Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 259: The suppressed thunder

Unknowingly, it was getting dark, Ao Feng scratched his hair that had been messed up by him. It was almost time to eat. Although he had no appetite, he still had to show his face, otherwise the two girls should be worried. A lot of brain cells died this afternoon, but I still can't think of what to do.

Glancing out the window. The ground is still dry, is it raining after thunderstorms?

When he walked downstairs, he was taken aback. The center of the elf was already surrounded, especially outside the door of the elf's medical room.

There are several policemen guarding the door now, otherwise I'm afraid these people have already rushed in,

She searched the crowd, and soon found Ke'er's figure, and walked over quickly: "Ke'er, what happened?"

Ke'er was also startled when she saw Ao Feng. His current state is really not very good, his hair is messy, his eyes are a little red, and his smile has faded a lot, looking very reluctant.

"Brother Feng, are you alright?" Ke'er asked worriedly.

Ao Feng smiled bitterly: "It's nothing to do now, let's talk about the situation first."

Ke'er took a closer look and found that he was in good spirits, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "You heard the thunder outside this afternoon."

Ao Feng blinked: "I heard it, so what's the matter?"

"That's not the weather, it's Lei Gong." Ke'er didn't deliberately lower her voice, anyway, everyone here knew about it, and before Ao Feng could continue to ask, Ke'er continued, "There are two trainers today. It was discovered that the Rockets were going to arrest Lei Gong, using special props to absorb electricity, making Lei Gong’s attack completely ineffective, and finally Lei Gong was severely injured and was almost taken away, but fortunately they rescued him.”

"Lei Gong also appeared?" Ao Feng raised his brows, but he was not interested in seeing the only Lei Gong he had never seen in the Three Holy Beasts, "It's good to be rescued, and let's put aside the aspect of Team Rocket's bad deeds, Their ability to act and scientific research is still very strong. They are active so often, and they can always come up with novel things. Well, I will go get some food and go back. "

"Brother Feng, are you still thinking about Lucario? Don't be too sad, he is also unintentional." Ke'er took Ao Feng's hand.

Ao Feng was stunned for a moment, but this seemed to be the first time he took the initiative to take his hand: "Don't worry, it will be alright, I might need you to do me a favor in a few days, and there are other things to consider."

"Ao Feng, don't think too much about it." Ao Feng was about to turn around and leave when he heard this sentence and suddenly stumbled under his feet, almost falling, but Ke'er retracted his hand in panic.

"Yu Ning, who wants to seek short-term views! I haven't lived enough." Ao Feng said angrily.

"That's good, let's go and have dinner." Completely ignoring Ao Feng's glare, Yu Ning took Ke'er to the restaurant as if nothing had happened.

Shaking his head, he followed helplessly.

One night passed like this. The next morning, Ao Feng was awakened by a startle. There was no other reason. The center of the elf shook violently after the morning, and there was a huge roar at the same time.

"Fuck, there's an earthquake?" Ao Feng quickly got up, only to find that the shaking had stopped.

I went downstairs to check, only to find that someone had opened a big hole in the wall at the center of the elf: "What the hell, was it attacked by terrorists?"

"It's Lord Lei. After he woke up, he broke through the wall and left. After so many years, he still doesn't trust people." Miss Joy came over with a sad look in her eyes.

"There will always be breakthroughs. At present, it seems that Emperor Yan and Suijun's senses of human beings are not bad." Ao Feng stretched his waist. Now that he is awake, let's go to activities.

On the other side, in the valley not far from the Pokémon center, two people stood there, holding a notebook in their hands, constantly debugging some data. In front of them was a black crystal, and behind them was a mecha and a ship. aircraft.

"He will come," said the silver-haired man.

"Definitely, that guy must want to destroy this crystal and interfere with the survival of electric Pokémon. As long as we have more influence, he will definitely take the bait." The yellow-haired man quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard. . Light flickered on the black crystal, and the sky that was still clear suddenly became covered with dark clouds, and a lightning bolt suddenly fell, facing the black crystal.

However, the thunder and lightning seemed to be incomparably powerful, but it didn't work at all, and the crystal didn't even shake. No, it still worked. Said that the surrounding gray mask expanded in a circle, and the data on the notebook in the yellow-haired man's hand was beating rapidly.

The yellow-haired man smiled contemptuously: "Look, he didn't come here. He was easily defeated by us. This is a challenge to him. It's impossible for the arrogant legendary elf to swallow his voice."

As if to confirm his words, a yellow figure jumped several times and came to the front of the two. With a low roar, it released an electric shock and attacked the yellow-haired man.

The yellow-haired man didn't feel panic at all~www.readwn.com~ The silver-haired man beside him didn't look worried at all, instead he smiled and said, "Poussin, look, you really are more annoying."

Seeing that the electric shock was about to hit Pusen, however, the current turned around in the air and was just absorbed by the black crystal.

"Haha, what about Lei Gong, nothing in front of our crystal system!" Pusen laughed.

As if provoked by Pusen, Lei Gong kept sending out a series of electric attacks, but the target was no longer Pusen, but the hateful crystal that absorbed his lightning.

Seeing Lei Gong 'consciously' charging the crystal, the two of them had smug smiles on their faces, let's attack, you won't be able to leave after you attack enough! Although this mission has some twists and turns, it is generally smooth.

"Come on, big steel snake, armored bird! Get him into the energy shield!" Rai Gong was almost exhausted, and the two of them threw a pokeball and shouted.

The big steel snake was the first to attack, and with a flick of its tail, it was about to hit Lei Gong, but Lei Gong avoided it with his sensitive skills, and responded with a 100,000 volts, but the result was the same as before, pulled by the crystal to absorb it.

Facing such an elf, even if it is a legendary elf, what is there to fear? The attack of the armored bird followed closely, and Yan returned to cut Lei Gong, who was gasping because of the energy consumption, and beat him to stagger forward a few steps, getting closer and closer to the gray hood.

Although he is very powerful, what can he do when his proud electric attack is completely useless? It was precisely because he believed too much in his electric attack that he didn't pay attention to learning other skills. In the face of two elves that he could easily defeat in the past, he was beaten very embarrassingly. Under the joint attack, they retreated step by step.

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