On the way to Baidai City, an uncle passing by told him that there was a very powerful fork-tailed weasel in the river ahead, so Xiaozhi and his friends tried to catch it by the river.

In Baidai City, Xiaozhi and his friends missed the bud rice, so they didn't encounter the vegetable seeds. It was a good thing for Xiaozhi, because there were a lot of"terrible sweetness" in his exchange shop, so there was no need to spend time looking for it in Baidai Forest.

"It’s so boring, no one has taken the bait yet." Xiao Guang put away the fishing line and muttered softly,"By the way, Xiao Gang, your eggs haven’t hatched yet?"

"Not so fast, after all, I got it yesterday, and Miss Joy said it would take at least three days to get it ready," Xiao Gang said as he looked at the pink elf egg in the incubator in front of him.

"And the elf eggs will glow before they hatch, so it's still too early."

"That's right, yesterday was a real mess." Xiaoguang recalled the Pokémon cosplay meeting in the town yesterday. It was going well, but Team Rocket suddenly came to disrupt the meeting, making the venue a mess, and snatched the Pokémon eggs.

However, Xiaozhi asked Larulas to use telekinesis to control the three members of Team Rocket who were about to escape with the eggs. Although it was a bit troublesome, the competition ended smoothly.

The winner turned out to be Xiaogang, which surprised Xiaoguang. She thought Pikachu's performance was better, although the Bullfrog played by Bad Frog was quite similar.

"Let’s try to cast it farther this time." Xiaozhi retracted the fishing line and said to himself


Hikaru, who was turning around to look over here, noticed that the bait of Xiaozhi was special. It turned out to be a cute orange-haired girl.

"Xiaozhi, what is your bait?"

"Oh, this is what Xiaoxia gave me."

""Xiaoxia?" Xiaoguang's finger touched his chin."I remember you mentioned it before."

"The leader of the Guandong Hualan Gym is a partner who traveled with us in Guandong and Chengdu." Xiaogang walked behind the two of them and explained,"But Xiaozhi, you actually brought it with you. I didn't expect that"

"I thought it would be useful when fishing." Xiaozhi said as he threw out the bait again.

"Then" Xiaoguang rolled his eyes and said,"Xiaozhi, please lend it to me later."

"This word…"

"Humph, forget it."

Seeing Xiaozhi's embarrassed expression, Xiaoguang immediately turned his head and threw out the bait forcefully."Stingy guy"


"Hey, long time no see."

Just when Xiaoguang was sulking, a familiar voice came from the side. Xiaozhi and the other two turned around and saw that it was Xiaowang, who they had met in Zhuqing City before.

"Xiaowang!" Xiaoguang ran over immediately."I haven't seen him since Zhuqing City."

"Yes, it’s been a while." Xiao Wang turned his head and saw Ralts dozing on Xiaozhi’s right shoulder."Xiaozhi, you have captured Ralts!""

"Well, I captured it recently."

Xiaozhi looked at the red fishing rod on Xiaowang's shoulder,"Xiaowang, are you here to capture that fork-tailed weasel too?"

"Forktailed Weasel? No, I just heard that there are a lot of water spirits in this river, so I came here to check it out. I have to prepare for the next gorgeous competition."

"Speaking of the gorgeous contest, how many ribbons do you have, Xiao Wang?" Xiao Guang asked.

Xiao Wang looked a little regretful."I only have one. I was busy training elves recently and didn't participate."

"Really? Xiao Wang, look here." Xiao Guang opened his ribbon box and placed it in front of Xiao Wang. On it was the ribbon he won at the Garden Conference.

"I know, I have seen the Garden Conference, it was a very exciting performance and battle. Congratulations, Xiaoguang"

"Thank you. Xiaoguang was very happy to hear Xiaowang's praise.

"Xiaoguang, your fishing rod is moving," Xiaozhi suddenly said

"Finally, I got the bait!"

Xiao Guang immediately ran over and lifted the fishing rod with force. With the splash of water, a fork-tailed weasel appeared in front of everyone.

"Yeah, I caught it!" Xiaoguang cheered happily."It's just this fork-tailed weasel?" Fork

-tailed weasel

Level: 30

Gender: ♂

Attribute: Water

Features: Swimming freely

Hidden Features: Rain Curtain

Race Value: 330

Qualification: Blue

Skills: Sonic Boom, Call, Playing with Water, Flash of Lightning, Water Gun, Chase, High-Speed Star, Water Jet, Water Wave, Double Attack

"This is it, for sure," said Xiaozhi, who had seen the detailed data of the Forktail Weasel.

This Forktail Weasel was level 30, which was unexpected. The general Forktail Weasel evolved into a Snorkel Weasel at level 26. It seemed that it was intentionally suppressing its own evolution. The

Forktail Weasel waved at Xiaoguang, meaning that she should send out the Pokémon.

"Looks like he's a belligerent guy," Xiao Gang said.

"Okay, watch me capture him." Xiaoguang threw the Poké Ball and said,"Go, Pogaman!""

"Wait, Xiaoguang, why don’t you use Pachirisu to compare prices?" Xiaozhi reminded

"Don't worry, Xiaozhi, it's no problem." Xiaoguang confidently put his hands on his hips,"Pogam and I can do it."

5 minutes later, Poogam was knocked to the ground, and the forktailed floating weasel had a disdainful expression on his face, as if saying that the opponent was too weak.

Xiaoguang's expression was a little embarrassed, and he scratched his face embarrassedly,"This forktailed floating weasel is really strong."

The forktailed floating weasel looked at Xiaowang again and called her twice

"Oh? Is it my turn now?"Xiao Wang took out the Poké Ball."He is indeed an interesting guy. Get ready for battle, Charming Meow."

Xiao Wang sent out Charming Meow. Although they fought back and forth in the early stage, Forktail Weasel was obviously faster. He used one move after another and did not give Charming Meow a chance to breathe. With the last sound, he sent Charming Meow flying.

After the two were defeated in succession, Forktail Weasel looked at Xiaozhi again. He could feel that Pikachu was extraordinary, and his expression became solemn.

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