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"Where is this?"

Xiao Guang looked around at this familiar yet strange world. The terrain and buildings here were exactly where he was just now.

They were all upside down, just like in a mirror. Moreover, the gravity here was very strange. After taking a few steps, he felt like he was floating up, just like in the universe.

""Mimi hates this place,"

Xuemi said tremblingly in her arms. Xiaoguang immediately comforted her,"It's okay, Xuemi, we can definitely go back."

Although she said this, Xiaoguang was unsure. This world was too quiet. Apart from her and Xuemi, she could hardly see anyone else, and there was no other sound.

In this quiet and scary world, Xiaoguang couldn't help but get scared. What should she do if she couldn't go back?


The voice coming from above made Xiaoguang look up immediately, and saw Xiaozhi, Pikachu and Kirlia slowly falling in front of him from above

"Xiaozhi!"The surprised Xiaoguang walked in front of Xiaozhi. The moment he saw Xiaozhi, all his anxiety and fear disappeared instantly.

"How was it? Did you run into Giratina? Are you okay?" Xiaozhi asked worriedly.

Xiaoguang shook his head and looked around."Xiaozhi, this place is"

"This is an inverted world." Xiaozhi looked at the floating islands around him and the bubbles reflecting reality."This world parallel to the real world has a mutual correspondence and is also the fulcrum supporting the real world."

"The world is upside down? Why are we here?"

""It was Giratina who wanted to drag Xuemi in. You must have been brought in by mistake."

Xiaozhi had just finished speaking when a huge dragon roar suddenly sounded, and a gray elf with a dragon-like appearance appeared in front of the two. A golden half-ring encircled its neck from the back. Black and red stripes were horizontally distributed on the front of the neck. It had two large ghost-like wings with red claw-like structures on the wing tips. It had six very thick legs with claws at the end.

""Level 92 Giratina, my god!" Xiaozhi exclaimed in his heart. At this moment, it was Giratina rushing towards Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang. Because they were in the reverse world, it was in its origin form.

"Pogaman, with"

"Wait, Xiaoguang. Pikachu, Kirlia, don't attack either."

Xiaozhi immediately stopped Xiaoguang from releasing Pogoman to attack him, and called Pikachu and Kirlia in time.

"That's right, young man, you must not attack or anger Giratina." A middle-aged man with yellow hair and slightly worn clothes came to Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang.

"Come with me, I know the exit from the reverse world"


"Hmm." The yellow-haired middle-aged man turned around, his whole body surrounded by azure light, and he stretched out his hand towards Giratina who was flying towards him.

"Boy, you?"

""I'm communicating with Giratina," said Ash, and the azure light shone brighter. Giratina also stopped in front of Ash and did not attack Ash.

From the original movie, this Giratina was not as brutal as Ash. He just wanted to teach Dialga, who destroyed the Reverse World, a lesson. But because of Shermi, Dialga escaped from the Reverse World.

When Dialga escaped from the Reverse World, he left a trick for Giratina. He used his ability to control time to reverse the time of Giratina, so that he could not leave the Reverse World to catch Dialga again. Giratina had no choice but to find Shermi's trace in the real world and let her use the seed flash to take Giratina to the real world, so that the time reversal left by Dialga could be broken.

That time when Hikari hugged Shermi, Shermi felt Hikari's gratitude, and Giratina felt it when she blossomed, so Giratina took action to suck Shermi in. It was just that he did not expect that Hikari and Satoshi would be brought in as well.

"To sum up, it's Xuemi's fault."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, he glanced at Giratina behind him. He remembered that he was banished to the reverse world by Arceus because of his cruel personality, but from what he had just explained to Xiaozhi patiently, he really didn't look cruel at all.

"Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the reverse world for too long, so my brutal character has changed." Xiaozhi thought,"Maybe when it comes time to teach Dialga a lesson, I’ll still be brutal."

""You are amazing, young man! You can actually communicate with elves." The middle-aged man looked at Xiaozhi in surprise, because what Xiaozhi said was exactly the same as what he saw.

"Mimi didn't mean to say that, she was just afraid and wanted to protect herself." Xuemi in Xiaoguang's arms raised her two little paws and protested loudly

"Okay, okay," Xiaoguang smiled and comforted,"Xue Mi, can you use the seed flash belt to take Giratina to the real world?"

"It's not possible to say now."

"Why? Giratina didn’t attack you on purpose." Except for Hikaru, Xuemi was still angry, so she started to coax her."Xuemi, don’t be too angry. Help Giratina, okay? We also have to return to the real world.""

"Please." Under the cover of the Xiaozhibo Guide, Xuemi, Xiaoguang and the yellow-haired middle-aged man were also able to hear Giratina's voice.

Xuemi looked at Giratina and said,"It's not that I don't want to help, but I can't use it now."

"It's because they need to break the time reversal on Giratina, and the ordinary seed flash is not powerful enough." Xiaozhi guessed. Xuemi nodded immediately,"That's right."

""Well, Xiaozhi, is there any solution?" Xiaoguang looked at Xiaozhi and asked.

Xiaozhi turned to look at the middle-aged man with yellow hair and said,"Dr. Mu Xuan, do you know where the black fog is?"

"Black fog?"

"It is the poisonous black fog that appears after adjusting the balance between the real world and the reverse world."

"Oh, of course I know." Mu Xuan nodded."By the way, young man, do you know me?"

"I saw your interview in the newspaper, and there was your photo on it. Mu Xuan Gray said Dr. Lando, right?"Xiao Zhi made it up, of course, because he knew the plot.

"Haha, so that's how it is." Mu Xuan smiled and didn't doubt that he had indeed been interviewed.

Everyone and Giratina followed Mu Xuan. Because he had lived in the reverse world for 5 years, Mu Xuan knew very well where the black fog would be produced in the reverse world.

After absorbing the black fog from about 3 places, the color of the flowers on both sides of Xue Mi's body gradually turned black.

"Xuemi, are you okay?" Xiaoguang looked at Xuemi with some concern."Will it be harmful if I absorb too much of this poisonous black mist?"

Xuemi shook her head."It's okay, Mimi. I feel like I can say it now.""

""Xiao Guang, let's stay away from Xuemi. Seed Flash is very powerful."

Xiao Guang put Xuemi down and walked away with Xiaozhi and Mu Xuan. Giratina was beside Xuemi, so he didn't have to worry. The power of Seed Flash couldn't hurt him.

With a slight cry from Xuemi, Xuemi's whole body began to emit emerald green light.

Under the emerald green fluorescence that illuminated the entire space, a space crack appeared above Xuemi and Giratina. The space crack with strong suction directly sucked Xuemi and Giratina in.

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