After training the Squirtle for most of the day, Ash and Brock prepared to go to the City of Edge to see if the Gym Leader of Edge was there. Dawn stayed at the Pokémon Center to train because she felt that Pogoman and Pachirisu were not very proficient in their cooperation.

In front of the Gym of Edge, Ash and Pikachu looked at the notice in front of them that the gym was temporarily closed and sighed,"Sure enough, he's not here!""

"Xiaozhi, you seem to have known this for a long time?"Xiaogang looked at him curiously.

"I've heard that the owner of the Edge Gym, Melissa, likes to run around everywhere. I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence." Xiaozhi explained

"Haha, so that's how it is." Xiaogang patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder and said,"Don't sigh, let's go sign up for the joint battle and relax. After all, it's a rare trip to the City of Fate."

"That's right," Xiaozhi thought, this will allow the lobster soldiers and Riolu to level up faster.

The lobster soldiers are now at level 27, and Riolu is at level 23. Although the lobster soldiers are slightly higher than Riolu, the silver-level Riolu will soon catch up.

In contrast, the cyan-level lobster soldiers will have a little less stamina, of course, this will happen after level 35. At present, under Xiaozhi's strict training, it is estimated that it will not take long for them to evolve into iron claw lobsters.

"By the way, Xiaozhi, do you want to sign up for Xiaoguang?"Xiaogang, who was queuing at the registration office, turned around and asked Xiaozhi behind him.

Xiaozhi thought about it carefully and said,"Well, let's sign up. It's not bad to let her experience it."

After signing up, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang returned to the Pokémon Center. At this time, Xiaoguang was showing Xiaowang her new performance, which was a combination of Pachirisu's discharge and Pogamon's Tidal Wave. The effect was very dazzling.

"What a beautiful combination skill, Hikaru! Brock praised the performance of Pogaman and Pachirisu.

"Thank you, Xiaozhi, what do you think?"Xiaoguang came to Xiaozhi and asked with a smile. However, Xiaozhi frowned slightly at this time, and his expression was a little serious.

"What's wrong, Xiaozhi?" Xiaoguang couldn't help but ask Xiaozhi when he saw him like this. Xiaozhi thought for a while and said,"Isn't it too flashy? It would be better to weaken the power of the skill a little bit."

"What? A gorgeous contest requires gorgeous skills of course." Xiaoguang pouted unhappily.


"No problem, no problem, Xiaozhi, I can definitely pass the first round, and I am very confident that I can get the ribbon of this Fate Conference." Xiaoguang said confidently

"Oh? I can't pretend I didn't hear that." Xiao Wang walked to Xiao Guang and said,"I won't give you the ribbon easily."

"Xiaowang, let's meet in the finals this time."


Xiaozhi sighed in his heart as he looked at the confident Xiaoguang."Forget it. I feel like Xiaoguang won't listen if I talk too much now. By then, we should be able to see the problem. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be eliminated in the first round of review."

Of course, Xiaozhi still hopes that Xiaoguang can pass the first round of review. After all, he doesn't want to see Xiaoguang sad. But if the problem is not pointed out in time, Xiaoguang's future performance will go astray.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

The next morning, in the venue of the gorgeous competition, Xiaoguang, who was in the contestant room, felt a little nervous. It might be because it was the first time to perform with two elves.

"Relax, Xiaoguang," Xiaowang comforted,"It's just like any other performance."

""Well, thank you."

Amidst the grand fireworks, the Fate Conference officially opened. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang sat in the audience. Pikachu also changed his clothes and held a fan to cheer for Xiaoguang.

The first to appear was the bard Shangya, who played a beautiful song with the singing of the speaker cricket, the grass flute of the sunflower monster, and his own harp. It won unanimous praise from the judges.

"A very minstrel-style performance","Pikachu said

"The song is very beautiful," said Xiaogang.

After several rounds of performances, it was finally Xiaoguang's turn. As Xiaozhi knew, at the beginning it was Pachirisu's Angel's Kiss and Pogaman's Bubble Beam, and then it was the Tidal Wave with the

Electric Light. Just looking at the Tidal Wave and the Electric Light that were about to fill the entire stage, the power not only did not decrease but became stronger. The visual effect was indeed very shocking, but these alone were not enough for the Grand Contest.

""It looks like this time will be difficult," Xiaozhi thought.

After that, Musashi first performed her unique self-harm, and then asked Desert Naia and Monini to use the missile needle together. In the fireworks produced by the collision of the two missile needles, Musashi completed the performance.

Finally, it was Xiaowang's performance. This time her Charming Meow and Shellless Sea Slug performances were more brilliant than last time. The water wave combined with crazy scratching ended brilliantly in the crystal water droplets.

After the first round of review, in the contestant lounge, Xiaowang walked to Xiaoguang who was combing Pachirisu's hair and said,"Xiaoguang, you are in good shape."

"Xiaowang, I am very confident this time, and I will fight you to the end."

As soon as Xiaoguang finished speaking, the results of the first round of screening came out. Xiaowang was the first, and then the photos of those who passed the first round of screening appeared on the big screen one by one, but until the last one, Xiaoguang and Musashi's photos were not seen. Xiaoguang and Musashi suddenly became nervous. The photo of the last person who passed appeared on the electronic screen, and it was Musashi.

"Hahaha, I passed!" Musashi laughed triumphantly.

In Futaba Town, Ayako stroked the Charming Cat on her leg. She was not too surprised that Xiaoguang didn't pass."This kind of situation will also happen."

"I'm sorry, Pogaman and Pachirisu." Hikaru lowered his head,"You all tried so hard."

Pogaman and Pachirisu shook their heads and wanted to go forward to comfort Hikaru.

"That's enough."

Hikaru's cold voice startled Pogaman and Pachirisu

"Xiaoguang" Xiaowang looked at her with complicated eyes, not knowing how to comfort her for a moment.

"I'm fine." Xiao Guang smiled and shook her head."Sorry, Pogaman, Pachirisu. I want to be alone."

After saying that, Xiao Guang immediately lowered her head and ran out. In the exit passage, Xiao Guang saw Xiaozhi and Xiaogang walking towards her. For some reason, she didn't want to���Xiaozhi saw himself like this

"I can’t let Xiaozhi see me crying," Xiaoguang thought to himself, lowering his head and pretending not to see them as he ran past the two of them.

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