Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 106: Shiyu

In the next few days, Ao Feng realized that traveling with Ke'er was a correct decision, and the reason was that he could be lazy.

In the past, Chen Xin's tasks were all-inclusive, and she also used the advantages of a girl and half a breeder. She was meticulous and took good care of the elves. Naturally, Ao Feng could focus more on training. superior.

"Brother be careful!" Ao Feng, who was running in the morning as usual, was thinking about the training plan when Xiao Lu suddenly reminded him.

Ao Feng was startled, but before he could react, his head was bumped. Fortunately, he steadied his pace in time, and the impact was not that heavy.

He took the thing off his head, and when he looked at it, he found that it was actually a walking grass again: "What year, no matter how old the walking grass is, the grass will fly." There is nothing good about running grass.

Fossil pterosaur discovered the following situation, hovered in the sky for a week and landed, staring at this walking grass with Ao Feng and the other elves.

"Wow, such a cute walking grass, don't you scare him, didn't you see that he was injured?" Ke'er jumped off the back of the fossilized pterosaur and saw the walking grass shrinking into a ball and trembling under their gaze, and hurried from the proud Feng took the walking grass in his hand.

Ao Feng smiled awkwardly, what, I am the victim, okay?

"Walking grass!" A teenager suddenly emerged from the bushes, with light cyan hair on his head, wearing a hooded pullover jacket, a small jacket, and casual cropped pants, but at this time his body was covered with dust, and his face was also covered with dust. Some were bruised and looked very embarrassed, and they were about to fall when their feet were unstable.

Ao Feng grabbed his arm: "Are you all right?"

"Thank you, thank you." The teenager stood firm, took a steady breath, and then looked at the walking grass that Ke'er was treating. With the help of her wind chimes and Ao Feng's almost doll, the treatment speed was still very fast. of.

Seeing that the state of the walking grass gradually recovered, the young man was also relieved, and then he remembered something, and felt embarrassed to ask Ao Feng: "That..."

"Chase, that kid is over there!" A deep voice came over, interrupting the young man's words, the young man shrank his neck and hid behind Ao Feng.

Ao Feng was a little speechless: "What's going on?"

Without waiting for the young man to answer, the man who came after gave the answer: "Boy, if you hurt my little elf, you want to run away?"

"I, I didn't do it on purpose!" The boy's voice trembled a little. Hey, why don't you be so scared?

"It's not intentional or not, let's just beat it up, let's run and let our brothers chase for a long time. Now you'd better come over obediently and hand over your elf at the same time, otherwise..."

Ao Feng frowned and looked at the three big men who were chasing after him. He was shameless. Three adults bullied a child and wanted to **** the elf? At first glance, it's not a good thing, and it looks like a rogue.

"Yo, this little girl looks good, that red-haired boy, this matter has nothing to do with you, hurry up and make way for the Lord, or you will be at your own risk!"

Ao Feng's face was a little ugly, the special meow is endless, right? I really think I am easy to bully: "Xiaolu, Bo missile, Fossil Pterosaur, Destruction Dead Light, Single-headed Dragon, Dragon's Wave!"

The elf, who had been ready to attack for a long time, launched the attack at the first time, and the other three blew up before they could react, and Ao Feng said lightly in his ears: "Let me meet you next time. It's not that simple."

"That's amazing!" The young man behind Ao Feng said in surprise when he saw that Ao Feng directly blasted the three of them.

Ao Feng turned around: "Are you going to tell me what happened to you?"

"Well, can you help me with the treatment of Acorn Fruit?" The young man seemed to be a little afraid of Ao Feng, and said in a low voice.

Ao Feng was helpless, and called almost the dolls over and asked the boy to release acorns and start the treatment. The boy was relieved. Ke'er also finished the treatment, she jumped into the boy's arms and rubbed his face kindly.

The three of them sat together and listened to the boy's narration: "My name is Shi Yu, a trainer who just traveled recently. While walking through this forest, he accidentally shot an attack during training, injuring the three of them. an elf of my own, and then they'll take revenge on me."

"I sent Acorns to fight against them, but I didn't expect them to fight three to one, plus I was a little scared of them, and I was knocked out before I could show the strength of Acorns. I didn't dare to send them after that. The newly subdued Zuozao went to fight, but they tried to run, but they caught him, beat him a few times, but Zuozao couldn’t see it and jumped out to attack.

Shi Yu hugged the acorn that had just recovered from the walking grass: "I'm sorry."

Ao Feng and Ke'er looked at each other and shrugged helplessly. No matter how they looked at them, the three of them didn't have much strength. They were third-rate trainers at most. If the rain could make the walking grass and acorns go up together~www .readwn.com~ I shouldn't have reached this level without losing my sense of proportion.

This is obviously a lack of understanding of one's own strength, plus cowardice, which leads to a serious lack of self-confidence.

"Have you played against other trainers since your travels?" Ke'er asked.

Shi Yu nodded: "I have fought, but I have never won."

Ao Feng was immediately speechless, do you have to worry about this? He is not a saint, so he can't manage it well, let alone a stranger. But if you don't care, maybe this kid gave up on himself and ruined his future.

Looking at Ke'er, seeing that Ke'er nodded to him, well, it seems that I still need to help.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Ao Feng asked.

Shi Yu was silent.

The corners of Ao Feng's mouth twitched, what exactly do you want to do, buddy: "What about the target?"

"I want to be a Pokémon master." Shi Yu finally gave an answer.

Once there is a breakthrough, it's easy to handle: "Then it may be difficult for you to achieve your goals like this."

"I know too, but..." Shi Yu hesitated again.

"Well, let's have a battle first." Ao Feng suggested.

Shi Yu hesitated for a while, looked at her elf, and finally nodded. Of course, it was impossible for Ao Feng to play by himself. Even if the difference in strength was not very big, it would become very big under Shi Yu's mentality, not to mention that there was already a big gap.

She gestured to Ke'er, Ke'er smiled and stood opposite Shi Yu.

"The battle is 1v1." Ao Feng temporarily served as the referee. He mainly wanted to see how Shi Yu performed in the battle.

"Go, Big Mouth Baby!" Ke'er sent her initial elf.

"My side is Acorn, go!" Shi Yu said.


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