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: 0.047s Scan: 0.025sAfter successfully obtaining the Swamp Badge at the Wetland Gym, Xiaozhi and his group prepared to return to the Edge City. It had been so long, and the gym owner Melissa should have returned.

However, Xiaozhi and his group, who were resting in a small town on the road, met a Pokémon that looked like a hedgehog. This dirty little guy was so hungry that he ate all the lunch that Xiaogang prepared for Xiaozhi and his group.

"Is this an elf?" Xiaoguang was not angry because his lunch was eaten. Instead, he half-crouched and looked at the little hedgehog covered in dust curiously.

"Thanks to the elves, Snow Rice" Xiaozhi took out the illustrated book"has the power to decompose the toxins in the atmosphere and turn the barren land into a flower garden. The legend of Garden Town is that it is because of Snow Rice that the originally barren land has become fertile."

"Does this little guy have such a strong power?"Xiao Gang asked, carefully comparing the picture in the atlas with the real thing in front of him."And the difference between the picture in the atlas and the real thing is quite big."

""Maybe it's because your body is too dirty." Xiaoguang picked up Xuemi in front of him and went to the river to wash her carefully.

The dust covering her body was gradually washed away, revealing Xuemi's original appearance. Above her white body was soft green grass with a few yellow dots on the green grass, and a pair of pink flowers on both sides of her body, which was very beautiful and cute.

Xiaoguang took out a towel and wiped the water off Xuemi's body."Okay, now it's clean.""

""It's so comfortable."

A little girl's voice sounded in the minds of the three people. Xiaoguang and Xiaogang were stunned and looked at Kirlia on Xiaozhi's shoulder."Kirlia, were you talking with telepathy just now?"

Kirlia pointed to Xuemi in Xiaoguang's arms."No, she was talking"

"But it's a little cold, and I hope you can say it more gently."

"This little guy has so many requests. By the way, shouldn't Xuemi in road form be very timid and shy, and easily frightened?"Xiaozhi said, looking at Xuemi in Xiaoguang's arms.

"You are really extraordinary."

"Mimi said very impressively. Xuemi raised her head with a proud look on her face.

"No, I'm not praising you.","Pikachu" Xiaozhi said speechlessly

"By the way, what's with that weird interjection at the beginning, and why is it Kansai accent?" Xiaozhi thought

"Hey, Xuemi, how did you get here?" Xiaoguang, who was holding Xuemi, lowered his head and asked

"It's so terrible to be washed by the river water."

Xiaogang nodded."It seems that he was washed by the river water."

Xuemi patted Xiaoguang's arm with her little paw."Mimi is hungry.""

"Eat this first."

Xiaozhi handed the energy cube he exchanged from the store to Xuemi. Xuemi first sniffed it, then put it in her mouth and ate it in small bites.

"It's delicious, Mimi wants more.

"You are so rude. Are you really thanking the elves?" He began to doubt.

"Pokémons have many different personalities, but this is one of the more bizarre ones," Xiaozhi said as he looked at Xuemi, who was eating the energy cube in her hand. Xuemi in the sky form usually doesn't talk as well as she does.

"But, in this season, shouldn’t Xuemi go to the Gracitia Flower Field and then migrate from there?"

Xiaozhi had just said half of his words when Xuemi, who had eaten the energy cube, suddenly jumped from Xiaoguang’s arms to Xiaozhi’s head and said,"You take Mimi to the flower field. Mimi must go to the flower field.""

"You really don't feel embarrassed at all." Xiaozhi said, looking at the snow on his head

"Xiaozhi, where is the Gracitia Flower Farm? Why did Xuemi go to the Gracitia Flower Farm?"Xiaoguang asked curiously

"Snowy will gather in the Gracitia Flower Field as the seasons change, and then transform into a sky-like form and fly. At the end of the flight, a new flower field will appear."The person who accompanies Snowy to the Gracitia Flower Field is also called the Flower Messenger.】"

"As for where Gracitia's flower fields are, I guess no one knows except Xue Mi."

"The flower field is over there! No, it’s over here." Xue Mi on top of Xiaozhi’s head twisted his head back and forth.

"Don't turn my head suddenly. Which side is it?"

"That's over there."

"I mean the specific direction."

""Hehe." Looking at Xiaozhi and Xuemi who were bickering, Xiaoguang couldn't help but chuckle, and reached out to hold Xuemi down from Xiaozhi's head."Okay, Xuemi, which side is it?"

Xuemi, who was held by Xiaoguang, closed her eyes, and pink flowers bloomed on her body. If Xuemi is gently held in the arms of humans and feels grateful, the flowers all over her body will bloom.

"It's over there," Xuemi pointed with her little paw.

"Over there." Xiaoguang touched the soft grass on Xuemi's back, turned around and looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaogang."Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, let's send Xuemi to the flower field, okay?"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other.

"Well, there's no rush to challenge the gym anyway.","Pickup"

"Since Xiaozhi agrees, then of course I have no objection."

The three followed the direction pointed by Xuemi and came to the town. When they were passing some prism-like decorations in the park, Xuemi in Xiaoguang's arms suddenly struggled.

"Come on, tell me!"

"What's coming?" Xiaoguang immediately looked around.

"Pikachu, use 100,000 volts on the prism in front of you.

The three members of Team Rocket who were preparing to attack Xiaozhi and snatch Xuemi from behind the prism were suddenly electrocuted by the falling golden lightning.

"Why did you discover us, little brat?"Meow!" Meow shouted

"Do you want to go by yourself or do you want me to help you?" Xiaozhi signaled Pikachu with his eyes, and golden electric sparks immediately appeared on Pikachu.

"Let's go now!" The trio immediately disappeared in front of Xiaozhi and the other two.

""Be good, Xuemi, the bad guys are gone," Xiaoguang stroked Xuemi gently and comforted her softly.

At this moment, Xiaozhi discovered something strange on the ground under Xiaoguang, and immediately shouted,"Xiaoguang, get out of there!"

"Huh?"Just when Xiaoguang was stunned, a black hole suddenly appeared on the ground and sucked Xiaoguang, who was holding Xuemi, in.

"This?!"Xiao Gang was shocked. Before he could react, he heard Xiao Zhi say

"Xiaogang, Xiaoguang was dragged into the reverse world by Giratina. You wait here, I will bring Xiaoguang back."

After saying that, Xiaozhi also jumped into the black hole. Just like that, in less than 10 seconds, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang suddenly disappeared from Xiaogang's eyes, and he was still thinking about what Xiaozhi said.、

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