use his ultimate move to decide the winner in one go. The huge water column flies straight towards Pachirisu at a very fast speed, and it is now difficult for Pachirisu to dodge.

""Pachirisu, roll!"

Pachirisu grabbed her big tail and rolled her whole body like a wheel towards the water cannon. The huge water column was split by the rolling Pachirisu, but Pachirisu was not affected at all.

"What?!"Jianwu was shocked. Xiaoguang's trick of using other people's skills to show the advantages of his own elves caused Jianwu's performance score to drop significantly.

"This move was used by Mr. Hyouta's Geodude. I didn't expect Hikari to learn it."Satoshi, who was sitting in the audience, nodded. The outcome was already very clear.

Pachirisu, who successfully blocked the water cannon, jumped over Prince Po and released a blue electric light that illuminated the entire stage. Prince Po, who was hit by this electric light, could no longer get up.

"Prince Bo is unable to fight, and Pachirisu wins. The winner of the Garden Tournament has been announced. Let's give a warm round of applause to Xiaoguang from Futaba Town!"

The host's loud voice resounded throughout the venue, and Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and other audience members in the audience all applauded.

""I was completely defeated." Jianwu took back the fallen Prince Bo,"It seems that I underestimated Flash."

Xiaoguang, who got the ribbon, immediately ran to the Pokémon Center and called her mother Ayako to tell her that she succeeded.

"No need to put it so close, mom can see it clearly." Looking at the ribbons filling the screen, Ayako said helplessly,"Thank you for your hard work, Pachirisu and Pogamon."

The two Pokémon raised their hands happily after hearing this.

"Well, mom, even though I complained to you about my loss before, I still want to show you my first ribbon."

"I understand," Caizi said with a smile,"But Xiaoguang, remember, you must not be satisfied just because you get a ribbon. Remember, the most important thing for a coordinator is to be one with the spirit physically and mentally."

""Yes." Xiaoguang nodded seriously.

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoguang turned around and saw Xiaozhi and Xiaogang walking towards her.

"Xiaoguang, congratulations."


Xiaozhi and Pikachu said with a smile

"Your hard work has paid off." Xiao Gang also congratulated

"Thank you, thank you for cheering me on."

Xiaogang smiled and waved his hand."Haha, it's just a small thing."

"Xiaozhi, thank you for your advice and guidance all the time." Xiaoguang turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi and thanked him sincerely.

"It's mainly the result of your hard work. Please cheer for me during the Baidai Gym Battle."


At this time, Jianwu was walking towards the three people with an unwilling look on his face."You got the ribbon first, Xiaoguang, I lost this time. But next time I won't take it lightly."

"I will be even more powerful next time we meet," Xiaoguang said confidently.

"See you at the Grand Contest then." Jianwu said, looking at Xiaozhi, his eyes immediately became sharp,"Xiaozhi, I will be stronger next time we meet, and I will definitely defeat you."

Xiaozhi smiled after hearing this,"Then I'll wait."

After finishing his declaration, Jianwu left first, saying that he was going to the next city to participate in the Grand Contest. Xiaozhi and the other two were going to Baidai City to challenge the second badge.

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