Pokemon Pride Maple

: Phone, another option

When Lucario realized that he had said the wrong thing, it was already too late, and he looked a little flustered when he saw Ao Feng's expression.

"Take a good rest, and don't do this again." Ao Feng's expression was gloomy, and he didn't say more, patted Lucario on the shoulder and turned to leave.

"Brother Feng (Brother Feng, Ao Feng)!" The other elves, Ke'er, and Yu Ning all chased after him, leaving only Lucario standing there dumbfounded.

Lucario stretched out his hand and wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed it.

"Okay, you can go do your own work, I'm fine." Ao Feng turned his head and smiled, but no matter how he looked at the smile, it was so reluctant, "I'll go back to my room first."

He waved his hands to keep them from following, walked up to the second floor alone, and locked himself in the room.

Is everything I do in vain? When he heard Lucario call out Aaron's name at that time, Jiyou thought of letting him go back. After so long, he still couldn't change him. Ao Feng felt that he was very tired and let Lucario stay. Being around, the result is that Lucario suffers, and he suffers too.

He has been working hard, but he did not expect such a result.

He wanted to let Lucario go back to the World Tree and stay by Aaron's side, but he was reluctant. After getting along for so long, he didn't know how Lucario felt. He had already regarded Lucario as a friends.

He took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and then put the phone to his ear and waited quietly.

Soon, there was a response from there: "Son? Why did you call again so soon, miss your mother?"

"Mom." Ao Feng heard this voice as if his whole body was relaxed, he was silent for a while, and said.

"What's wrong? Tell your mother something." Even if she didn't see Ao Feng's appearance, she could easily judge Ao Feng's state from the sound alone. In the world, there is no child who knows her better than her parents. of. She used to be very strong, but now she is extremely gentle.

Ao Feng bit his lip and said everything about Lucario: "Mom, what do you think I should do?"

"Actually, you already have the answer in your heart, don't you?" Qingxi's gentle voice came over, and Ao Feng was stunned for a moment, that's true. He has already had a tendency, but he has never been able to make up his mind, even now, it is the same. He called his mother, one wanted to hear her opinion, and the other wanted her to help him strengthen his mind.

"You hope they all have a good life. If you think he'll be happier if he leaves you, just do it, but" Qingxi suddenly took a turn, "you'd better ask Lucario what he thinks, maybe he's already there. The changes are subtly and subtly, but I don’t want to admit it, and I don’t show it.”

Sure enough, it was Mom, she guessed his thoughts thoroughly. Ao Feng turned over and said in a muffled voice, "How can I ask?"

"Well, look at yourself, my son is so smart, why don't you ask me about this trivial matter?" Qingxi's tone became relaxed.

"Uh, okay, by the way, Mom, there is one more thing, you said that I would call you when I reached energy fusion." Ao Feng's voice fell, but there was no response from the other end of the phone.

After waiting for a while, Qingxi hadn't spoken yet, and Aofeng asked suspiciously, "Mom?"

"Oh, Xiaofeng, I didn't expect you to reach this level so quickly, what kind of energy did you realize?" Qingxi asked, if he cultivated by himself, Aofeng's advancement speed would be a bit terrifying.

"Uh, Mom, I didn't tell you something. I acquired the ability to guide the waveguide some time ago." Ao Feng said a little embarrassedly.

Qingxi was not surprised, instead she seemed to be relieved: "So it is, but this is not important, Xiaofeng, do you know why I asked you to inform me at this time?"

"Is there a special cultivation method?" Ao Feng asked hesitantly.

"No, I want to tell you bad news." Qingxi's voice became serious.

Ao Feng was startled, sat up and felt something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"There is one more headache for you. You have to choose between cultivating martial arts and being a Pokémon trainer." Qingxi said word by word, and then waited for a while for Ao Feng to digest this In other words, she knew that Ao Feng would definitely not accept it easily. She knows everything about Ao Feng, and she is also clear about his thoughts. If she doesn't say it, it doesn't mean she doesn't care.

"You must be asking me why, I'll tell you slowly, do you know why I chose a Pokémon breeder instead of becoming a powerful trainer? You all know my little elves, no need to say more about how strong they are Well, you must know that when my father and I met, we were about the same strength as him."

Qingxi's words made Ao Feng's doubts disappear. He wanted to say that it wasn't because he liked it? But in fact it does not appear to be the case.

"I love martial arts and elves, and I faced the same choice as you back then." Qingxi's voice was a little ethereal, as if she was recalling something, "As I said to you just now, martial arts and elves are a trainer. A choice has to be made.”

"I chose martial arts, so I switched from a trainer to a breeder who is also closely related to elves~www.readwn.com~ because it doesn't take much energy."

"Everyone's energy is limited, and cultivating martial arts to a certain level requires full concentration. The same is true for elf trainers. It is also the pursuit of strength. Taking care of the two will only lead to the mean, and in the end, nothing will be achieved. It will delay you and delay yours guys."

"I didn't expect you to face this choice at this time, but this is something you must face." Qingxi's voice was a little apologetic. He knew that this had added a lot of burden to Ao Feng's heart. She had experienced it, so she knew How difficult is this choice, not to mention that Aofeng is still under pressure from Lucario's affairs.

Ao Feng was silent for a while, before saying, "I understand, let's hang up first."

Pressing the button to stop the conversation, Ao Feng threw the phone aside and lay down on the bed again, what should I do? He didn't know, really didn't know.

Why did he practice martial arts? The memory of his childhood was deeply imprinted in his heart. He wanted to protect his friends through his own power. Now he is only one step away from gaining stronger power, but he can't step out no matter what.

Make him give up the path of being an elf trainer? How is it possible, his dream has never changed. If he gives up, what should Xiaolu and the others do? They all have the heart of a strong man. Just giving up like this is equivalent to ruining the future of the elves.

Headache. These days have been enough headaches, but now things are even more troublesome.

Outside, the sky suddenly became dark, and countless thunders flashed, as if the sky was also angry.

"Is it going to rain?" Ao Feng didn't care, and didn't care. Downstairs, a pair of boys and girls were fighting, chasing the elf who ran away for some reason, and ran towards the place with the most thunder and lightning.

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