In Tianguan Mountain, Professor Yamanashi and Junsha arrived and settled the four Scutums.

Although Hunter J ran away, he helped catch J's men, and there were many elves turned into stone statues in the armored vehicle. This was all because of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, so Junsha naturally wanted to reward them.

""I'm really grateful to you for this time," Xiao Mao said, looking at the 50,000 yuan bank card in his hand.

Xiao Zhi put away his 100,000 yuan bank card and said,"You should be able to get money, how about giving me the 50,000 yuan in your hand?"

"That won’t work, research is very expensive." Xiao Mao said calmly and put the card into his backpack.

"Haha." Xiaozhi looked at the time on his watch and said,"Then Xiaomao, we'll take our leave first."

"Well, Xiaozhi, you have become much stronger"

"Did you realize it now?"Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and took out the Poké Ball."Speaking of which, it's been a while since I fought with you. How about a 1-on-1 fight?"

"Pickup truck!"

"Didn't you just say you were leaving?" Xiaoguang complained in a low voice.

"This is Xiaozhi," Xiaogang said with a smile, looking at Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, he seemed to remember the scene when the two fought in the Silver Conference.

Xiaomao shook his head and said,"No, I give up."

"Eh?","Pika?" Xiaozhi and Pikachu were stunned.

"Xiaozhi, I am no match for you now," Xiaomao said with a wry smile.

""Alas," Xiaozhi sighed,"this is not like you before."

"People always change, just like Xiaozhi, you have grown to the point that makes me jealous."

Xiaozhi nodded."Haha, that's quite comforting to hear. By the way, Xiaomao, are you really not going to be a trainer anymore?"

"Well, being a researcher is more suitable for me."

"What a pity."

Xiaozhi always felt that it was a pity that Xiaomao gave up his identity as a trainer. If he could continue, he might grow into a stronger opponent than Shinji.

Xiaomao smiled and stretched out his hand to Xiaozhi,"Then I shamelessly ask you to continue the challenge with my regret, Xiaozhi, I am waiting for you to win the Lily of the Valley Conference."

Xiaozhi also stretched out his hand and shook Xiaomao's hand,"Well, I won't let you down.","Pikachu (absolutely)".

Dr. Yamanashi on the side looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaomao and stroked his white beard and said,"The youth of young people is very good."

After bidding farewell to Dr. Yamanashi and Xiaomao, Xiaozhi and the other two left Tianguan Mountain and traveled for another day. Around the afternoon of the next day, the three finally arrived at the City of Ennosuke.

"It's faster than expected." Xiaozhi looked at the entrance of Yuanzhi City."I thought it would take another day."

The three of them came to the Pokémon Center to complete the registration procedures. Then Xiaoguang and Xiaogang went back to their respective rooms to rest. They seemed to be too tired from the journey.

Xiaozhi was very energetic and took Pikachu and the others to the backyard for training. At this time, Riolu was constantly hitting the air bag of Snorkeling Weasel with a tile cutter. Although it looked very powerful, the effect was not very significant.

After the Forktail Snorkeling Weasel evolved into Snorkeling Weasel, his air bag could expand to the point where a person could sit on it. If trained well, it could serve as a good physical defense.

Of course, it is limited to physical skills. For the same level, no matter how well the air bag is trained, it will still be finished after being hit by a 100,000-volt bullet.

Now this is considered to be training defensive capabilities, and it can also encourage Riolu to improve his attack, which is a two-pronged approach.

"Now that Forest Squirtle has evolved into Squirtle, should I teleport him back and teleport the rest of my Pokémon over here?" Xiaozhi said to himself.

Of the six Pokémon that Xiaozhi has now, Pikachu and Ralts cannot be teleported back.

As for Mook-Owl, he sometimes needs him to help carry him.

Riolu is still in the growth stage, so Xiaozhi has to train him into Lucario at least.

As for Snorkeling Itachi, he has to train with Riolu for the time being.

Now it seems that Squirtle can only be teleported back.


's defense is now very good, while Snorkeling Itachi needs to be trained for a while longer.

"But what kind of Pokémon should I send back? Xiaozhi thought carefully about the Pokémon he had at Professor Oak's place, and excluded those that he didn't want to evolve, and those that Xiaozhi didn't want to evolve.

Xiaozhi felt that the current Bayleaf was cuter, and he had Tortoise and Lizardlord in his hands, so he didn't lack powerful Grass Pokémon, so it was better to keep Bayleaf in her current form.

"At present, there are only three of them, Crocodile, Squirtle and Flamewitch. Considering that we will challenge the Edge Gym later, we should send Squirtle over first. However, it was already late, so Xiaozhi did not bother Professor Oak.

At 10 o'clock the next day, Xiaozhi picked up the Poké Ball on the switch and turned it on. As soon as the Squirtle came out, it threw Xiaozhi to the ground and kept hitting him with its two claws. It looked very happy.

"Pikachu, who hadn't seen the lobster soldier for a long time, was also very happy.

"Okay, stop messing around, Lobster Soldier. I teleported you here this time to undergo very strict training." Xiaozhi stood up and hugged Lobster Soldier and said, but looking at his happy face, it seemed that he didn't listen.

"Never mind. This guy is an optimist anyway. He probably isn't afraid of being tired."

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