The victorious Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang came to the audience and watched the battles of other players. Xiaogang, under his command and the internal fighting of the two opponents, used the nonsense tree and the long-winged gull to successfully defeat the opposing Yangyangma and Baby Dragon.

After the battle, Honoka changed her opinion of Xiaogang. In Xiaozhi's opinion, Honoka has a good impression of Xiaogang.

The last game of the day is the battle between Shinji and Kaupin. Shinji used Charmander as Xiaozhi guessed, and Kaupin used Hippopotamus. The opponents are the level 35 Tyrannosaurus and the level 37 Charmeleon.

"Charmander's level is 28, which is a bit low. Hippopotamus' level is quite high, at 45."Ash looked at the detailed data of the two Pokémon and thought,"It should be no problem to win this battle."

During the battle, Shinji let Charmander use the smoke of the opposite side's Charmeleon to increase the power of its own flame spray, and cooperated with Hippopotamus's blizzard to first get rid of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Then let Charmander use digging holes to attack Charmeleon, and Hippopotamus added a water wave to successfully kill Charmeleon.

"this���"The cooperation between the two is quite good," said Xiaozhi, who watched the whole battle. He felt that the cooperation between them was much better than that between him and Shinji in the original plot. In the original plot, the two of them fought completely on their own and had no cooperation at all.

However, Xiaozhi was still concerned about Shinji's deliberate decision to let Charmander take Charmeleon's smoke spray and Tyrannosaurus's surf. The smoke spray was okay, as it was also a fire-type and the injury would not be too serious, but the surfing caused a lot of damage to Charmander.

At night, Xiaozhi was discussing tomorrow's battle with Xiaoguang. And Xiaogang volunteered to help Joy heal the injured Pokémon.

This made Honoka, who wanted to discuss tomorrow's battle together, seem a little jealous, thinking that he wanted to show off in front of Miss Joy. But after seeing Xiaogang after the serious treatment, he changed his mind and felt that such Xiaogang was also quite charming.

In fact, Xiaozhi felt that Xiaogang really wanted to show off in front of Joy.

"Do you use Leaf Elf? It's pretty good."

"That's right." Xiaoguang touched the soft fur of the Leaf Elf on the table."I haven't let this kid fight since I captured him."

The level of this Leaf Elf is 24, which is a bit low, but Xiaozhi is confident that he can cooperate with Xiaoguang to win the opponent. And judging from the skills that the Leaf Elf has learned so far, it is still quite powerful.

"Xiaozhi, is that one hundred thousand volts outside?" Xiaoguang said as he looked at the golden electric light outside the Pokémon Center. Xiaozhi turned around. He remembered that Shinji should be training Charmander now."Let's go and take a look."


On the battlefield, Shinji is training to stimulate the fire of the little fire monkey.

"The Dark Crow, whose body was surrounded by white light, knocked the little fire monkey out of the leaf storm. The little fire monkey lying on the ground was already covered with wounds.

""Stand up," Shinji said coldly as he walked in front of the little fire monkey. The little fire monkey struggled to get up, but the pain on his body made him fall down again.

Shinji had no sympathy in his eyes. He turned around and looked at the electric monster"100,000 volts".

Lightning appeared on the electric monster's head like a socket. When he was about to attack the little fire monkey with 100,000 volts, a golden lightning fell from the sky and knocked the electric monster unconscious on the ground.

"Who?"Shinji turned around and said coldly

"Do we still want the little fire monkey to continue?","Pika Pika!" Xiaozhi and Pikachu came over and looked at Shinji angrily.

"That's enough, Charmander is so injured." Xiaoguang said angrily.

Xiaozhi leaned over and picked up Charmander, and exchanged a bottle of medicine for him to treat. The injuries on his body gradually healed, and Charmander opened his eyes.

"Does your body still hurt?"

The little fire monkey shook his head. He remembered that Xiaozhi had treated him, so he was not afraid of Xiaozhi.

"There are still many hidden injuries in the little fire monkey's body. He must be taken back to the Pokémon Center to rest."

"Whatever you want." Shinji turned around and took back his Tutai Tortoise, Murkrow, and the electric monster that was killed by Pikachu's thunder.

In the Pokémon Center, Joey was giving Charmeleon a full body checkup.

"Shinji, are you too impatient? Why did you push Charmander to this point?" Xiaogang sat down in front of Shinji and asked.

"We are pursuing the same thing." Then Shinji told everyone about the extraordinary fire when he met the little fire monkey.

"But after that, Charmander never used that kind of fire again. This time, in order to win the Lily of the Valley Tournament, I need that fire." Shinji looked at Charmander who was being treated.

"Push it to its limit and unleash its potential. If it can control the flame, it can become the strongest fire spirit for my use."

"But even so," Xiaoguang couldn't help but say,"The little fire monkey"



Xiaozhi's sudden scolding startled everyone, and then they all turned to look at him.

"What did you say?" Shinji turned around and asked angrily

"What, is it wrong to call you a waste?" Xiaozhi responded unceremoniously

"Infernape's own aptitude is very good, but you didn't train it carefully. Instead, you just hurt him blindly, pushed him to the limit, and then relied on the Fierce Flame trait to win. You are a waste!"

Xiaozhi was very angry. Infernape's aptitude is silver, and the speed of upgrading is very fast. Judging from the time when Shinji captured it, if it was trained normally, it would have been a level 50 Flame Monkey by now, and at worst a level 40 Flame Monkey.

But now Infernape's level is only 28, which is impossible. It must be because the previous injury was not treated well, or he went to participate in the war or continued training as soon as the injury healed.

Moreover, according to Shinji's fighting method of deliberately getting injured to stimulate the Fierce Flame trait and the training that did not consider whether Infernape's body could withstand it, Infernape's injuries were further injured. If this accumulates for a long time, Infernape's body will definitely collapse first.

"What do you know?" Shinji roared and opened the Poké Ball, releasing the Tortoise.

""Want to fight? You haven't even beaten me this time, you piece of shit!" Seeing this, Xiaozhi took out the Poké Ball from his waist and opened it.

"Tutai turtle, attack at the cost of its own life!"

""Muk-Hawk, Brave Bird Attack!"

The bodies of Tutai and Muk-Hawk glowed white at the same time. When they were about to charge at each other, Joey suddenly stood between the two Pokémons.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Shinji immediately asked the two Pokémons to stop.

"This is the Pokémon Center, please control your emotions." Joey looked at Xiaozhi and Shinji and scolded them

"Yes..." Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Shinji could only suppress their anger.

"I will definitely beat you this time." Shinji took back the Tortoise and turned to leave.

Xiaozhi also took back the Hawk."I said that would never be possible."

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