Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 222: Gotha Duck vs Gotha Duck

"Gotha Duck, Aofeng player also chose to let Gotha Duck play after Gaomei player replaced Gotha Duck. In this civil war between Gotha Duck, who can be the king?" Light a fire again and become king? Very interesting.

As the commentary said, the two Gotha ducks became eager to try when they found their opponents. Aofeng's Goda Duck (later known as Goda Duck (1)) endured so many games, and finally came on the field to fight, but he encountered the same elf as himself, and immediately jumped on the stone pillar, his eyes burning staring at each other.

And Gao Mei's Goda Duck (Gotha Duck (2)) can be used as the finale, so naturally, needless to say, he doesn't flinch at all and looks at Aofeng's Goda Duck.

"Gotha Duck, use the water jet!" Gaomei's aggressiveness was still so strong, so she attacked first.

Godard Duck (2) nodded slightly, and his whole body was wrapped in the water flow, and then the water flow hit downwards. With the help of the impact of the water current, Goda Duck (2) rushed out like a rocket.

"Goda Duck, the wave of water." Ao Feng still started with the wave of water as always, but the skills were the same, but the results were different.

Between the eye contact, Gotha Duck (1) already understood what Ao Feng meant, a smirk appeared on his face, he gathered a little strength, condensed into fist-sized water fluctuations, and threw it at Gotha Duck (2). go out.

Godard Duck (2), believing that it has a strong attack power, doesn't care about this small fluctuation of water at all, and hit it hard. As expected, the waves of the water shattered when touched, but, thinking of the beginning, he did not think of the end.

"Gotha duck, be careful!" Gao Mei reminded loudly, but, is it still useful?

The wave of water that was just broken did not scatter, but regrouped again as if it was connected, directly wrapping the Gotha duck (2) in it. Immediately afterwards, shocks appeared continuously in the fluctuations of the water, and the continuous attacks made Godard Duck (2) unable to maintain the jet of water, stopped in the air, and screamed.

This is the wave, the wave of water! All Katie dogs can understand the fluctuation of fire from Godard Duck's understanding of water fluctuations. How can Godard Duck's own understanding of water fluctuations be poor?

"God Duck, use psychic power!" Gao Mei immediately shouted when she realized that the situation was not good.

Goda Duck (2)'s eyes flashed, and he resisted a shock wave, his eyes lit up, and he opened a psychic mask, just to keep the water fluctuations away.

Good luck, there is no confusion, Ao Feng shook his head, he has done experiments, the use of water fluctuations has the greatest probability of causing confusion, but it doesn't matter if there is no confusion: "God Duck, we also use mind power!"

Godard Duck (1) stood steadily, and the webbed fingers of the duck pointed to the water surface, just below Godard Duck (2). With a slight hook of his finger, with a pop, a water column shot up into the sky and hit Godard Duck (2), causing it to fly back upside down. Even if he still had a psychic shield on his body, he could not escape being hurt.

It’s true that Gao Mei’s elf has a strong attack power, and it’s true that Aofeng’s elf has not developed too badly, but this does not mean that the attack power of the elf around Ao Feng will be relatively poor. With Ao Feng’s character, The vast majority of battles are aggressive.

This venue is a perfect home for Godard Duck (1). Many skills that were difficult to use before can be used with the support of the venue. Before that, it was the thought force acting on the field, using the water in the field to make an attack, all he needed to do was to control and use his own energy as a guide.

Godard Duck (2) rolled over in the air, landed on the stone pillar that was standing at the beginning, stepped back for a distance, and barely stopped at the edge. Although it was suppressed, the fighting intent in his eyes did not diminish at all. . Gao Mei's face was solemn, and she suffered a loss at the beginning. At present, it is very difficult to think about getting close. If you bombard it from a distance, can you beat it?

Gao Mei herself is not someone who likes to hesitate. It can be seen from the fact that her elf is always attacking. It's just a game, so what if you lose? After I made up my mind, I put aside all my concerns and let go: "God Duck, use all your strength to destroy the death light!"

"God Duck, use the water cannon!" Ao Feng sighed that Gao Mei still used the wrong skill. Generally speaking, the power of destroying the death light is indeed greater than the power of the water cannon, but that is in most venues. The place of water.

Gotha Duck (2) closed his eyes and accumulated the destruction of death light. He would use this skill to defeat his opponent. The same idea as Gaomei made him feel that the accumulation of skills was faster and the power seemed to be stronger.

Gotha Duck (1) also closed his eyes, and drew a circle in the air with one hand, but he was not preparing skills, but communicating with the field. To put it bluntly, spiritual power penetrated the field. If you use the water cannon to collide with the death light of Goda duck (2), you may not be able to fight~www.readwn.com~ In any case, the possibility of focusing on training a skill cannot be ruled out, so it is best to use the venue. choose.

There is another reason. In the first battle of the Vortex Islands Tournament, as Ao Feng said, he must win beautifully.

Gotha Duck (2) opened his eyes, and Gotha Duck (1) also opened his eyes. Both parties were extremely confident in themselves, and whoever was better would be the next blow.

The red gem on Godard Duck (2)'s head exploded into a bright red light, and the orange-yellow light beam that was closer to red suddenly rushed out. At the same time, the surface of the water on the field suddenly vibrated. At this time, the discerning people watching the battle outside realized that the water in the field was rhythmically following the hands of the blue-eyed Gotha Duck (1).

A water dragon burst out of the water, and rushed up to meet the death light of destruction. Said to be a water dragon, in fact, only the head is more like the legendary dragon, and the body is not so clear. There is no head-on, but with the rhythm of the hand of Goda duck (1), it revolves around the destruction of the dead light, while the destruction of the dead light is spent.

If anyone pays attention, they will find that the frequency of the water dragon's circling is exactly the same as the frequency of the hand of the Godduck (1).

It's just that simple circling, but it prevents the destruction of the dead light from being able to take a step beyond the thunder pool, and it is blocked for life. Compared with the Gotha Duck (2), the Gotha Duck (1) is constantly depleting both mental and physical energy. But the main body is the water in the field, and the consumption rate of Gotha Duck (1) is much slower than that of Gotha Duck (2).

Aofeng said it was a water cannon, but it represented the same guidance method as a water cannon. Take the water gun and water cannon as an example. Both skills can be done by manipulating the water in the field, but the two skills with different powers require completely different guidance methods. Much more than a water gun.

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