Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 331: 4 people

"Shining, Shining?" His eyes widened, but he didn't expect that this new student had a flashing elf by his side. His cry attracted a lot of attention, and he responded apologetically, "Sorry."

"It's alright, it's going to be seen sooner or later, so don't be so surprised, it's quite a cute little guy." Ao Feng smiled, thinking that this person's character is not bad. Putting his hair down, Laluras is still very shy now, he doesn't want to go back to the Poke Ball, and he doesn't want to see too many people, so he used this method.

Feeling the kindness of the person who came, he stretched out a hand: "Nice to meet you, Ao Feng."

The man walked in front of Aofeng and shook hands with Aofeng: "Reno." Although he was sitting in front, it was suitable for him to be taller than Aofeng. Although he was wearing a school uniform, it couldn't hide his bulging muscles. Looks like a trainer. And this person was one of those people Ao Feng noticed who had confidence in himself.

After this person, a few more people came up to get to know Ao Feng on their own initiative, and they all seemed to be quite friendly. Of course, there are friendly ones and unfriendly ones, and most of them pass by Ao Feng.

The difference is that a few people dismissed Ao Feng and walked by with their heads held high, while more people slipped by with their heads lowered. The Glitter Pixie only caught their attention a little.

Ao Feng looked at everything in his eyes, but kept his head down. He didn't understand why the college arranged this way. Such excellent people would be better, and poor students would be worse and worse. All that's left is self-defeating. In such an environment, how many other people can you think of working hard?

With a sigh, these are not what he wants to manage now. He can't do anything as a freshman, he's not familiar with it, and he doesn't have much communication. Walked out of the classroom with Reno and stood in the line that the teacher barely maintained.

Divided into two teams, basically all of them are boys, yes, no matter how bad the girls are, they shouldn't be reduced to this level, and there are not many women who become trainers.

The ratio of males to females in the trainer academy in the academy is 9:1, which is not enough, but in class F, it can be said that it is a Shaolin Temple, and there are no more than five girls in total. The medical school is the place where every boy yearns for girls. There are very few boys, and people who want to become elf doctors are generally not bad. However, unless they want to be a doctor, very few boys give up their dreams to become doctors in order to pick up girls.

Doing this is indeed a step closer to the girls, but it does not mean that people who are close to the water can get the moon first, and who can even abandon their own dreams, what else can they keep? Of course, having true love is another matter.

While walking, chatting with Renault, he was probably his first friend when he entered the academy. Renault was very enthusiastic and introduced him to the situation in the academy, especially in the class.

"There are a few people in our class, you should pay attention to them. They are very strong, but they are not very good tempered. I don't know why they were assigned here." Looks like, it is estimated that those people suffered a loss.

Ao Feng didn't ask any further questions and waited for Renault to continue.

"First of all, the man with blond hair and no school uniform jacket is our monitor, Ford." Renault pointed to the man in the middle of the team and said.

Ao Feng was stunned and smiled, "Volt? Is there a hundred thousand?"

Renault quickly made a gesture of silence: "Boss hates people talking about this. It's not the volt of 100,000 volts, it's the F of the surname. Anyway, just don't provoke him, and he won't make trouble with others."

"That's Nissa, who ranks second in strength. Don't underestimate her just because she's a girl. She is usually very gentle, but if she really angers her, even the boss has to stay away from the edge." Ci Renault pointed to a girl.

Ao Feng looked over and saw a girl with long light brown hair braided into a ponytail. She wasn't very good-looking, but she looked very approachable. She always had a shallow smile on her face, not as sharp as Furt. Said that Aofeng really would not pay special attention to this girl.

"The third person, it's that guy." This time Renault pointed to a very thin man, "His name is Luke, don't look at him thin, in addition to the elves are very strong, fighting is also a good hand, I do not He must have beaten him, and this guy is very nasty, and provoking him means you're going to be in trouble for a while."

"Ranked fourth, it's called Lucas. I heard that the family is a bit underworld. I don't know if it's true, but everyone who was transferred to our class before will be taught a lesson by him. According to him, it is from another class. The person who turned around was full of arrogance. If you don't suppress it, you don't know how old you are. So he is probably the first contact you have, so be careful." Renault's expression was a little serious, "Don't worry, if he troubles you, I won't. If you sit back and watch, although you can't beat him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can always help."

"What stage of their strength are they at, Heavenly King?" Ao Feng raised his eyebrows.

Renault couldn't help laughing bitterly: "Brother, you think Heavenly Kings can be seen everywhere, our oldest is only fifteen years old, where did such a young Heavenly King come from, even those who graduated are just quasi-kings, now the strength of the eldest should be an elite At the intermediate level, others are slightly inferior, but not too much."

"However, it's hard to say for our current session. It is said that the squad leader of Class A has reached the peak of the elite, and I don't know when they will break through to the quasi-king." In the end, Renault added another sentence.

Elite middle class? Then don't worry, I hope they don't make trouble for him. Just because he doesn't want to ask for trouble doesn't mean he can be asked for trouble. He is still happy to slap him when someone asks for it.

Xiaolu and the other five quasi-celestial kings were pressed by Aofeng to meet the elite beginners, but it was not worth fighting against the intermediate ones. Anyway, they had all the experience and skills. Besides them, most of the elves are in the elite class. The two longest-lived guys, Gengar and Nine-Tails, are almost at the peak of the elite. The Beagle, King Hippo, and Three-headed Dragon are not worse than the middle class of the elite. The strong chicken and the fangtooth land shark that have not completed the final evolution are also very strong, what is there to be afraid of?

Right now, he just wants to be a quiet and beautiful man, ahem, his student.

The opening ceremony was held in the auditorium of the college. It can be seen that the students of class F are indeed the most unpopular in the college. Students in other classes see that they are like a group of scumbags, and not only the classrooms and facilities Poor, the position in the auditorium is also very poor, it is simply the most unpopular low-level person.

Ao Feng himself didn't care about these things, but he was very curious. Why are the four people Renault mentioned so calm in this class? Don't they want to fight for it?

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