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Xiaozhi didn't expect that this space crack was actually in the sky. The people who came out of the space crack all fell from the air. Fortunately, Giratina caught them with its huge body in time and landed on the ground.

At this time, the place where Giratina landed was very coincidental, just below the Gracitia flower field on the top of the mountain. There are also many Gracitia flowers growing here.

"Thank you, Giratina","Pikachu!" Ash and Pikachu got off Giratina and thanked Giratina with a smile.

"Eh? It seems that Giratina looks a little different. Hikaru felt that the Giratina in front of him was bigger than the one he had seen before, and it had six legs growing out of its body.

"This is another form of Giratina. What you see in the reverse world is Giratina's original form." Xiaozhi explained,"Because of the gravity in the real world, Giratina's form also changes accordingly."

"Boy, you really know a lot about Giratina." Mu Xuan looked at Xiaozhi in surprise. The boy in front of him knew more information than he did.

"Haha, it's okay"

"By the way, Xiaozhi, now that we are out, we must quickly contact Xiao Gang. He must be very worried about us." As soon as

Xiaoguang finished speaking, a fighter jet suddenly swooped down towards Xiaozhi and the other two from high altitude. At the same time, countless Magnemites flew towards Xiaozhi. Judging from the expressions of the Magnemites, they seemed to be up to no good.

Upon seeing this, Xiaozhi immediately opened the Poké Ball and prepared to strike first."Infernape, Fire Vortex!"

Infernape spit out a huge vortex of fire, and swept all the Magnemites that were rushing towards Xiaozhi and the others into the vortex of fire.

Xiaoguang looked at the Magnemites that were being burned unconscious by the vortex of fire with a blank face."What's wrong with these Magnemites? Why do they suddenly want to attack us?"

"It's so scary." Xuemi also leaned tightly into Xiaoguang's arms.

"I guess it was the guy above who gave the instructions."

Mu Xuan and Xiao Guang looked up in the direction Xiao Zhi pointed. Above them was a young man with white hair and golden eyes standing on a flying vehicle. Beside him was a self-destructing Magnetron and a three-in-one Magnetron.

""Jero!" Mu Xuan exclaimed after seeing the young man's face clearly,"Why are you here?"

"Hey, long time no see, Teacher Mu Xuan." Jello looked down at everyone from high above, and then set his sights on Giratina."There is only one goal, and that is Giratina. Teacher, do you still recognize this?"

With a wave of Jello's hand, a red-gold cage with electric light unfolded on the fighter plane behind him.

Mu Xuan's eyes suddenly widened when he saw the machine on the fighter plane."This machine, it's impossible, I already know all the data, why can you still build it?"

""Teacher, you are not naive enough to think that I don't have a backup." Zero sneered, looking at Giratina with fanaticism in his eyes,"Giratina, your power will belong to me."

The fighter plane behind him immediately rushed towards Giratina. Giratina wanted to attack the cage, but a red light flashed by, and Giratina suddenly felt an inexplicable fatigue.

At this moment, the red-gold cage instantly trapped Giratina. The red electric current in it kept piercing Latina. He was angry and directly blasted it with a dragon wave, but it did not cause any damage to the machine.

Looking at the struggling Giratina, Zero laughed wildly,"Haha, Latina, it's useless! I advise you to save your energy and struggle less."

"Stop it now, or Giratina will disappear." Mu Xuan shouted to Jello."If Giratina disappears, both the reverse world and the real world will be affected, and then both worlds will be finished."

""Hmph," Zero snorted coldly,"Teacher, such a childish joke is not funny at all, huh?"

Zero, who wanted to make a few more sarcastic remarks, found that Xiaozhi was letting Infernape, Pikachu and Giratina inside to attack one point continuously, apparently trying to save Giratina. Zero, looking down at everyone from high above, had disdain in his eyes.

"It's a waste of effort. Giratina's strength in the cage is less than one percent of its normal strength. With the current strength and the few Pokémon you have, you can't destroy it even if you fight for a whole day."

"What about these two?" Xiaozhi opened the purple Master Ball in his hand, and a Pokémon with a deep and terrifying aura appeared in front of everyone.

"Darkrai!!"Jero and Mu Xuan exclaimed.

Not only that, Xuemi jumped out of Xiaoguang's arms and came to the Gracitia lace. Because of the influence of Gracitia pollen, Xuemi immediately changed from land form to sky form.

"Look at Mimi!"Xue Mi's whole body was glowing with a glittering green light, which was a sign of the seeds flashing.

""Pikachu, Lightning Ball. Infernape, Big Blast. Darkrai, Destruction Beam, all focus your energy on one point!"

As Xiaozhi's voice fell, Lightning Ball, Big Blast, Destruction Beam, Seed Flash, and Dragon Wave of Giratina in the cage all focused their attacks on one point.

A sound like ice breaking rang out, and the moment the red-gold cage broke, a huge gust of wind rose out of thin air.

""No!!!" Zero cried out in grief, and there seemed to be fire in his eyes when he looked at Xiaozhi."Look at what you have done! Magneto! Magneto Triad!"

Xiaozhi shook his head and looked at Darkrai beside him. Darkrai understood and cast a huge black hole that directly covered Magneto Triad, Magneto Triad and Zero.

Zero and the two Pokémon who were hit by the black hole all fell from the air to the ground and closed their eyes and fell asleep.

"Phew, it’s not easy." Xiaozhi wiped the sweat from his head and looked at Giratina."Giratina, are you okay?"

"It's just a minor injury." Giratina let out a dragon roar, and a black and purple dragon-shaped light wave suddenly flew towards Xiaozhi's right arm.

"Xiaozhi!!"Thinking that Giratina wanted to hurt Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang immediately ran to Xiaozhi's side.

"Don't worry," Xiaozhi smiled and comforted,"That was not an attack just now." Xiaozhi took off his gloves, and Xiaoguang found that a tattoo in the shape of Giratina emitting black and purple light appeared on Xiaozhi's right hand.

"this is?"

"This is the promise Giratina made to me. If you need his help, just use this tattoo to call him." Xiaozhi looked at Giratina, only to see that he had already flown into the sky.

""Thank you for your help, young man with the power of waves."

After saying this to Xiaozhi alone, Giratina disappeared into the sky, and it seemed that it had returned to the reverse world.

Afterwards, Xiaozhi used the elf watch on his hand to tell Xiaogang where he and Xiaoguang were, and asked Xiaogang to bring Junsha with him. About 20 minutes later, Xiaogang and Junsha arrived late.

After listening to Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang's explanation of the whole story, Xiaogang felt very sorry that he didn't get to see Giratina. Junsha arrested Zero. Mu Xuan had to go back to his research institute to prevent someone from taking advantage of his research.

After saying goodbye to Mu Xuan, Xiaozhi and the other two brought Xuemi, who had turned back into land form, to the Gracitia flower field on the top of the mountain. There were many Xuemi here, and it seemed that she was this guy's companion.

"Goodbye, Xuemi." Although Xiaoguang was very reluctant, he still bent down and put Xuemi in the flower field.

""Hmm." Xuemi turned her back to Xiaozhi and the other two and changed into the sky form again."Mimi, thank you very much."

At this time, in the flower field, the land-form Xuemi changed into the sky form. A strong wind blew, and the petals of Gracitia were immediately blown up and flew around the three people.

"Goodbye everyone!"

"Take good care of yourself, Xuemi!"


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