Pokemon Pride Maple

: Sheet 340 Stealing home?

Ao Feng looked back at his wife who was stuck on the ground, yawned boredly, and threw three Poke Balls, Gengar, Nine Tails, and Laluras appeared in front of him.

"According to the original plan, call me when someone comes." Just leave the rest to the elf to do the rest. He chose to bring Genggui and Jiuwei to participate in the class battle. Of course, he has his purpose. He needs to worry more.

Lying on the lawn, folded his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes.

Laluras teleported to Ao Feng's stomach and lay down. Geng Gui and Jiuwei looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. Such a trainer was speechless. Nodding to Jiuwei, Geng Gui quietly disappeared, and Jiuwei looked around, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he formed a ball beside Ao Feng and fell asleep. Ears pricked up, warning everything.

"This kid..." Wu Yue looked at the scene on the screen, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead. It was the first time he saw such a wonderful student. Is the battle good at this time? Even if the opponent has not appeared, you can't Are you nervous? Why did he still fall asleep, "Children now, I really can't understand more and more."

Wu Tong ignored him, but held his chin and pondered. Since it is unlikely that he has participated in the event, he will not pay attention to it at all. What is the trump card for one person to stay behind and dare to do this?

From the point of view of elves, the three main categories of ghost, fire, and super power seem to be nothing, especially when super power is still in its infancy. There are some clues in my heart, but I can't grasp it. I can't think of the result for a while, so Wu Tong stops thinking hard. As long as someone comes, the problem will be solved naturally.

It has been a while since Fut and the others set off. They are all vigilant about their surroundings, and they are always watching the response on the communicator. They need to obtain information on the number of people on the other side in time so that they can respond in time.

"We met here, two people." The news came from Nissa, which made them all settle down.

It didn't take long for the two of them to meet their opponents, also two people. On the other hand, Renault and Ling Yan only met one woman.

"We have one less person here, be careful." Renault immediately sent a message.

Furt and the others were all stunned, and their confidence in the two-versus-two victory was also reduced a lot. If there is one less person, then this person is either ambushing nearby and attacking, or going to steal the house. There are three main roads in Elf Canyon, but not only these places are passable, you can also reach the opposite side through the woods.

In my heart, I was somewhat worried about Ao Feng. After all, I didn't know what kind of strength it was: "Ao Feng, be careful, someone may have passed by."

The communicator kept making beeping sounds, Ao Feng rolled his eyes and glanced at the information, and finally turned off the communicator after replying "I know". Someone is coming, hehe, yes, the more the better.

"Kirby, no passage!" The green short-haired woman threw the Pokeball, and the Kirby landed on the ground, causing the ground to tremble and roaring loudly, and the white mask surrounded the surrounding space.

Renault's Ling Yan looked a little nervous. Even though he was alone, they had no certainty of winning, or in other words, no certainty of winning in a short period of time.

This person is the monitor of class E, and his strength cannot be underestimated. Standing here alone, he also used the prohibition of passage. It is clear that it will take time and not let them leave. I thought it would be a regular battle, but unexpectedly something happened.

The two released their three elves at the same time. This is not the time to be gentlemanly to a lady. They must defeat her first. Hope they can hold on.

The other six had already fought fiercely, but Ao Feng was still lying on his side. He was woken up by the communicator just after falling asleep, and now he was no longer sleepy, and looked at the sky bored.

The strong wind sounded, and the two big-billed sparrows passed through the jungle. The two sitting on the back of the big-billed sparrows jumped down and landed not far from Ao Feng.

"There are two here, so they didn't stay at their base, so they sent two people to attack." Ao Feng jumped up, patted the grass clippings on his body, and stepped back a distance, so as not to be affected by the battle for a while.

Jiuwei followed Ao Feng to stand up, but did not leave, his tail swayed slightly, his eyes lit up with purple light, and he stared at the two of class E.

Strangely, the two of them did not notice the situation here, but looked at the air with smug eyes.

"Haha, boy, I didn't expect it. We are two people to deal with you. Obediently hand over the flag and admit defeat, so as not to make your elf suffer." One of the black-haired men laughed, as if he had already regarded victory as a victory. The stuff in the bag.

"You, don't come here, you have no chance. I have contacted the squad leader and they will come back soon!" A panicked voice came from Ao Feng's mouth~www.readwn.com~ Jiuwei's body trembled. , The corners of his mouth twitched, this guy is so bad, why didn't I find out that this guy has this side before. Lalulas glanced to the side, although Ao Feng's words appeared to be very panic, but his expression did not fluctuate at all, and Lalulas suddenly felt admiration in his heart.

"Notice? What if they know about it? They can't come back now. They know they are strong, but after they beat the people intercepted by our class, it will be too late to rush over. How long do you think you can hold on? Hurry up. Give us the flag and end this farce as soon as possible!" Hearing Ao Feng's voice, the man was even more proud. Obviously, it's because the people in class F are turned to pride by their own class's tricks. Even if you are strong, you will lose to us in the end? A bunch of brainless things.

"No, no!" Ao Feng rolled his eyes and almost laughed when he said that. Watching the two talk to the air, well, it's interesting.

"Looks like you're going to ask yourself to be unlucky, don't blame me for hitting hard!" Seeing that 'Ao Feng' wasn't raising his hand, the man waved his hand and Big Mouth flew in front of him.

"Lalu." A slight cry rang out, Lalulas waved his little hand, and another blue-haired man with his sparrow was teleported to the position opposite the speaker. After finishing, looking at Ao Feng, his task has been completed.

"Good job." Ao Feng touched Laluras's head.

Jiuwei's eyes flashed for a while, the blue-haired man was in a trance, and he seemed to hear the black-haired man's voice in his ears: "You come to deal with him!" In his eyes, the black-haired man's appearance seemed to become harmonious. Ao Feng is the same.

Above the treetops, Gengar appeared. Like Nine-Tails, his eyes flashed with purple light. He jokingly looked at the two people below who were being played by him and Nine-Tails while applauding.

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