Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 151: lure

To save, or not to save? If you are saved, you may put yourself in, but if you don’t save it, you may have an uneasy conscience. Ao Feng was not an indecisive person either. He gritted his teeth and said, "Ke'er, you go back first and wait for me outside!" After speaking, he ran forward without looking back, and his elves also followed.

"Brother Feng!" Ke'er shouted anxiously, worried about what danger would happen to Ao Feng, and had no choice but to follow. The ground is still trembling, and many places have been broken. There are also burnt and fallen trees on the ground. Ao Feng can walk through it, but it is very troublesome for Ke'er.

In the end, Fossil Pterosaur paid attention, turned back, and let Ke'er sit on his back and carry her to chase in the direction Ao Feng ran.

After ascending into the air, Ke'er realized the seriousness of the matter. The withered forest was actually the size of a city. Now, from the aerial view, a large amount of thick smoke could be seen rising, and the trees were slumped to the east and west amid the shaking on the ground. Not a single elf could be seen in the woods, not even a few figures, and all the people from Team Rocket had disappeared.

He glanced at the situation below, and suddenly found that there was a river in the middle of the woods. There were sixteen metal devices on the bank. A person was standing on the bank and manipulating something. In the center of the river, a vortex was taking shape, because the distance was too far. , Kerr can't see it really, and can only make a rough inference.

Signaling the Fossil Pterosaur to descend a certain distance, Ke'er shouted loudly, "Brother Feng, there is someone on the left at eleven o'clock, and it's probably the leader!"

"Got it!" Ao Feng replied, adjusting his direction and running over.

The river, the metal devices on the bank, the fragmented earth, the burning woods, everything matched the image in my memory, and the dragon roar became clearer and clearer.

There were more and more fallen trees, most of Ao Feng could dodge away, and the little elves who couldn't dodge would also be smashed to pieces, and Ao Feng's speed did not decrease at all.

"Why did someone come here? The Rockets are really trash!" The person standing on the shore cursed, he couldn't separate himself now, was busy manipulating the instruments in front of him, and couldn't do anything else, "Huh? This is... Hmph, but even if you come, don't try to spoil my plan!"

The clouds in the sky swirled, forming a vortex, colorful lights shot out, and strange sounds echoed in the forest.

"Bi!" A clear cry came, and Ao Feng, who had just run out of the burning woods, happened to see this strange sight. Immediately afterwards, a green elf flew out of the air, urging a huge flying leaf storm to hit the metal device on the shore.

"Celebi?" Ao Feng was shocked, but he didn't expect that even Celebi was attracted, because the forest was destroyed, or for some other reason?

The powerful storm of flying leaves hit the metal device, but it was blocked by a wall of light, which had no effect at all. At this time, sixteen mechanical devices were linked together, and a rectangular light mask enveloped the river.

"What a strong defense." Celebi was still attacking, but in the end, he could only create ripples in the light, and there was no sign of a breakthrough. Although I know that the strength of Celebi is closely related to the forest, it is difficult to exert it in this destroyed forest, but the power of the attack is still not to be underestimated, but it cannot shake this device, how powerful is this device? energy.

"Hey, hey, it's impossible for you to break the defense of my energy-absorbing device, the energy of the entire forest is gathered here, you'd better stay honest, otherwise, it will be your turn when I clean up that big guy. !" On the other side of the shore, the man in the white research robe who was constantly operating raised his head, and Ao Feng was startled by his maddened expression.

"A guy from Team Rocket?" Ao Feng felt that this person was a little familiar, and he couldn't remember where he had seen him for a while.

"No, he is Dr. Jiaju, a very famous researcher in the alliance. I have seen his paper on the report, with his photo attached, it can't be wrong." Jumped down and said solemnly.

Ao Feng was startled: "People from the alliance? Joining forces with Team Rocket?" Then he fell silent, he knew that his thoughts were a bit radical. It is impossible for the alliance to join forces with the dark forces to destroy the forest. This is impossible to shake, and the Rockets only have a few people, which shows that all this is a secret action. Ao Feng also got the news before, because the above This time, the Alliance monitored Team Rocket very strictly, so these can be attributed to Dr. Gakuo's personal behavior.

Scientists are lunatics, especially scientific researchers who leave everything behind. I don't know what terrifying results this guy has researched. Just looking at the energy-absorbing device in front of him is terrifying. It can form such a powerful force by absorbing the energy of a forest for his own use. What about taking in a wider range of energy? The power is probably hard to imagine.

Suddenly, a machine beside Dr. Jiajiu rang, Dr. Jiajiu glanced at it, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "That kid over there, is Giratina's Power Stone on you? Give me~www .readwn.com~ Come on, let's control Giratina together."

Ao Feng frowned. He thought of the red gem that he was still carrying in his pocket. He shook his head and said, "What kind of power stone, I don't know, and there is no such thing."

"Hey," Dr. Jiajiu laughed strangely, "I know the ability of the sealing device I made myself. Although it can block the power fluctuations of the Power Stone, it can't leak it out at all. If I am by my side, I will It can be searched, I know it is on you, leave it to me, with that stone, we can easily control Giratina, and then control the world."

"Controlling Giratina? Controlling the world?" Ao Fengzhi's brows got deeper and deeper, what was this person thinking? If it is possible to control Giratina, what the **** is it to control the world?

Just as Ao Feng was thinking about it, the angry dragon roar entered his ears. At this time, Ao Feng discovered a swirling hollow on the river surface. He originally thought it was just a water whirlpool, but now it does not seem to be the case.

Because a Pokémon was drilled out of it, with a huge body, red sharp horns on black wings, a golden crown, six silver-white legs and golden claws, isn't it the Pluto Dragon Giratina? ?

It turns out that there is the entrance to the reversed world.

As soon as Giratina appeared, the metal device on the shore shot out sixteen golden threads, which bound Giratina, and one could clearly see the red energy being transmitted along the threads.

"Analyzing, completeness, one percent... two percent..." The mechanical voice sounded beside Dr. Gaku.

At this time, Dr. Jiajiu did not forget to tempt Aofeng: "Give me the Power Stone, and we can control Giratina. I promise to share the results with you, how about that?"


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