After the Fate Conference ended, Xiao Wang left Fate City the next day and prepared to go to the next city to hold a gorgeous competition. Xiaozhi and the other two had to participate in the joint association battle and had to stay in Fate City for three more days.

"Joint Association Battle? Have you signed me up too?" Xiaoguang asked as he looked at the card Xiaozhi handed over.

"It's a good way to change your mood. How about it? Are you interested in participating?"

"Of course." Xiaoguang immediately took the card from Xiaozhi's hand."Partners are randomly assigned according to the numbers on the cards. Xiaozhi, it would be great if the two of us were assigned to the same group."

"Well, but it can't be such a coincidence," Xiaozhi said with a smile.

Xiaogang looked at the two of them with satisfaction,"It seems that the relationship has warmed up a lot."

At night, Xiaozhi walked back to his room after training the Pokémon. At this time, the Lobster Soldier had been upgraded to level 28. It is estimated that after two days of fighting, it will be upgraded to level 30 and successfully evolved into a Lobster.

Xiaozhi also let him learn many new skills in the past two days. The cyan-qualified Lobster Soldier's ability to comprehend water-based moves and dark-based moves is not very good, but he can use his claws very well.

So these days Xiaozhi asked him to focus on learning skills such as shell blades, alloy claws, scissors and guillotines.

The Lobster Soldier used to only have one move, the Crab Claw Hammer, but because the Lobster Soldier is incredibly strong, basically one Crab Claw Hammer is enough.

"If nothing unexpected happens tomorrow, my partner should be Shinji, and according to the normal plot, the little monkey should be released." Xiaozhi thought

"Although I really don’t want to partner with this Ice Face, I’ll have to endure it for Charmander’s sake."

Of course, this is the case without any accidents, but accidents really happened. Xiaozhi’s partner turned out to be Xiaoguang, and they were both assigned to Group A.

In the stadium of Enno City, Xiaoguang cheered happily,"Yeah, that’s great, Xiaozhi, we are in the same group!"

"Yes, yes."

""Ah? Is that so unexpected?" Xiaoguang asked Xiaozhi, who looked surprised.

"Haha, it’s not bad, but I didn’t expect to be assigned to the same group." Xiaozhi forced a smile, but in his heart he was thinking about what to do with the little Charmeleon.

"But according to Shinji's personality, he will probably let the little fire monkey go if it doesn't meet his expectations."


Just as Xiaozhi was thinking about how to make Charmeleon willingly be captured by him, Xiaogang suddenly shouted excitedly and rushed towards a mature woman with black stockings and high heels and a long-winged gull with a number plate.

"Are you my partner?" The mature woman with shoulder-length red hair looked at Xiao Gang and asked

"Yes, my name is Xiaogang!"

"My name is Honoka, please give me your advice."

"Ms. Honoka." Xiaogang immediately knelt on one knee."If you want to rest, please use my shoulder.……"

"It's coming again." Xiaoguang can see the scene where Xiaogang is knocked down by Frog. Indeed, Frog has come out of the Poké Ball, and one of its claws is glowing purple, which is a sign of using poison attack.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in boys who are younger than me."


Honoka refused to petrify Xiaogang instantly. The bad frog looked at Xiaogang who had turned into stone and retracted the poison attack.

""The effect is outstanding," Xiaoguang smiled helplessly. The Pogaman beside him even pecked at the petrified Xiaogang.

However, Xiaozhi knew that Honoka would develop a good impression of Xiaogang in the future battles with Xiaogang, but Xiaogang himself did not seem to notice it.

""I'll help Xiaogang when the time comes." Xiaozhi thought, and turned around to look around."I wonder if Shinji will participate. If not, it will be troublesome, huh? That seems to be..."

At this time, Shinji with the electric monster was communicating with a green-haired man with glasses. This green-haired man with the hippo king was Kaoping, Xiaozhi's opponent in the top 16 in the original work.

"According to the original plot, Dawn and Kaupin should be a team, but now it seems that a lot has changed."

The prize for this joint battle is the Soothing Bell, an item that can deepen the bond with Pokémon, that is, deepen the so-called intimacy. Satoshi has a lot of this stuff in his shop, so he is not very interested.

Satoshi's main purpose of participating in this joint battle is for Charmander.

In the afternoon, the joint battle officially began. Satoshi and Dawn are in Group A, so they are the first to appear. Their opponents are a muscular man with a level 25 gas bomb and a girl with a level 27 Scyther.

Satoshi and Dawn sent out Togaman and Scorpion respectively.

The muscular man sneered at this and said,"They are all water-type. It seems that we can win very easily! Gas bomb, 100,000 volts"

"Scyther, Whirlwind Blade"

Golden lightning and pure white wind blades flew towards Pogamon and the lobster soldier. However, the two elves reacted quickly and easily avoided the opponent's attack.

"Pogaman, attack Scyther with bubble beams."

The aqua-blue bubbles went straight towards Scyther, and Scyther immediately flew into the air to avoid it.

"Scyther, use cross shears"

"Gas bomb, 100,000 volts.

As soon as the gas bomb's body lit up with electricity, it was knocked to the ground by a crab ticket from the jumping lobster soldier.

"What!"The muscular man was shocked

"Want to ignore me and deal with one first? You think it's too easy." Xiaozhi looked at the lobster soldier in the air and said,"Scissors guillotine!"

The two big claws of the lobster soldier flashed a dazzling white light, and it dived down from the air rapidly towards the gas bomb that was knocked to the ground.

"Scyther, cover the gas bomb"

"Don't even think about it, Pogaman, Drill Peck."

Pogaman jumped up, spun around, and used its long, sharp beak to pierce Scyther's body. Drill Peck is considered an upgraded version of Peck, and its power is much greater than Peck.

Due to the conflicting attributes, this attack directly knocked Scyther down. On the other side, Gas Bomb, who was beheaded by the Scissors Guillotine, also fainted.

The referee checked the two fainted Pokémons and said,"Scyther, Gas Bomb cannot fight. The winners are Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang."

"Winner!"Xiao Guang stretched out his hand and looked at Xiao Zhi.

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