By the river, a Forktail Weasel sat there with a depressed look on his face, and next to him was a Forest Turtle who was smiling and handing him a bowl of fruit.

Looking at the gentle smile of the Forest Turtle, the Forktail Weasel took the fruit and ate it in big mouthfuls, as if he wanted to vent his anger on the bowl of fruit.

He was completely defeated. His water gun, water jet, and water wave were useless on the Forest Turtle. Instead, it was like giving the Forest Turtle a bath. And sonic booms, high-speed stars, double hits and the like didn't have any effect at all.

In the end, the Forktail Weasel was really out of strength, and was knocked to the ground by an energy ball from the Forest Turtle. Then he was easily subdued by Xiaozhi.

"How come this guy is so tough and thick-skinned?"The Forktail Weasel looked at the Forest Turtle that let Pachirisu and Longtailed Monster Hand play on its back."It's just like a big iron block. It's harder to hit than an iron block."

""Pachirisu, Longtailed Monster, both of you come down quickly." Xiaoguang ran to the front of the forest turtle and grabbed Pachirisu and Longtailed Monster.

But the two Pokémon immediately broke free from Xiaoguang's hands, ran behind the forest turtle and made a face at Xiaoguang.

"Hey, the forest turtle can't eat well like this."

The forest turtle smiled and shook his head, as if to say that it doesn't matter.

"Really, you are too indulgent with your forest turtles." Xiaoguang covered his head and said,"Listen carefully, don't spoil them too much."

Xiaowang, who was eating Xiaogang's cooking at the table, couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene."Xiaozhi, your forest turtles are very gentle."

"Well, he likes to take care of other Pokémons. Xiaozhi looked at the Forest Turtle."He's a good guy."

When he was a Grass Turtle, he was a little impatient, but after evolving into a Forest Turtle, he became more and more stable. He gave people the feeling of, how should I put it, like a reliable big brother.

""Speaking of which, Xiaozhi, your Forest Turtle's defense is quite good. Have you been practicing?" Xiaowang asked. In the previous battle with the Forktail Weasel, the Forktail Weasel used all his strength and failed to hurt the Forest Turtle at all.

"This is just because of the advantage of the attribute, but I have done a lot of training to resist attacks."

At the beginning, Xiaozhi let Mook use wings to attack Forest Turtle, and after it gradually became able to resist, Xiaozhi let Pidgeot come.

At present, Forest Turtle can resist Pidgeot's wings and flying back, but skills such as air cutting and air slash are not good. It fell down after being hit by one.

However, Xiaozhi is very satisfied with being able to train to this point. After evolving into a tortoise, the defense will be improved to a higher level.

"It would be fine if I can train my ability to resist ice-type skills later. It is indeed troublesome that Tortoise is four times weak to ice. I should try to avoid using it to fight against ice-type Pokémons," Xiaozhi thought.

After a brief rest after lunch, Xiaozhi and the other two prepared to go to the next town, while Xiaowang had to stay by the river for a while. He would not go with Xiaozhi and the others because he had to capture some water-type Pokémons. Xiaozhi now has six Pokémons: Pikachu, Ralts, Sylvan Turtle, Pidgeot, Mook, and Stoat. The previous ones, such as Mantis and Coal Turtle, were sent back by Xiaozhi.

Ralts is very attached to Xiaozhi. Before, Xiaozhi asked Ralts if she wanted to stay with Professor Oak for a while, but she showed the eyes of an abandoned animal and cried, asking if her father didn't want her anymore.

There was no other way, Xiaozhi could only take her with him.

"Both Mook and Scyther are now at level 30, and they will probably evolve soon. Xiaozhi was thinking,"I'll teleport Pidgeot back after it evolves into Mookhawk."

Because Xiaozhi feeds Mook with calcium tablets every day, Mook is much bigger than ordinary Mook. It is estimated that after it evolves into Mookhawk, it will not be a problem for it to carry Xiaozhi to fly. At first, Xiaozhi was not sure whether taking calcium tablets can make the size of Pokémon grow. Although there is the example of Miss Joy's Magikarp in the Orange Islands, that Magikarp grew three times larger than the ordinary Magikarp because of taking calcium tablets.

Later, after evolving into Gyarados, its size was even larger, and it could be compared with the size of the Gyarados in the comic special.

But the body structure of Mook and Magikarp is not the same, and Xiaozhi is not sure whether it is useful. But what is certain is that taking calcium tablets every day has no harm, and now it seems to be very useful.

Around dusk in the afternoon, Xiaozhi and his two companions arrived at the Pokémon Center.

The next morning, a video of the battle between the Four Heavenly Kings was being played on TV. It was the last Lily of the Valley Tournament champion challenging Gomatsu, the Psychic King of the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings.

Because every Lily of the Valley Tournament champion is eligible to challenge one of the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings, some people want to give it a try. After all, if they can succeed in the challenge, they can become the Sinnoh Four Heavenly Kings, the four strongest people under the Sinnoh champion.

But no one has succeeded in the challenge over the years, such as the last champion who was defeated by six people on TV. The last Pokémon, Gris, was killed instantly by a phantom beam from Gomatsu's Kirinki.

This can only be said that the level gap is too big. Gundam's Gris has 4 times the resistance to the Psychic-type Phantom Beam, but it was still killed instantly.

Xiaozhi looked at the level. Gomatsu's Kirinki was level 63, while the opponent's Gris was only level 47.

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