Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 223: Eclectic

As for the guidance method, it's very mysterious, Goda Ya understands it, but it's not clear, and Aofeng also knows a little bit about it. If there must be an explanation, it's more appropriate to use resonance or resonance.

What do you rely on to use your skills? Its own spiritual power mobilizes the energy in the body to form an attack output, which can be regarded as a resonance of the energy driven by the spiritual power.

With the help of the field attack, the mental force is applied to the outside, and then part of the energy in the body is output, and the attack method in the body is continuously simulated in the field, driving the water in the field to form the same form, and finally under the guidance of the spiritual force attack from below.

Of course, to put it simply, it is actually not that easy, because Goda Duck uses two skills, one is water cannon, and the other is psychic power.

Just relying on mental power to mobilize the water in the field, the Heavenly King Realm may be able to do it, but Gotha Duck can't do it now, even if his mental power is strong, he can't do it, only relying on mental power can he form an attack. In other words, it's another distraction-controlled app.

The distraction control of Goda Duck is different from the distraction control of Hippo King. Goda Duck's consumption is not very large. How much can a guide and control consume?

Distraction control, after the Azure Gym, the continuous use of skills failed, although Ao Feng did not care and gave him comfort, but his own self-blame did not decrease, and the subsequent training was more stringent on himself, day and night, sleepless nights Training, only the current results. Fortunately, he still listened to Ao Feng's words. When Ao Feng asked him to rest, he wouldn't insist on it. With the addition of dietary energy, his body would have collapsed long ago.

Today's achievements are the result of his hard work and sweat.

If there is no way to solve it, Gotha Duck will have such a title in the field of water - invincible on the same level. It is a pity that it can only be used in the field of water, and the field of water is only one of the many battle fields, and the restrictions are relatively large.

"What is this? Player Aofeng's Goda Duck used a water cannon like a dragon dance to suppress the destruction of the death light, making it difficult to advance the destruction of the death light! Player Gao Mei's most proud attack did not achieve the slightest result, except for the steaming. There is no way to make a decent attack except for a lot of water mist!" The commentator's voice was obviously a bit louder, although he had commented on many games and had seen many scenes, the scene in front of him still surprised him.

In the players' lounge, Bingyu's Adam's apple rolled, and her eyes were wide open: "This, this is true? Yu Ning, pinch me, I must be dreaming!"

Immediately after, screams like killing pigs came from the lounge.

"Sister, sister, do you want to be so ruthless!" Bing Yu rubbed her red ears with both hands and complained with tears in her eyes.

Yu Ning looked a little sluggish. Goda Duck's performance in the doubles match was very strong. She thought it would be very good, but she didn't expect that it was just the tip of the iceberg. I replied casually: "You find it yourself, I helped you and you still blame me."

Bingyu immediately closed his mouth and argued with his sister, which was reasonable and unreasonable, and moved directly to the most important topic: "Is Aofeng really from the Wuyi family? Why do I feel more like a member of our family? How can talent feel more perverted than me." He said that talent does not necessarily favor those family children.

He asked himself that it is very difficult for him to achieve this level. It can't be said that he is using the power of nature, but using it directly. He never thought of such an attack until he saw it.

Each family has its own unique skills, but these are not within the inheritance. Everyone has to walk their own way. The teaching of tactics and tactics is not a help, but a limitation. Except for the basic knowledge and the necessary training methods such as improving the quality of flames, the family's savings allow them to worry about the future, and all other development requires them to explore and find their own path. In a word, in this world, they want to make their own way. In this respect, it is no different from other trainers.

The same is true for Aofeng. No one pointed it out in front of him, and he had to think about everything by himself. Dare to think, dare to act, dare to break the routine, and the improvement after repeated failures laid the foundation for his success.

From the very beginning, the combo of Xiaolu skills is connected at the most suitable place, and there are shadows of martial arts skills. In the previous year, Aofeng was still relatively disciplined. After all, he only had one year to participate in the Quartz Conference. Relatively too weak, focusing on self-development, there is not much room for display.

But after arriving in Chengdu, two years have let him relax, the high-speed period of his own development has passed, and it is more important to find his own way than thinking about how to improve his level~www.readwn.com~ .

And more importantly, he was lucky enough to meet a partner who could put his ideas into practice.

In Shuimo City, the pseudo-combination skill of the fossilized pterosaur imitating the armored bird was the first step. Then, in Aldolan Castle, the understanding of Xiaolu martial arts went further, martial arts was completely integrated into the skills, and the fighting style was free and changeable. After that, Katie joined the team. Although he experienced some twists and turns, he finally became a rare member of the team. Not a display of his talent.

Besides, the current Gotha Duck and Hippo King, how many kinds of elves are born with the water system and possess strong spiritual power?

Apart from the divine beasts and super divine beasts, there are only a few types, and the two that Ao Feng encountered were all like this. Ao Feng was also fortunate. At that time, he was soft-hearted in the wild wilderness area, and took in the silly performance of Da Duck. He did not expect to recruit two generals in the future.

Distracted control, using the field to attack, the Whirlpool Islands Competition has become their best display stage.

Hippo King is indeed not as strong as Goda Duck at present. This is the difference between him and his trainer. Although he is training, he does not have a trainer to guide him right away. It will be worse every day. form.

So Aofeng gave the elves who stayed at home a training direction. The most important thing was to let them train the basics, the most basic training skills, improve the power and proficiency of skills, and then train on physical fitness and so on. Every time Aofeng went to a region, he would change the elf around him. With a good foundation, Aofeng's idea could be realized and his extraordinary combat power could be exerted.

With a solid foundation, the courage to create, eclectic, and unremitting efforts are the strengths of Aofeng.

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