Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 152: break through

Aofeng was silent, he remembered what Yuyu had said to her a few days ago, that having Giratina's Power Stone really has the potential to control Giratina. At that time, Youyu still vaguely revealed some news, Ao Feng was not aware of it, but now it has really become a reality.

Then he sneered: "Don't think about it, don't say that I don't know what that power stone is. Even if I really have it, it's impossible to give it to you. Your ambition is too big."

"Hahaha, kid, hello, you're fine!" Dr. Gakuo burst out laughing, "I originally wanted to use a gentler method, first steal the Power Stone, and then use that to lure Giratina into appearing, While controlling his power to use it, I didn't expect the Rockets to be so **** that they lost the stone, but that's okay, I still have a way!"

"What do you think the dead trees, fires, and earthquakes are all for? Of course, it is for destruction. As long as large-scale destruction is caused, the reverse world will be greatly polluted, making Giratina angry, and it will come to reality. World, haha." It seems that because the goal was quickly achieved, Dr. Gakuo said more.

Hearing this, Ao Feng's heart skipped a beat. Why did he dare to carry out such an action without the Power Stone? It is impossible to say that there is no plan and no means. Looking at Giratina, who was trapped on the river, howling in pain, attacking randomly but without the slightest effect, and Celebi's continuous attacks, Ao Feng knew that he couldn't. Procrastinate.

"Xiaolu, Goda Duck, Single-headed Dragon, Fossil Pterosaur, Dumb Beast, come on, attack the metal device together!" Ao Feng gave the order, and Ke'er, who was beside him, also issued the order to attack.

Several attacks landed on the metal device one after another, but they could only splash a ripple on the wall of light, which was not even comparable to the effect achieved by Celebi's attack.

Although it was said that the first attack was just a test, this kind of defense was really scary. At this time, Ao Feng also found that the effect caused by Celebi was becoming less and less obvious. It seemed that the energy of the metal device was getting stronger and stronger.

Looking at Ao Feng's movements, Dr. Jiajiu smiled indifferently: "It's useless, you couldn't break through before, and now you can't break even more, Giratina's energy is constantly being extracted and injected into the device, analyzing his power. With his strength as the support, everything you do is useless."

Dr. Jiajiu smiled strangely: "Hey, when the analysis is completed, Giratina's source power will be exhausted, and her life will come to an end, then I will control his power and control his reaction. Turn the world, and then control the world, hahaha, I want to make the world surrender to my feet! Those pedantic guys in the alliance, so many rules and regulations are not allowed to cross the border, how can it be possible to make progress like that, how can they reach the peak of the world !"

Speaking of this, Dr. Gaku's weird laugh turned into a laugh: "Don't think I can't do anything without giving me that stone, if I have that stone, I can save Giratina's life, now, hehe, I can also gain his power, and you will be the one who killed him, hahahaha!"

Giratina's power stone can be used at any time if he reverses the world, which means that he is in peak state at any time, but once the power stone is stolen, Giratina is equivalent to directly losing half of his power. , otherwise it will not be trapped and unable to get out.

The machine's analysis of Giratina's power was very fast, and it didn't take long for half of the progress to pass. Giratina's struggle became weaker and weaker, and the originally angry Longyin became mournful, and finally floated in the air motionless. But his struggles still had some effect, and Ao Feng's vision captured some cracks in the interior of the light wall.

Ao Feng's eyes became cold: "I will not obey your wishes."

With his left hand, he pulled up the wrist guard on his right wrist, revealing the pattern on his wrist: "Emperor Yan!"

The Yan Emperor in the distance felt Ao Feng's call, and roared up to the sky. A door of flame appeared in front of him, and he jumped in. The next moment, he was already at Ao Feng's side, and his gentle lion eyes looked at Ao Feng: "need some help?"

Ao Feng pointed to the front. Emperor Yan also discovered the situation of Giratina. His eyes became dangerous, and the temperature of his body rose rapidly. Ao Feng pressed his left hand on the keystone: "Emperor Yan, wait a minute, Xiaolu, mega evolution!"

The defense of the energy-absorbing device is becoming more and more incapable of breaking through. It must attack with all its strength as soon as possible. After the evolution of the path is completed, he shouted to Celebi in the air: "Celebi, accumulate strength and attack one point together!"

Celebi nodded, stepped back a little, the green energy rose from his body, and the other elves also received Ao Feng's instructions, and halos of different colors appeared on their bodies, accumulating their strongest blow. What caught Ao Feng's attention the most was that the flames on Emperor Yan's body were already pure purple, and there were already signs of white under the blessing of using holy flames. As expected of the legendary elf, the emperor of fire, he has progressed so fast.

"Boy, what do you want to do?" Dr. Jia Jiu felt that something was wrong. Legend has it that the ability of the elf should not be underestimated. He threatened, "You better not make any plans, otherwise don't blame me for killing you!" Although so He said, but he was helpless to the actions of Ao Feng and the elves~www.readwn.com~ The light wall could not help blocking Ao Feng's attack, and also separated him from the other side of the river.

Ao Feng naturally ignored his words. Seeing that the elves were almost ready, he directly shouted, "Aim for the crack in the upper right corner, prepare, and launch!"

The elves roared angrily, released the skills they had accumulated to their peak, and slammed exactly where Ao Feng pointed.

With the violent roar and strong wind, the wall of light trembled, the crack spread to the whole, and with a crisp sound, it disintegrated instantly.

"What?" Dr. Jia Jiu's expression changed greatly, and he glanced at the progress beside him. Seventy-three percent, they must not be disturbed!

"Emperor Yan, Celebi, focus on attacking the metal device and save Giratina!" I don't know if it's too late, but Ao Feng still has to do his best to save him. However, Ao Feng didn't notice that Dr. Jia Jiu took out a gun from behind, his eyes showed hesitation, but when he saw that his device was about to be destroyed, hesitation turned into ruthlessness.

"Since you have to do this, you can't blame me!" Dr. Gaku raised his gun and aimed at Celebi.

Only at this moment did Ao Feng notice Dr. Jia Jiu's movements, his expression changed, and he rushed forward: "Celebi, be careful!"

Celebi was hugged by Ao Feng and rolled to the side. Dr. Jia Jiu, who was not very proficient in marksmanship, just shot. What appeared was not a laser, but a gray ray. Passing through the previous position of Celebi and falling on the tree behind, the tree instantly turned into nothingness.

"What is this?" Kerr exclaimed while covering her mouth, unable to imagine what would happen if Celebi touched the light.

With a loud bang, the destructive light of the fossilized pterosaur slammed into Dr. Gaku's feet, blasting him out, preventing him from threatening this side for the time being.


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