"No, it's already May, and the Quartz Conference will start next month. It's too late. Let's participate in next year's conference!" Lin Ke shook his head and said,"We can't make it this year, but you only have one Pokémon now. You need 6 Pokémon to play in the Quartz Conference. You need 3 Pokémon at the beginning, but after the top 16, you need 6 Pokémon.

It's just right that you can train and collect Pokémon for the Quartz Conference next year so that you can participate in the Quartz Conference.

By the way, you can only start collecting badges after a month after the Quartz Conference, which means you can start from July."

"Ah!"Tang Zichi couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard Lin Ke's words. He didn't expect that the Quartz Conference was almost here! And it seemed a little different from the Quartz Conference he remembered.

And the Quartz Conference started in June!

So,...Let's see who will be in the competition. Tang Zichi wondered if he could see some familiar names and characters.

"You two, your Pokémon has been cured!" Joey shouted to Tang Zichi and Lin Ke at the front desk.

"Here they come!"Tang Zichi and Lin Ke quickly got up and walked over, taking their luxury balls in their hands.

"Thank you, sister Joey!" Tang Zichi said to Joey

"You're welcome! Welcome to come again next time!"Joey said to Tang Zichi with a smile

"……"Tang Zichi was silent for a moment, then nodded:"Yes."

"Okay, I'm leaving now, what about you?" Lin Ke put away his luxury ball and said to Tang Zichi.

Tang Zichi released his Riolu and was a little surprised after hearing what Lin Ke said:"You are leaving now?"

"Well! Anyway, traveling is about walking around and seeing more. I have seen almost everything in Changqing City, and I have made a friend like you, which is enough. It is time to set off to the next place."Lin Ke said with a smile

"OK, I have to stay for two more days. I wish you a safe journey!"Tang Zichi said to Lin Ke

"Goodbye! Feel free to contact me if you have anything."Lin Ke smiled and waved to Tang Zichi, then turned and left.

Tang Zichi looked at Lin Ke who was leaving and couldn't help but let out a breath.

He separated from his first friend in this world after just one day together. He became alone again.

He had originally planned to fight in the gym....Now, the Quartz Conference is coming soon, and it is too late to collect badges. He has to wait until after the Quartz Conference to collect badges again.

The Quartz Conference has some restrictions, which he did not expect. It seems that he needs to learn more about the various competitions and conferences in this world.

After all, it is the real world, and there must be many kinds of competitions and conferences.

And it will be more subdivided, not like the anime, which is a bit"general" and revolves around the protagonist.

Tang Zichi looked at Riolu:"Riolu, do you want to train or fight or do you want me to take you out for a walk?" When

Riolu heard what Tang Zichi said, it patted its chest: [Xiao Zichi, I want to fight! I think fighting can make me stronger! And I also enjoy fighting!】

""Okay! Then I'll take you back to the battlefield to have a look." Tang Zichi nodded:"By the way, continue to test the power of wave. By the way, starting from tomorrow, this item must also be included in our training plan."

When fighting with Lin Ke, he had a"sudden idea" to use the power of wave to win the game.

Now Tang Zichi is interested in this power of wave, and it seems that there are more attempts and more ways to apply it.

It has to be explored carefully, especially the power of wave and Riolu are very compatible!

【Hmm! Is this power called wave power? Xiao Chi, I seem to be able to vaguely feel this power in my body....】Riolu said to Tang Zichi.

In the previous battle, Tang Zichi used the wave power to resonate with it, and it seemed to activate Riolu's wave power.

And the wave power also has a perception function similar to"Observation Haki".

Whether it is life or battle, it is a very good help, and this function is a passive activation and active enhancement effect.

Riolu's perception ability has improved a lot, and the world is clearer in its perception.

"Well, this power is called wave power. You have to feel it and control it! This will be of great help to you! And it will be your main power in the future!"Tang Zichi said to Riolu

【"Okay! I got it!" Riolu nodded seriously after hearing Tang Zichi's words. Although he had only been with Tang Zichi for a few days, he was becoming more and more identified with and trusted Tang Zichi.

In addition, Tang Zichi commanded him to win battles in a row, and the daily care and training made him feel more and more"homely" to Tang Zichi. The connection and intimacy between the two continued to soar.

Tang Zichi returned to the battlefield, and the people here saw Tang Zichi coming back. They all cast their eyes over.

"Anyone want to fight?" Tang Zichi shouted to everyone.

""Will you use that handsome ability?" a young man said to Tang Zichi

"Shuai Shuai's ability?" Tang Zichi was a little confused.

"That one..."The young man was gesticulating beside him.

Tang Zichi knew that the other party was probably talking about the wave power:"I don't know about this, maybe"

"I want to see how strong you are!" A man showed up and wanted to fight Tang Zichi.

There are always these people.

A level 7 Rattata.

The battle was over quickly.

After the battle, Tang Zichi told the other party about some of the mistakes and shortcomings of the other party during the battle, but was obviously misunderstood by the other party as"humiliation" and left angrily.

But when other people saw this, their eyes suddenly lit up. That person didn't appreciate it, but others did!

So they all came to Tang Zichi to ask for a fight.

【Activate emergency task: Ten people killed】

【Mission requirements: Win ten battles in a row!】

【Mission Reward: 5000¥, Physical Fitness +0.2, Wave Power Slightly Increased, One Luxury Ball】

【Activate emergency task: Be a good teacher】

【Mission requirements: Teach everyone in ten battles】

【Mission Reward: 5000¥, Physical Fitness +0.2, Wave Power Slightly Increased, [High-Speed Movement] Skill Learning Device]

Hey! The mission was actually triggered! Two at a time!

Tang Zichi smiled immediately, especially when he saw that he was also rewarded with a luxury ball and a skill learning device.

"Come on, come on! Don't be anxious! Come one by one!" Tang Zichi said to everyone with a smile.

Then this group of new trainers began to line up one by one to"get beaten".

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