Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 107: guide

"Acorns, grassland fields!" Shi Yu waved his hand, and the green light waves spread, covering this area, and a large piece of grass rose on the ground, and the air seemed to be much fresher.

"The field skills, the effect is good, but they are about to be beaten." Ao Feng analyzed silently in his heart.

Sure enough, Ke'er seized this opportunity: "Big mouth baby, fairy wind!"

A pale pink whirlwind formed around Dazuiwa and swept forward. When the acorn was released from the grassland field, it also enveloped him, blowing into the air for continuous consumption.

"Ah? Acorns!" Shi Yu shouted worriedly, but he didn't provide any useful instructions. When he was attacked, he was already lost.

Ao Feng frowned: "Shi Yu, what you need to do now is to find a solution, not just worry about it!"

"But..." Shi Yu looked at the acorn fruit anxiously, and couldn't think of any way at all. Can he still launch an attack like this?

"Calm down, have confidence in your acorns, and believe that you will always have a solution. At this time, if you don't have a solution, you can only watch your partner lose their combat effectiveness." Ao Feng instructed.

After calming down, Shi Yu gritted his teeth, there was nothing he could do, and now he could only trust Acorn: "Acorn, seed machine gun!"

Acorn Fruit, who was constantly under attack, opened his eyes, green light emerged from his body, and several seeds wrapped in green light were launched, leaving trails of light in the air.

Although the precision head is not very good, fortunately, two seeds hit the big mouth baby, interrupting the wind of the fairy.

"Success!" Shi Yumian was overjoyed.

"Dazuiwa, freeze the light!" Ke'er won't let Shiyu go. At this time, he should seize the opportunity to fight back instead of being complacent. He must be taught a good lesson.

Ke'er's voice recalled Shi Yu's "soul" and hurriedly said, "Acorn, sunshine and flames!"

Ao Feng was slightly surprised. The sun and flames will be there. This little elf is quite good if he just went out for a trip, but it is a pity that Shi Yu chose the wrong time: "Okay, let's go here, there is already a result."

Both sides stopped the accumulation of skills, but Ke'er was fine, Shi Yu was indeed a little puzzled, and didn't understand why Ao Feng wanted to stop.

Ao Feng glanced at him lightly: "Your sunshine flames need a long time to charge up. You were stunned for so long before, and when the acorns could attack, they were already frozen."

"I..." Shi Yu wanted to say something, but he couldn't refute Ao Feng's words. If he continued, it would only be the end of his failure again.

"I'm sorry." Shi Yu picked up the acorn.

"I'm sorry, don't keep saying this, what you need to do is to find a way to make yourself stronger, come, sit down first, and tell me what you think about this battle?" Ao Feng sat beside Xiaolu and asked.

Shi Yu thought about it for a long time, but still didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what to say? Then I'll help you." Ao Feng didn't want to waste time, so he spoke directly.

Shi Yu immediately sat up straight and listened.

Ao Feng smiled: "You don't have to be so serious. First of all, when you come up to use the field skills, there is nothing to do, it can be said to be a correct choice, but do you have a way to deal with the opponent's attack? If not, you will be Get caught up in the passive, and you see what happens."

Shi Yu nodded, this is indeed a very serious problem.

"Second, what were you doing when your acorn was being attacked? I've told you what it should be."

"Third, the most important point is your confidence and confidence in your little elf. No matter when you can't be discouraged, especially in battle, if you can't maintain the hope and confidence that you want to win, then you will be Victory is handed over to others."

"Fourth, there are many factors to consider in the battle. You don't know much about your elf. In the attack of the fairy wind, the acorn can attack, but you don't know, the charging time required by the sunshine flames. You don't know, you still have to use this skill when you have more than half of the frozen light, which is a great threat to acorns. Should I say that you suddenly had too much confidence in yourself at that time or what? Didn't even think about unleashing powerful skills?"

"Think about it for yourself. If you can't solve these problems, just go home and farm honestly. It's better than delaying the elf." For some reason, Ao Feng's words became much tougher.

Shi Yu clenched his fists and was very dissatisfied with what Ao Feng said. Why did the elf follow me and was delayed, but he couldn't say anything.

Ke'er pulled Aofeng, but Aofeng didn't mean to stimulate the boy any more: "It's already noon, so let's go here for today's rush. Lunch and Da Duck will trouble you."

"No problem." Ke'er smiled sweetly.

"Xiaolu, Fossil Pterodactyl, single-headed dragon come with me." Ao Feng stood up and touched the head of the duck, "Don't run around."

Ke'er went to prepare lunch, Ao Feng took the elf to training, leaving Shi Yu to sit on the spot and think, his elf stood beside him and looked at each other, not knowing what to do, so he could only be silent. accompany.

"Here." Ke'er handed Shi Yu a lunch.

Shi Yu was stunned for a while, but ended up having lunch: "Thank you." She had no appetite for lunch. She was still thinking about Ao Feng's words in her mind. Although she didn't agree with it at first, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that what Ao Feng said was reasonable. What is the future of even the most talented elf?

Seeing that Shi Yu didn't eat, Ao Feng didn't say anything, and continued training after taking a break after dinner.

After the task of training the skills of the fossil pterosaur and the single-headed dragon respectively, Aofeng and Xiaolu fought together again. With the skill of bone spurting, it is natural to use it to the extreme. For this skill, Ao Feng felt that it was a long-range skill in melee attack, which was equivalent to a weapon that was transformed.

This is a natural advantage. The effect of the opponent's skills using hands and feet to block is absolutely different from that of using bone sticks, which can greatly offset the damage. It can also be immune to some of the opponent's characteristics when attacking, and Ao Feng can be said to have attached great importance to it.

"The moves have been mastered very well. After controlling the rhythm of the attack, you can start the follow-up training when the time is right." A few hours later, Ao Feng smiled and said that he had already learned all the moves from Qingxi. Teach the path.

Xiaolu grinned and scratched his head, walking to Ao Feng's side.

"Huh?" Ao Feng felt that someone was looking at him again, and turned to meet Shi Yu's dull eyes, "What's wrong?"

"Does training need to be like this?" Shi Yu said, pointing to the scars on Ao Feng and Xiao Lu. It was too hard.

"It's nothing, it's all skin trauma, and it will recover soon." Ao Feng smiled, called the almost doll to treat Xiaolu, and waved back to call the fossil pterosaur and the single-headed dragon.

(I couldn’t find it before, and now I have been blocked for many chapters for no reason. I don’t know what to say. The mood of writing a book is beaten and nothing is left. It’s obviously normal. I don’t know how to deal with it in the future. Maybe it will be 404 when, so many people look at me and I don't want to be pitted, but what can I do? Ask for advice.)


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