Pokemon Pride Maple

Chapter 332: bully

These Aofeng are just thinking about it by themselves now, there is no way to ask, but if they get along, they will always find the reason.

The opening ceremony was nothing more than a gathering of the students, listening to the headmaster's endless talk, Ao Feng didn't bother to care what he said, and when he woke up, the opening ceremony was over. Today, apart from the opening ceremony, there is nothing else to do. Ao Feng went back to the dormitory to train the elves.

"Morning, classmate Aofeng." He habitually got up early to exercise, and it was not even seven o'clock after breakfast. He walked slowly into the classroom and found that there were already a few people in it.

The one who greeted her was one of the few girls in the class. She didn't have any impression of her Ao Feng, but it's always not good to ignore her when someone greeted her, so she smiled and nodded: "Hello."

He frowned and swept around the classroom twice, before barely finding his place. To be honest, it seemed like a headache to deal with the mess, and it didn't look like a normal classroom.

It was still early, put Darubi on the table and teased him.

The students entered the classroom one after another, and the crowd only increased ten minutes before class, and most of them came last. Ao Feng reckoned that if it wasn't for the academy's regulations, these people would not have come to the classroom at all.

Ao Feng deliberately observed the four people that Renault mentioned yesterday. How should I put it, it is not too late to come to class, and it is not someone who neglects the class.

Nissa came first. Girls always care more than boys in school. After she came in, she gave everyone a smile, and then a pair of beautiful big eyes paused on Ao Feng for a while. When she saw Dai Ruby, her eyes There was a hint of surprise, but he didn't say anything. He nodded to Ao Feng and sat down in his seat.

Did you see it? The girls are really attentive. Ao Feng thought to himself that he did not hide Dai Ruby's lame leg. With Ao Feng's encouragement, Dai Ruby was no longer persistent and inferior, so there was no need to hide it deliberately and accept it calmly. The eyes of others are irrelevant. He is working hard, and Ao Feng is also working hard. He believes that the contempt and contempt in the eyes of others will one day turn into amazement.

Behind Nissa, the monitor, Ford and Luke, came one after another. Unlike Nissa, as soon as they entered the classroom, the students all retreated and kept a certain distance from them. Ao Feng raised his eyebrows, worthy of being the strongest, with a lot of power and domineering. The originally relaxed atmosphere cooled down instantly after they came in.

Seemingly feeling Ao Feng's gaze, Ford turned his head and glanced at Ao Feng, but his stern gaze fell on Ao Feng but had no effect at all. Ford was startled, then chuckled, not paying too much attention. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers? But if so.

Ao Feng has already covered up his former sharpness, and looks like an ordinary student.

In the end, it was Lucas. As soon as he came in, he found Ao Feng and stood in front of Ao Feng's table. A shadow cast a shadow under the light, covering half of the desk, looking down at Ao Feng, grinning and pulling out a smile: "Hello, transfer student, newcomer?"

Do you oppress new students on the first day? Ao Feng was unmoved, still lowered his head and stroked Dai Ruby's smooth fur. He didn't have the habit of looking up at others: "Otherwise?"

Seemingly influenced by Ao Feng, Dai Ruby didn't seem to notice this person at all, and directly ignored him and the low pressure he brought.

"Lucas! Looking for trouble with new classmates on the first day of school?" Lucas raised his eyebrows and was about to say something else when a tall figure walked in and saw Lucas staring at Ao Feng. Roared, "You haven't fallen to the point of bullying newcomers, you want to beat me to accompany you."

Without saying what he wanted to say, Lucas glanced at him, snorted coldly, and walked back to his seat.

Ao Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Renault, who had just arrived. It seemed that his strength was not bad if he could challenge Lucas. He thought that someone would trouble him, but he didn't expect that someone he had just met would stand up for him. Also, what a newcomer, I'm not a newcomer, I can only say whether it's a newcomer or not, like Xiaobai.

"Are you all right?" Renault strode over and asked Ao Feng.

"It's alright, just say a few words, we're all classmates, don't be so nervous." Ao Feng didn't care. Someone wanted to trouble him, but he didn't mind teaching him how to behave.

After confirming that Aofeng was all right, Renault breathed a sigh of relief: "You don't know, I also turned around, not only was he caught by him to fight the Pokémon, but he also beat him up, he didn't do it lightly, I'm pretty good. , and a few later ones were sent to the hospital by him."

"It's ruthless, isn't it a classmate?" Ao Feng looked at Lucas and said thoughtfully.

"Hehe, classmate? Do you think there are a few people in this class who will treat the people around them as classmates. The strong are disdainful, the weak are cowardly, and some are just friends." Renault sighed, "I hope there are more Some friends, not Tian Tian, ​​are in a classroom with most of these people who don't even know their names~www.readwn.com~ can't speak a word for a day."

"Why did the academy make such arrangements?" Ao Feng asked the doubts in his heart. He has always been unable to understand the meaning of the academy. If there are not these strongest people, it would be better to say that the people who were eliminated into this class now are very weak, and if they are suppressed again, isn't that the day they will never turn over? The confidence of the students is seriously lacking. What they need now is not only strength, but also confidence.

"I'm not quite sure. There will be a regular shift of students every two months, probably to stimulate the students. Indeed, the good ones are better, and the average ones are also angry, but these bottom..." Reno shook his head.

With a flash of light in his mind, he kept thinking about why he was assigned here, and continued to ask, "Is there any other way to get to other classes?"

"Yes, class battles can be initiated at any time. For example, our class challenges Class E. If we win, our class will be swapped with Class E. If we, the challenger, lose, all students in our class will not allow it. Participate in the next big competition." Renault said.

"Have you never challenged?"

"No, class battles aren't that simple. You don't know what our class looks like. People are not at the same level. To challenge like this is to seek abuse. Moreover, the college competition is very important to us, except for the top few. In addition to the selection of rankings, badges, and elf residence, it is also related to the distribution of points. If you participate in the competition, even the last place will have basic points, enough to live for a quarter, but if you can't participate, you will have nothing."

Points, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the most important thing in the academy. The rent required by the elves is the points. To obtain various resources in the academy, points are required to be exchanged, and even the points are used for meals.

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