The Pokémon of these new trainers are not of high level, and they are terrible at commanding battles!

Either they are reckless or they are timid.

As a time traveler, Tang Zichi has a different mentality and experience. In addition, he has the"knowledge" of senior players, so he is ahead of many people.

With the bonus of the system, ten people finished the battle quickly.

Although they all won easily, it was a round-robin battle after all, and Riolu couldn't stand it.

Today's volume is obviously a bit excessive.

""Okay, okay! That's all for today! My Pokémon is very tired, and we'll see you again!" Tang Zichi waved his hand, stopping the next rookie trainer from coming up, and said loudly to everyone

""Ah!" The man couldn't help but sigh.

But seeing Riolu's tired look, they couldn't say anything, after all, he had been fighting for a long time.

You can't say anything if he doesn't want to fight.

Tang Zichi looked at the two tasks that had been completed, turned around and took Riolu away from the battlefield, and sent him to treatment again.

"How did you make Riolu like this again! You didn't abuse it, did you?"Joey looked at Tang Zichi who came three times a day, and couldn't help looking at Tang Zichi suspiciously.

"No, no! It's just that the training was a bit excessive."Tang Zichi waved his hands quickly, joking! How could it be abuse! And this"slander" must not be confirmed!

If it is really confirmed, then he will definitely be finished! Abusing Pokémon is not a small matter

"That's good!" Joey stared at Tang Zichi for a while, and then saw that although Riolu was very tired, there was still satisfaction, excitement and excitement in his eyes, without a trace of panic, grief and other negative emotions. He was relieved, but still reminded:"Training must also be combined with work and rest! It's still young! Do you understand!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I will pay more attention in the future!"Tang Zichi said quickly

""Yeah!" Joey nodded in satisfaction, then picked up Riolu and put him on the cart pushed by Jigglypuff who was waiting at the side.

Jigglypuff sent Riolu in with a pleasant"laki~" sound.

Tang Zichi then walked to the side and sat down, counting his gains:

【Activate the emergency task: Ten people killed (completed)】

【Mission Reward: 5000¥, Physical Fitness +0.2, Wave Power Slightly Increased, One Luxury Ball】

【Activate the emergency task: Be a good teacher (completed)】

【Mission Reward: 5000¥, Physical Fitness +0.2, Slight Improvement of Wave Power, [High-speed Movement] Skill Learning Device]

10000¥ income, Physical Fitness +0.4, Slight Improvement of Wave Power, until now, Tang Zichi only feels that the wave power in his body has grown a little bit.

Then the luxury ball and [High-speed Movement] skill learning device have been quietly lying in the system space.

【[High-speed Movement] Skill Learning Device: System products must be top-notch, and can allow a Pokémon that can learn this move to master [High-speed Movement] 100%.

Oh wow! A skill learning device that can directly master 100%!

It's worthy of being a system product!

When Tang Zichi saw the description of this [High-speed Movement] skill learning device, he thought it was one of those skill learning devices on the"market"!

The skill learning device does not allow a Pokémon to learn a move 100%.

There is a probability, and it is not high, and it also depends on the compatibility, and the"demonstration" Pokémon is different from your Pokémon, so the learning difficulty will increase.

The best is actually for another Pokémon to teach your Pokémon face to face and hand in hand.

And the most important thing is that the skill learning device itself is a consumable, and it can only be used a few times....It doesn't mean that if you buy a skill learning device for a move, you can use it unlimitedly.

So people who rely on skill learning devices to learn moves...Ordinary and low-level moves are fine, but those who can learn some difficult and advanced moves are either very lucky, very rich, or their Pokémon is just too talented.

"Xiao Chi! Your Riolu is ready now!" Joey shouted to Tang Zichi from a distance. As a"regular customer", he had already been remembered by Joey.

""Thank you, Sister Joy!" Tang Zichi said to Joy, watching Riolu get off the bed.

Then he took Riolu to the restaurant. After today's battle, plus the treatment, it was dark, and it was time to eat.

Today's consumption was very high. Both Tang Zichi and Riolu ate at least one-third more than usual.

After eating and drinking, Tang Zichi took Riolu back to the room.

It was very tiring today, and Tang Zichi was also very tired. After all, the frequent use of wave power during the battle was also extremely physically demanding.

Not to mention Riolu, now that he stopped and relaxed, the whole Pokémon was drowsy.

But it's better not to go to bed so soon after eating, so Tang Zichi chatted casually with Riolu:"Riolu, what do you think of our second partner? What do you want to be your new partner?"

【Riolu doesn't know, Xiao Chi will decide! No matter what it is, if it is your Pokémon, Xiao Chi, then it is a partner! A companion! 】 Riolu said to Tang Zichi without hesitation.

Touched! Worthy of being my Pokémon! Very ideologically conscious! Tang Zichi gave Riolu a thumbs up:"Don't worry! Riolu, not every Pokémon is qualified to be our partner!"

After a short rest, Tang Zichi went to wash up and take a shower, ready to go to bed.

When he came back, Riolu was already asleep.

Tang Zichi lay on the bed, tiredness surged in his heart, even though he is in strong physical condition now.

However, the"Bald Training Method" did not make him too tired. The most tiring thing today is the frequent use of wave power.

It consumes a lot of physical energy, especially mentally, the consumption is the greatest! After all, the wave power itself is also a spiritual power. As soon as I closed my eyes and opened them, the sky was bright.

"what time is it..."Tang Zichi rubbed his eyes and muttered something, then saw that Riolu beside him was gone.

He looked into the room and found that Riolu was doing squats there.

"Good morning! Riolu!"Tang Zichi greeted Riolu

【Good morning! Xiao Chi! 】Riolu didn't stop, just responded to Tang Zichi.

Tang Zichi looked at the time, it was already half past eight, he overslept a little.

It seems that he was really tired yesterday. Looking at

Riolu's appearance, it was obvious that he had been exercising for a while. He took his words to heart! And put it into action!

Very good! I like my Pokémon to be so self-disciplined! Worry-free! You only need to adjust the general direction and specific details.

This is very comfortable! Tang Zichi got up to wash up, and while washing up, he took a look at what his daily tasks were for today:

【Daily Task 1: Exercise!】

【Task requirements: 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km run】

【Mission Reward: 1000¥, Physical Fitness +0.1, Wave Power slightly improved】

【Daily Task 2: Giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance】

【Task requirements: Give a rose to a stranger of the opposite sex】

【Mission Reward: 1000¥, Physical Fitness +0.1, Wave Force Slightly Improved]

It seems that this daily mission 1 is constant. In the past few days, there is this"Bald Training Method" every day. It seems that the system really wants to develop him into a One Punch Man? Hiss! If I keep improving my physical fitness, I might be able to rub a wave missile with my hands? What kind of punch is good for the monster force, and kick is good for the circle bear?...

Ahem, I don't know how long it will take to reach this level, but the second daily task is different every time.

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